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TOURISMJOURNAL - Cruise haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, Cruise haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

Anamur-Cyprus voyages are starting Haber

Anamur-Cyprus voyages are starting

Mehmet Tuna, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Anamur Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ANTSO), announced that their requests for the operation of the Anamur Ferry and Seaplane Pier have been accepted. Tuna stated that they have started working on Cyprus-Anamur voyages and said that the voyages would commence within about two months. Tuna emphasized that they have been working intensively to implement projects that will add value to Anamur. He mentioned that they have saved the Anamur Pier, completed in 2019 but not operational until now, from decay. In his remarks on the matter, Tuna stated, "With the high support and approvals of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Anamur Ferry and Seaplane Pier, which was built by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, General Directorate of Infrastructure Investments in 2019 and has been idle until today, has been successfully taken over by our chamber one month after taking office and our initiatives, which we have been carrying out for 15 months. As a result of the coordinated efforts we made with Mersin Governor Ali Hamza Pehlivan and Anamur District Governor Bilal Bozdemir, the Anamur Ferry and Seaplane Pier, which was transferred to the Mersin Governorship and the Presidency of Investment Monitoring and Coordination for the activation of the tourism, agriculture, and trade potential of our region, has been leased to our company for an initial period of 10 years, and we have obtained the operating rights." Efforts have begun for voyages to Cyprus President Tuna, who announced that the voyages to Cyprus would commence within approximately two months, stated, "Regarding the operation of the Anamur Ferry and Seaplane Pier; after making investments such as arranging the necessary facilities for passenger arrivals and departures, establishing customs and duty-free areas, constructing passenger waiting and resting areas, and arranging the facilities according to the layout plan for safe docking of all types of vehicles, our voyages to Cyprus will begin in about 2 months. Furthermore, we plan to initiate voyages to other Mediterranean countries in terms of trade and tourism. Thus, the aim is to create an attraction center. Let it be a good omen for our districts of Anamur and Bozyazı and our region." The aim is to activate the tourism, trade, and agriculture potential of the region Drawing attention to their initiatives to activate the tourism, agriculture, and trade potential of the region, Tuna said, "We have initiated efforts to activate and open up the dormant tourism, agriculture, and trade potential of our region to the world. We wholeheartedly believe that this initiative will greatly contribute to the development of our region, thanks to the efforts of our citizens and members who operate in the agriculture, tourism, and trade sectors, providing high added value, as well as the financial and moral contributions of our partners and the support of our government." Expressing his hope for the prosperous operation of the Anamur Ferry and Seaplane Pier, which he described as the gateway of the region to the world, Tuna stated, "As the Anamur Chamber of Commerce and Industry, we will continue our services with the strength and support we receive from our people and members." Tuna also mentioned that with the approval of the Ministry of Trade, the 10% share of the company established under the name of Anamur Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the participation of Yücelen Education, Culture, and Health Foundation and businessmen from Anamur belongs to the chamber. He said, "The entire capital commitment of 2 million TL, which has been pledged to the company account, has been deposited into our account by the partners as a donation and transferred to the account of our company."

Ferry services Sığacık-Samos start April 6th. Haber

Ferry services Sığacık-Samos start April 6th.

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Tunç Soyer announced the launch of Sığacık-Samos ferry services with IDO on April 6, 2024. The 17th TTI Izmir International Tourism Trade Fair and Congress, hosted by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Trade, with TÜRSAB support and organized in partnership with İZFAŞ and TÜRSAB Fairs, has begun at Fuar Izmir. The fair, hosting tourism professionals and visitors from around the world, will run until December 9th. Soyer announces Sığacık-Samos news Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Tunç Soyer announced good news regarding Sığacık-Samos voyages during the opening ceremony. Soyer emphasized the significance of Izmir's 8,500-year history and recalled their commitment to showcasing the city's unique richness to the world four years ago. Highlighting tourism as the key sector in enhancing the city's prosperity, Mayor Soyer stated, 'After the pandemic, we were the first city to establish a digital tourism infrastructure. We brought together more than 2,500 destinations in Izmir in the Visit Izmir mobile application, which can be considered Turkey's first digital tourism encyclopedia. Another priority was establishing direct flights to Izmir. We initiated the Direct Izmir program with airlines providing flights to Izmir. Now, there is a direct flight option from Izmir to cities leading global tourism like Venice, Barcelona, Milan, and more. In line with our goal to bring Izmir tourism to its deserving point, we have resumed hosting cruise ships that had not visited Izmir for six years at Izmir Port. Since 2022, a total of 49 cruise voyages brought 69,000 tourists to Izmir. To further strengthen Izmir's identity as a port city, our company I·ZDENİZ started Izmir-Mytilene voyages, and we plan to triple these voyages in 2024. On April 6, we will also launch Sığacık-Samos ferry services in collaboration with IDO.' Seferihisar-Samos voyages, previously irregular and operated by private individuals and companies before the pandemic, will start scheduled and institutionalized trips from April 2024 through the partnership of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality's subsidiary, İZDENİZ A.Ş., and Istanbul Fast Ferries (IDO).

