
TOURISMJOURNAL - Bafa haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, Bafa haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

The historical cathedral in Italy carries the traces of Latmos Haber

The historical cathedral in Italy carries the traces of Latmos

Drawing attention with its natural landscape and historical texture, Latmos Mountains continues to increase its charm day by day. Traces of Latmos, which enters the route of many citizens every year with its many features, especially prehistoric rock paintings, were seen in the Siena Cathedral in the Tuscany region of Italy. In the ceiling decorations of the cathedral, which was built at the end of the 13th century and is on the World Heritage List, the love between the Goddess Selene and the Shepherd Endymion in Latmos and the mythological story that resulted in Endymion's eternal sleep are told. Drawing attention to the relationship between the cathedral and the Latmos Mountains, the Ecosystem Conservation and Nature Lovers Association (EKODOSD) President Bahattin Sürücü said, "These ornaments depict the most romantic love of the ancient era and are based on a mythological story about the love between the Goddess Selene and the Shepherd Endymion, which resulted in Endymion's eternal sleep. The story takes place in the Latmos Mountains." “This story takes place only in the Latmos Mountains” Stating that there are traces of Latmos in the cathedral, which is visited by millions of tourists every year, EKODOSD President Sürücü said, “The city of Siena is a city in the Tuscany region of Italy, known for its medieval historical and cultural artifacts, visited by millions of tourists. One of the most important buildings of the city is the Siena Cathedral, which was built in the Romanesque and Gothic style at the end of the 13th century. This cathedral in the city, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List, is famous for its frescoes and paintings. In this historical building, there are priceless works of Pisano, Donatello and Michelangelo, the chief architects of the Renaissance, and paintings by Pinturicchio. More than 1 million people visit this building, which is the symbol of Siena, every year. Inside one of the ceiling decorations of the cathedral is a very important mythological story concerning the Latmos Mountains. The sacred meaning attributed to the fascinating natural landscape of the Latmos Mountains is a unique cultural heritage item that also influenced later cultures. The cultural heritage of the Latmos region has directly or indirectly affected the artistic and literary works, beliefs and traditions of Anatolian and European cultures from the prehistoric period to the present. In this mythological story in the picture, the most romantic love of antiquity is told. The mythological story about the love between the Goddess Selene and the Shepherd Endymion, which resulted in Endymion's eternal sleep, takes place in the Latmos Mountains. The mythological love story between Endymion and Selene has been especially reflected in plastic arts since the Archaic Period. This Mythological story is most often depicted in Roman sarcophagi and the eternal sleep of the pensive young man was considered a symbol of immortality. The motif of Endymion falling into eternal sleep has also been continued in the art of the recent period. One of them is a scene from the ceiling painting of the Painter Pinturicchio, found in the 'Biblioteca Piccolimini' in Siena Cathedral. The scene seen in the Roman Period sarcophagus in this painting, is made in the form of a Renaissance painting. In the sarcophagus, Latmos is personified with the sleeping Endymion in the form of a man sitting on a rock above the cave, while the summit of the mountain forms the background for the encounter of the goddess and the young man. Here, the summit is depicted as a large stone as in medieval sources. This mythological story, which symbolizes the love between the handsome young shepherd Endymion and the Moon Goddess Selene, takes place only in the Beşparmak Mountains and cannot be found anywhere." “We must protect Latmos as a whole” Sürücü said, “Those who want to live this mythological legend today come to this magnificent geography to watch the lights reflecting on Bafa Lake as the full moon comes out from behind the Beşparmak Mountains and to experience that moment. There is the Endymion sanctuary at the entrance of the ancient city of Herakleia, which is intertwined with the village of Kapıkırı. Many finds were unearthed in the excavations carried out in the sanctuary last year under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Zeliha Gider Büyüközer. However, in the holistic geography of Latmos, where all these stories take place, the mining areas are being expanded and this causes an increase in the destructions. If the destructions continue at this rate, not only the mythological stories, but also the culture that has existed since the prehistoric period, the health of the local people, their income, the biological diversity of the region, wildlife, plants, trees, water, in short, the life in these lands will completely end. The destructions in this unique geography should be stopped as soon as possible, and new permits should not be given for mining activities. Projects should be developed to promote this mountain, which is an open-air museum, to the whole world, for the benefit of local people and our country, by ensuring the protection of the mountain as a whole."

