
TOURISMJOURNAL - Bahrain haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, Bahrain haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

Bahrain'un Arkeolojik Hazinesi: Dilmun Mezar Höyükleri Haber

Bahrain'un Arkeolojik Hazinesi: Dilmun Mezar Höyükleri

Dilmun Mezar Höyükleri, adanın güneyinde bulunan bir arkeolojik alanı oluşturuyor ve binlerce yıllık tarihi mirasıyla bölgenin önemli bir parçasını temsil ediyor. Son kazı çalışmaları, Dilmun Mezar Höyükleri'nin, bölgedeki en eski medeniyetlerden biri olan Dilmun uygarlığına ait olduğunu gösteriyor. Bu antik medeniyet, MÖ 3. binyılda bölgede hüküm sürmüş ve ticaret, denizcilik ve kültürel alışverişte önemli bir rol oynamıştır. Dilmun Mezar Höyükleri, bölgenin dini ve kültürel inançlarını yansıtan çeşitli mezar yapılarına ev sahipliği yapıyor. Bazı mezarlar, zengin eşyalarla dolu olduğu için, Dilmun uygarlığının ekonomik refahını ve sosyal yapılarını anlamamıza yardımcı oluyor. Diğer mezarlar ise daha mütevazıdır ve genellikle toplumun daha alt tabakalarına aittir. Bu arkeolojik keşif, Bahrain'un tarihine ve kültürel mirasına yeni bir bakış açısı getiriyor. Dilmun Mezar Höyükleri'nin keşfi, bölgedeki arkeolojik çalışmaların önemini vurguluyor ve bölgenin antik geçmişine dair daha fazla bilgi edinmemize olanak tanıyor. Dilmun Mezar Höyükleri'nin keşfi, bölgeye yapılan ziyaretleri de artırıyor. Ziyaretçiler, bu antik mezarları ve onların anlattığı hikayeleri keşfetmek için adaya akın ediyorlar. Aynı zamanda, bu tarihi sit alanının korunması ve gelecek nesillere aktarılması için ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde çeşitli koruma önlemleri de alınıyor. Dilmun Mezar Höyükleri, Bahrain'un tarihine ışık tutan bir mirasın parçası olarak varlığını sürdürüyor ve ziyaretçilere binlerce yıllık bir yolculuk yapma fırsatı sunuyor. Bu antik mezarlar, adanın kültürel ve tarihi zenginliğini keşfetmek isteyen herkes için vazgeçilmez bir durak haline geliyor.

Close attention to Kastamonu from Qatar, Bahrain and Oman Haber

Close attention to Kastamonu from Qatar, Bahrain and Oman

After Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, social media and press representatives from Qatar, Bahrain and Oman will come to Kastamonu to visit the historical, cultural and natural beauties of the city. Under the auspices of Kastamonu Governorship, Kastamonu Tourism and Infrastructure Service Association (KASTAB), North Anatolian Development Agency (KUZKA), THY Kastamonu Regional Directorate, Kastamonu Destination Introductory Tours, organized in cooperation with local governments and private sector representatives under the coordination of Kastamonu Special Provincial Administration, continue with social media and press representatives based in Qatar, Bahrain and Oman. Guests from three countries will both get to know and introduce Kastamonu between 15-18 June 2023. Efforts to promote Kastamonu as a cultural and natural wonder tourism destination in international markets continue without interruption. In the third phase of the Kastamonu Destination Promotion Program, which started with Kuwait-based travel agencies on 6-9 June and continued with Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates social media and press representatives on 10-13 June, influencers from Qatar, Bahrain and Oman will have the opportunity to closely examine and experience Kastamonu's high tourism potential elements. 17 social media and press representatives who came to Kastamonu Airport on Thursday morning, June 15, will get to know the natural, cultural and gastronomic elements of Kastamonu destination for 3 days. The introductory program will end on Sunday, June 18. Introductory programs for international markets are planned to continue with alternative markets in September.

Close attention to Kastamonu from Qatar, Bahrain and Oman Haber

Close attention to Kastamonu from Qatar, Bahrain and Oman

After Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, social media and press representatives from Qatar, Bahrain and Oman will come to Kastamonu to visit the historical, cultural and natural beauties of the city. Under the auspices of Kastamonu Governorship, under the coordination of Kastamonu Tourism and Infrastructure Service Association (KASTAB), North Anatolian Development Agency (KUZKA), THY Kastamonu Regional Directorate, Kastamonu Special Provincial Administration, Kastamonu Destination Introductory Tours, organized in cooperation with local governments and private sector representatives, continue with social media and press representatives based in Qatar, Bahrain and Oman. Guests from three countries will both get to know and introduce Kastamonu between 15-18 June 2023. Efforts to promote Kastamonu as a cultural and natural wonder tourism destination in international markets continue without interruption. In the third phase of the Kastamonu Destination Promotion Program, which started with Kuwait-based travel agencies on 6-9 June and continued with Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates social media and press representatives on 10-13 June, influencers from Qatar, Bahrain and Oman will have the opportunity to closely examine and experience Kastamonu's high tourism potential elements. 17 social media and press representatives who came to Kastamonu Airport on Thursday morning, June 15, will get to know the natural, cultural and gastronomic elements of Kastamonu destination for 3 days. The introductory program will end on Sunday, June 18. Introductory programs for international markets are planned to continue with alternative markets in September.

Bahrain - Bursa flights will revive tourism Haber

Bahrain - Bursa flights will revive tourism

Bahraini tourist will come to Bursa by charter for health As a result of the initiatives made for Bursa to get a bigger share from tourism and to attract tourists especially from Middle East countries, charter flights will be launched from Bahrain to Yenişehir Airport in Bursa. It is aimed to increase the number of accommodation days with charter flights in Bursa, which hosted approximately 400 thousand foreign visitors last year, mostly from the Middle East countries, and to earn more foreign currency for the country. Charter flights are also expected to revive health tourism in the city, which has 3 large internationally accredited hospitals, 2 training and research hospitals, 19 state hospitals, 13 private hospitals, a medical faculty hospital, and physical therapy and rehabilitation centers, with the efforts of Bursa Health Tourism Association. . With the initiatives of tourism professionals, charter flights from Bahrain to Bursa will start on January 11, and flights are planned to continue throughout the year. Jordan is next Doğan Sager, Member of the Southern Marmara Representative Board of the Association of Turkish Travel Agencies (TÜRSAB), said that charter flights will provide significant value to the city in terms of both tourism and health tourism. Sager said that they also met with Jordan Airlines outside of Bahrain. Stating that Bursa is at a good point in terms of health tourism, Sager said, "Bursa meets the demands of our patients coming from abroad, such as aesthetic surgery, metabolic surgery, cancer treatment, in vitro fertilization treatments. Besides, in terms of physical therapy, Bursa from the Middle East countries is incredible. "There is a demand for it. Direct flights to be organized will also increase the number of patients who will come here," he said.

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