#Bülent Uysal

TOURISMJOURNAL - Bülent Uysal haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, Bülent Uysal haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

Tourism season extended to 8 and a half months Haber

Tourism season extended to 8 and a half months

Bülent Uysal, President of the Fethiye Hoteliers Association (FODER), evaluated the 2024 tourism season. Uysal stated that they started the season in March this year and that it would continue until the end of November, resulting in a season lasting approximately 8 and a half months. Uysal noted that there was an 8% increase in the number of guests arriving at Dalaman Airport compared to last year, emphasizing that the peak season was busy. As we approach the end of August, Uysal highlighted that the influx of tourists continues and that hotels have reached 100% occupancy. He also mentioned that Fethiye offers a variety of hotel options to suit every budget. He further pointed out that there was significant demand, particularly from domestic tourists. "ACTIVITY WILL CONTINUE UNTIL NOVEMBER" Bülent Uysal stated that many hotels would remain open throughout November and that charter flights would continue until November 22. He also mentioned that agreements for 2025 have already started, expressing a desire to extend the season next year and continue until the end of November. Uysal said, "By 2025, we want to see the end of November, and we aim to extend the season. Hopefully, 2025 will be better than this year, and we hope it won't fall short of this year." FETHIYE: A TOURIST ATTRACTION Uysal emphasized that the main reason Fethiye is a tourist attraction is due to its alternative tourism offerings. He mentioned that activities such as paragliding, Jeep Safaris, boat tours, and diving tourism attract significant interest from tourists. Uysal noted that daily boat tours, in particular, add vibrancy to the area and that all tourism companies experienced this vibrancy in August. Finally, Uysal expressed his hope for a lively season throughout next year, saying, "Hopefully, we will have a successful tourism season in the next 2-2.5 months, together with all our local businesses."


"Turizm sezonu 8 buçuk aya uzadı"

Fethiye Otelciler Birliği (FODER) Başkanı Bülent Uysal, 2024 turizm sezonunu değerlendirdi. Uysal, bu yılın Mart ayında başladıklarını ve sezonun Kasım ayı sonuna kadar devam edeceğini belirterek, yaklaşık 8 buçuk aylık bir sezon yaşayacaklarını ifade etti. Dalaman Havalimanı'na gelen misafir sayısında geçen yıla göre yüzde 8 artış yaşandığını belirten Uysal, yüksek sezonun hareketli geçtiğini vurguladı. Ağustos ayının sonuna yaklaştığımız bu dönemde turist yoğunluğunun devam ettiğini ve otellerde yüzde 100 doluluk oranına ulaşıldığını ifade eden Uysal, Fethiye'de her bütçeye uygun otel seçeneklerinin mevcut olduğunu belirtti. Özellikle yerli turist açısından büyük bir yoğunluk yaşandığını ifade etti. "KASIM AYINA KADAR HAREKETLİLİK SÜRECEK" Bülent Uysal, birçok otelin Kasım ayı boyunca açık olacağını ve charter uçuşların 22 Kasım'a kadar devam edeceğini belirtti. 2025 yılı için de anlaşmaların şimdiden yapılmaya başlandığını söyleyen Uysal, gelecek yıl sezonu uzatmak istediklerini ve Kasım sonuna kadar devam etmeyi hedeflediklerini dile getirdi. Uysal, "2025 yılı itibarıyla Kasım sonunu görmek istiyoruz, sezonu uzatmak istiyoruz. İnşallah 2025 yılı bu yıldan daha iyi olur ve bu yılı aratmaz diye ümit ediyoruz" dedi. CAZİBE MERKEZİ FETHİYE Fethiye'nin cazibe merkezi olmasının en büyük sebebinin sahip olduğu alternatif turizm kaynakları olduğunu vurgulayan Uysal, yamaç paraşütü, Jeep Safari, tekne turları ve dalış turizmi gibi aktivitelerin turistler tarafından yoğun ilgi gördüğünü söyledi. Özellikle günübirlik tekne turlarının bölgeye canlılık kattığını belirten Uysal, Ağustos ayında tüm turizm firmalarının bu canlılığı yaşadığını ifade etti. Son olarak Uysal, önümüzdeki yıl tüm sezona yayılan bir canlılık yaşanması temennisinde bulunarak, "İnşallah önümüzdeki 2-2,5 aylık dönemde de tüm esnafımız ile birlikte güzel bir turizm geçiririz" dedi.

Fethiye is among the 10 best holiday destinations in October Haber

Fethiye is among the 10 best holiday destinations in October

Bülent Uysal, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Turkish Hoteliers Federation (TÜROFED) and President of the Fethiye Hoteliers Association, told the AA correspondent that the Fethiye region hosts more than 1 million tourists every year. The Times Newspaper ranked Fethiye second among the top 10 holiday destinations in October. Stating that Fethiye has historical and natural beauties as well as touristic facilities suitable for every budget, Uysal said, "We have had a good season since June. The occupancy level of our hotels is high in October." Uysal emphasized that the main market of the region is England and that they host the most British guests. “This news made us happy.” Expressing that the British's interest in the region continued after the epidemic, Uysal said, "The news of the British newspaper will positively affect our region, especially our 2024 sales. It was news that made us happy. Fethiye is already the apple of the world's eye in our eyes. We are also honored to be remembered in this way in England. We say that we are fighting to promote the district with all institutions in Fethiye. The news published in the Times is also very important for us." Uysal stated that more British tourists will come to the region after the news. Emphasizing that the news published in The Times will make a great contribution to the image of Fethiye and Turkey, Uysal said, "It will also ensure that negative news about Turkey originating from abroad will be eliminated from time to time." Çalış Tourism and Promotion Association (ÇALIŞ-DER) President and hotel operator Mete Ay said that they have been working with the British for more than 20 years. Ay stated that the region is a preferred and recognized location by the British. "This is great news" Expressing that the news is promising for the future, Ay said: "In the list of the best places in terms of both price and beauty, Fethiye was ranked second after Ibiza. This is very good news. I hope that next year we will have a much more crowded, fruitful and beautiful season compared to this year. Fethiye is a place where 7,500 British people live, not just those who come on holiday. "This also has a serious contribution and beauty."

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