İtalya’daki tarihi katedral Latmos’un izlerini taşıyor Haber

İtalya’daki tarihi katedral Latmos’un izlerini taşıyor

Doğal peyzajı ve tarihi dokusu ile dikkat çeken Latmos Dağları, gün geçtikçe cazibesini artırmaya devam ediyor. Tarih öncesi kaya resimleri başta olmak üzere birçok özelliği ile her yıl birçok vatandaşın rotasına giren Latmos’un izleri, İtalya’nın Toscana bölgesinde bulunan Siena Katedrali’nde görüldü. 13. yüzyılın sonlarında yapılan ve Dünya Miras Listesi’nde yer alan katedralin tavan süslemelerinde, Latmos’ta geçen Tanrıça Selene ile Çoban Endymion arasındaki aşk ve Endymion’un sonsuz uykuya dalması ile sonuçlanan mitolojik hikaye anlatılıyor. Katedralin, Latmos Dağları ile ilişkisine dikkat çeken Ekosistemi Koruma ve Doğa Sevenler Derneği (EKODOSD) Başkanı Bahattin Sürücü ise “Bu süslemelerde antik çağın en romantik aşkı anlatılmaktadır ve Tanrıça Selene ile Çoban Endymion arasındaki aşkı konu alan ve Endymion’un sonsuz uykuya dalması ile sonuçlanan mitolojik hikaye, Latmos Dağları’nda geçmektedir” dedi. “Bu hikaye sadece Latmos Dağları'nda geçiyor” Her yıl milyonlarca turistin ziyaret ettiği katedralde Latmos’un izlerinin olduğunu belirten EKODOSD Başkanı Sürücü; “Siena şehri, İtalya’nın Toscana bölgesinde Ortaçağ tarihi ve kültürel eserleriyle bilinen milyonlarca turistin gittiği bir kenttir. Kentin en önemli yapılarından biri 13. yüzyılın sonlarında Romanesk ve Gotik tarzda inşa edilen Siena Katedrali’dir. UNESCO’nun Dünya Miras Listesi’nde yer alan kentteki bu katedral, freskleri ve resimleriyle ünlüdür. Bu tarihi yapıda Rönesans'ın baş mimarları Pisano, Donatello ve Michelangelo’nun paha biçilemeyen eserleri ve Pinturicchio'nun resimleri bulunmaktadır. Siena’nın sembolü olan bu yapıyı her yıl 1 milyondan fazla kişi ziyaret etmektedir. Katedralin tavan süslemelerinin birinin içinde Latmos Dağları’nı ilgilendiren çok önemli mitolojik bir hikaye bulunmaktadır. Latmos Dağları’nın büyüleyici doğa peyzajına atfedilen kutsal anlam, daha sonraki kültürleri de etkilemiş eşsiz bir kültürel miras öğesidir. Latmos bölgesi kültürel mirası tarih öncesi dönemden günümüze ulaşan zaman içerisinde, Anadolu ve Avrupa kültürünün sanatsal ve edebi eserlerine, inanç ve geleneklerine doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak etki etmiştir. Resimdeki bu mitolojik hikayede, antik çağın en romantik aşkı anlatılmaktadır. Tanrıça Selene ile Çoban Endymion arasındaki aşkı konu alan ve Endymion’un sonsuz uykuya dalması ile sonuçlanan mitolojik hikaye, Latmos Dağları’nda geçmektedir. Endymion ve Selene arasındaki mitolojik aşk hikayesi, Arkaik Dönem’den itibaren özellikle plastik sanatlara yansıtılmıştır. Mitolojik hikaye en çok Roma Dönemi lahitlerinde betimlenmiş, dalgın haldeki gencin sonsuz uykusu, ölümsüzlüğün simgesi olarak kabul edilmiştir. Endymion’un sonsuz uykuya dalması motifine yakın dönem sanatında da devam edilmiştir. Bunlardan biri, Siena Katedrali’ndeki 'Biblioteca Piccolimini'de bulunan, Ressam Pinturicchio’ya ait tavan resminden bir sahnedir. Bu resimde Roma Dönemi lahdinde görülen sahne bir Rönesans resmi biçiminde yapılmıştır. Lahitte Latmos, uyuyan Endymion ile birlikte mağaranın yukarısında, kayalık üzerinde oturan bir erkek şeklinde kişileştirilmişken, dağın zirvesi tanrıça ile gencin karşılaşması sahnesine arka plan oluşturmaktadır. Burada zirve, Ortaçağ kaynaklarında tasvir edildiği şekilde büyük bir taş olarak betimlenmiştir. Yakışıklı genç çoban Endymion ile Ay Tanrıçası Selene’nin aşkını sembolize eden bu mitolojik hikaye, sadece Beşparmak Dağları’nda geçmekte ve başka hiçbir yerde rastlanmamaktadır” dedi. “Latmos’u bütüncül olarak korumalıyız” Sürücü, “Bu mitolojik efsaneyi günümüzde yaşamak isteyenler, dolunayın Beşparmak Dağları’nın arkasından çıkışını ve Bafa Gölü’nün üzerine yansıyan ışıklarını izlemek ve o anı yaşamak için bu muhteşem coğrafyaya gelir. Kapıkırı köyüyle iç içe olan antik Herakleia kentinin girişinde Endymion kutsal alanı bulunmaktadır. Geçtiğimiz yıl Prof. Dr. Zeliha Gider Büyüközer’in başkanlığında kutsal alanda yapılan kazı çalışmalarında birçok buluntu meydana çıkarılmıştır. Ancak tüm bu hikayelerin geçtiği Latmos’un bütüncül coğrafyasında maden alanları genişletilerek, tahribatlar artmaya devam ediyor. Eğer yapılan tahribatlar bu hızda devam ederse, sadece mitolojik hikayeler değil, tarih öncesi dönemden beri var olan kültürü, yöre halkının sağlığı, geliri, bölgenin biyolojik çeşitliliği, yaban hayatı, bitkisi, ağacı, suyu kısacası bu topraklardaki yaşam tümüyle bitecektir. Bu eşsiz coğrafyadaki tahribatlar bir an önce durdurulmalı, maden faaliyetleri için yeni izinler verilmemeli, dağın bütüncül olarak korunması sağlanarak, yereldeki insanların ve ülkemizin kazanımı için açık hava müzesi niteliğindeki bu dağın tüm dünyaya tanıtımına yönelik projeler geliştirilmelidir” şeklinde konuştu.

