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#Bodrium Hotel &Amp; Spa

TOURISMJOURNAL - Bodrium Hotel &Amp; Spa haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, Bodrium Hotel &Amp; Spa haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

Bodrum's Tourism Future: Sustainability and Year-Round Service Haber

Bodrum's Tourism Future: Sustainability and Year-Round Service

Yiğit Girgin, the Bodrum Representative of the Professional Hotel Managers Association (POYD) and the General Manager of Bodrium Hotel & SPA, made important statements regarding Bodrum's potential to become a sustainable tourism destination. Girgin emphasized that Bodrum must continue tourism activities not only during the summer season but throughout the entire year, and strategic steps in this direction are essential. The Gap Between Bed Capacity and Number of Tourists in Bodrum Girgin highlighted the imbalance between the existing bed capacity and the number of tourists in Bodrum, pointing out that the region's tourism potential is not being fully utilized. He mentioned that although Bodrum has a bed capacity of approximately 100,000, they are only able to host one million tourists throughout the season. This, according to Girgin, indicates that Bodrum is not operating at its targeted capacity. He also added that Bodrum loses further efficiency due to a significant portion of passengers arriving at the airport choosing other destinations like Didim. The "Expensive Vacation" Perception Created in the Media Despite Bodrum's high brand value, Girgin stated that the "expensive vacation" perception created by the media harms the city and the national economy. He noted that this perception causes economic imbalances in a region where thousands of families earn their livelihood from tourism. Girgin emphasized that for Bodrum to be recognized as a true tourism destination, it should offer year-round services like Antalya and Istanbul, thereby ensuring sustainable tourism activity. The Impact of Construction Activities on Tourism Girgin emphasized that while Bodrum has grown over the years with new investments and infrastructure projects, this growth has also become a challenge for tourism. He pointed out that the rapid development and increasing construction activities pose the risk of turning a tourism city into a construction city, threatening Bodrum's natural character. Girgin noted that Bodrum has transformed from a fishing village into a tourism city, but the current construction activities could be a significant obstacle to sustainable tourism. Girgin argued that to make tourism sustainable in Bodrum, a comprehensive quality management system must be implemented. He stated that standards need to be raised in all areas, from guest reception services to security and front desk services. Girgin highlighted that Bodrum has a niche character, and major players in the region are making significant contributions through international initiatives. He also mentioned that for small businesses to benefit from this transformation, they must adopt proper pricing strategies.

World tourism professionals gathered Haber

World tourism professionals gathered

Istanbul Tourism Fair, which lasted 2 days at the Istanbul Congress Center, brought together tourism sector companies and professionals from all over the world and our country. Stating that the Istanbul Tourism Fair was held with a different concept this year, POYD Bodrum Representative and Bodrium Hotel & SPA General Manager Yiğit Girgin said that an important opportunity was offered to hoteliers, agencies and tour operators for new collaborations. Girgin also emphasized that the tourism sector has already started its preparations for 2024 and the participation is high, and expressed his belief that the business volume will increase even more thanks to the international Istanbul Tourism Fair. IT WAS AN EFFICIENT FAIR Girgin stated that within the scope of the fair, companies met with each other and new destinations were introduced both domestically and abroad and agreements were signed; “We are on an important platform to develop sectoral cooperation, increase business volume, and define and market new destinations. There are important participants from home and abroad. In the seminars held within the scope of the fair, while 2023 is evaluated, what can be done for 2024 is discussed. It must be said that it was a productive fair for the sector.” WE INTRODUCED BODRIUM TO NEW AGENCIES Noting that, as Bodrium Hotel & SPA, they also met with different agencies for the promotion of Bodrum and new collaborations, Girgin continued his words as follows: “We held many meetings with agencies from Central Europe, America and the Middle East. We introduced Bodrum as a new destination to them and explained the features and facilities of the city and our hotel. As Bodrium Hotel, which is open 12 months a year, we continue our promotional activities to improve our business volume in new markets such as the Middle East.”

Dünya turizm profesyonelleri bir araya geldi Haber

Dünya turizm profesyonelleri bir araya geldi

İstanbul Kongre Merkezi'nde 2 gün süren İstanbul Turizm Fuarı, tüm dünyadan ve ülkemizden turizm sektörü firmalarını ve profesyonellerini bir araya getirdi. İstanbul Turizm Fuarı'nın bu yıl farklı bir konseptle gerçekleştiğini belirten POYD Bodrum Temsilcisi ve Bodrium Hotel & SPA Genel Müdürü Yiğit Girgin, otelciler, acenteler ve tur operatörlerine yeni işbirlikleri için önemli bir imkan sunulduğunu söyledi. Turizm sektörünün 2024 yılı için hazırlıklarına şimdiden başladığını ve katılımın yüksek olduğunu da vurgulayan Girgin, uluslararası İstanbul Turizm Fuarı sayesinde iş hacminin daha da artacağına inandığını dile getirdi. VERİMLİ BİR FUAR Fuar kapsamında firmaların birbirleriye görüşerek hem yurtiçi hem de yurtdışına yeni destinasyonların tanıtıldığı ve anlaşmaların da imzalandığını dile getiren Girgin, “Sektörel işbirliğini geliştirmek, iş hacmini artırmak, yeni destinasyonların tanımı ve pazarlanması için önemli bir platformdayız. Yurt içi ve yurtdışından önemli katılımcılar yer alıyor. Fuara kapsamında gerçekleştirilen seminerlerde de 2023 yılı değerlendirilirken 2024 yılı için neler yapılabilir konuları tartışılıyor. Sektör adına verimli bir fuar olduğunu söylemek gerekiyor” diye konuştu. BODRIUM'U YENİ ACENTELERE TANITTIK Bodrium Hotel & SPA olarak, Bodrumun tanıtımı ve yeni işbirlikleri için farklı acentelerle de görüştüklerini kaydeden Girgin, sözlerine şöyle devam etti: “Merkez Avrupa, Amerika ve orta doğulu acentelerle bir çok görüşme gerçekleştirdik. Kendilerine yeni bir destinasyon olarak Bodrum'u tanıtarak kentin ve otelimizin özelliklerini ve imkanlarını anlattık. Yılın 12 ayı açık olan Bodrium Hotel olarak ortadoğu gibi yeni pazarlardaki iş hacmimizi geliştirmek için tanıtım çalışmalarımızı sürdürüyoruz”

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