Is the 8,000 year old Lake Bafa adequately protected? Haber

Is the 8,000 year old Lake Bafa adequately protected?

In his column 2 days ago, national.com.tr writer Abdullah Gürgün claimed that an olive oil factory was established near the "S.S. Bafa Natural Life Agricultural Production and Marketing Cooperative". Gürgün wrote in his article: "A factory cannot be built on a wet agricultural land, in a historical place called "Great Graveyard", "Meşedlik". There is no rain today (Monday), I went and looked, they fill the land with stone, earth, rubble, and gravel. It's not enough. They will probably pour concrete as well. Thus, the cemetery of Muslims, Christians and pre-Christians, the historical area called "Big Cemetery" or "Meşedlik" will be buried in history forever. There is no place to build a factory in such olive groves. Why wasn't it built in the Bafa Industrial Zone, this freaky building, which looks like a huge cardboard, does not befit the beautiful nature and history in and around Lake Bafa. Last week, AA wrote that Bafa is home to 261 bird species, is an important shelter for birds, and there are many archaeological settlements on the shore of the lake. In the region, the islands in the lake and especially the trees on these islands are used as breeding grounds by waterfowl, especially herons. It is known that Ulubat fish (Acanthobrama mirabilis), endemic to the Büyük Menderes Basin, lives in the lake. Nature Association; There are no large facilities within the boundaries of the lake's conservation area. Illegal hunting is a serious threat to the wildlife living in the lake. Small-scale accommodation facilities on the lake shore do not have treatment facilities. The embankment in the northwest of the KBA interferes with the water regime of the lake and affects the natural life in the lake. He wrote on his website that the water returning from the agricultural areas around the lake causes pollution in the lake and that all these are a threat to the lake. Mugla Governor Orhan Tavli; "Bafa Lake and its surroundings are an important breeding and wintering area for waterfowl. Tens of thousands of clumsy meeks overwinter in winter. The region is also an important wintering area for crested pelicans." said. Stating that the region is under protection with archaeological and natural sites, Tavlı noted that excavations have been carried out in the ancient city of Heraklia by the lake for two years and visitors visit these areas. Tavlı stated that Lake Bafa is of international importance due to its biological diversity, endangered species and endemic species, and that it is protected by the international Ramsar, Bern, Rio conventions and the Barcelona Convention. Again, in various news sites, it was written that the wild birds, endemic plants and fish in the Bafa Lake Nature Park were protected by the gendarmerie teams. Yesterday, he talked about Lake Bafa Nature Park in the weekly talk programs of the Ecosystem Conservation and Nature Lovers Association (EKODOSD). EKODOSD President Bahattin Sürücü said, "The story of the work of Rose Mary Baldwin and DHKD President Nergis Yazgan, who made a significant contribution to the protection of the lake, and the events that followed were mentioned. Environmental problems and businesses that disrupt the ecology of the lake, studies and projects carried out with public institutions, scientists, non-governmental organizations on this subject were shown periodically, and the negative effects of the problems on the local economy were explained. The damages of the mines, which cause deep destruction in the extraordinary beauty of the natural landscape, which is integrated with the Latmos Mountains behind the Bafa Lake, and its negative effects on the wildlife in the lake ecosystem were explained. The problems caused by closing the entrances and exits of the lake every year, the concerns of the farmers if it is opened, and the studies of the wetland commission on what to do were mentioned. In other words, the problems of our precious Bafa Lake are being discussed. But do the authorities have a solution approach regarding the damages of this olive oil factory and the destruction of the mines? What are the radical solution decisions that will prevent the factory and possible threats? We know that our people are not sensitive enough about the protection of our natural and cultural riches, but I think the authorities need to be more sanitary and develop more concrete solutions for the protection of Lake Bafa. For example, can the officials of this olive oil factory come out and say that our factory does not harm the lake? Yasemin Arslan

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