Sinop’a yılın ilk kruvaziyer seferi gerçekleşti Haber

Sinop’a yılın ilk kruvaziyer seferi gerçekleşti

Panama bandıralı ve ağırlıklı olarak Rus turistleri taşıyan Astoria Grande adlı kruvaziyer gemisi, Sinop Limanı’na 2023 yılının ilk seferini Ramazan Bayramı’nın birinci gününde gerçekleştirdi. 524 yolcusu ve 388 personeliyle 912 kişiyi taşıyan gemi, limanda horon ekibiyle karşılandı. Gemi Sinop’ta bir gece konaklayacak, ardından 23 Nisan’da Bartın’ın Amasra limanında olmak için hareket edecek. Kruvaziyer seferlerinin organizasyonunu sağlayan turizmci Burhan Levent, yılın ilk ziyaretinde 900’e yakın kişiyi taşıdığını belirterek, “Gemimizin bugün ilk seferi Sinop Limanı’nda, 524 yolcu ve 388 personel ile gelmektedir. Soçi’den gelip Sinop Limanı’na yanaştırıyoruz. Overtime olarak, bir gece konaklayacak ve yarın akşam hareket edecek. İnşallah bu sezon iyi olur diye umuyoruz. Haziran’da tekrar seferlere başlayacak, Ekim ayına kadar devam edecek. Esnafın çok memnun olduğunu görüyoruz, bu sene inşallah daha hazırlıklı olduklarını düşünüyorum. Sinop’a ekonomik katkısı daha çok olacaktır” diye konuştu. Karadeniz’de 2 önemli limandan birinin Sinop olduğuna değinen Levent, “Karadeniz Havzası’nda 2 önem arz eden limanlardan biri Sinop, diğeri Trabzon’dur. Onun için yıllardan beri biz kruvaziyer turizmi için uğraş veriyoruz. Direkt Soçi’den buraya geldi, buradan Amasra Limanı’na gidecek, 23 Nisan sabahı orada olacak” şeklinde konuştu. Turistlerin Sinop’ta yapacağı geziyi organize eden ekibin kaptanı Ahmet Şahin, “Misafirlerimizi limanda karşıladıktan sonra şehir turumuz olacak, limanımızı göstereceğiz, ardından Sinop’u koruyan çevreleyen kalemizi göstereceğiz. Arkeoloji Müzesi, Hamsilos Koyu derken bugün Sinop’u misafirlerimize tanıtmış olacağız. Karadeniz’de yeni bir şey kruvaziyer turizmi, Ege’de, Akdeniz’de uzun yıllardır devam ettiği için insanlarımız bölgeye katkısını henüz tam olarak anlayamadılar. Ama yakın zamanda vermiş olduğu ekonomik ferahlık mutlaka hissedilecektir” ifadelerini kullandı.

Kuşadası aims to host 1 million tourists by sea Haber

Kuşadası aims to host 1 million tourists by sea

Despite the season in winter, in the Kuşadası district of Aydın, one of the favorite centers in cruise tourism, with the morale of hosting 35 giant ships since the beginning of the year, a target of 1 million tourists by sea has been set by the end of the season. Giant ships continue to anchor in Kuşadası, one of the important destinations of cruise tourism, known as "floating hotels". Some of the tourists who step out of the giant ships that dock at Ege Port in Kuşadası, one of the important stops of the journey in the the Aegean, visit the Ancient City of Ephesus and the House of Virgin Mary in Selçuk district of İzmir, while others prefer to shop in the city center. Cruise tourism, which continues to increase every year, experienced a stagnation after the coup attempt of FETO in 2016. The number of ships, which decreased in 2017-2018, started to rise again in 2019, but with the new type of coronavirus epidemic in 2020, the sector became stagnant again. Shipping has been very little for about 2 years all over the world. With the recovery of the sector, the activity started again in Kuşadası, one of the favorite routes of the Eastern Mediterranean, and the district hosted 496,211 tourists with 465 ships last year. Ege Port General Manager Aziz Güngör stated that 2019 was a very bright year in cruise tourism in the world, 30 million passengers traveled by ships, and this number decreased to 5 million due to the coronavirus epidemic. Emphasizing that the recovery experienced last year continues this year, Güngör said, "Therefore, it is expected to reach 2019 levels this year, this is the situation in the world. When we look at the Mediterranean, there is actually a significant change in the Mediterranean market, which includes our country. The Mediterranean market, which has a 17 percent share in 2022, is expected to take a 20 percent share in 2023. Therefore, it is in an increasingly popular market. This is undoubtedly reflected in our country in a positive way." Emphasizing that half of the 1 million passengers arriving in Turkey by cruise last year landed in Kuşadası, Güngör said: "Kuşadası is the port where the ships and passengers coming to Turkey are hosted the most. About 500 of the 1000 ships that came to our country last year stopped by Kuşadası. When we look at 2023, 850 thousand passengers are expected with approximately 600 cruises. When we add the ferry passengers to this, we expect approximately 1 million passengers to visit Kuşadası. This is a very important development. The fact that the ships coming to Kuşadası will grow and that the occupancy rate of the ships will approach 90 percent will play an important role in this increase." Güngör added that they will host the highest number of ships this year compared to recent years, and that 35 ships arrived in Kuşadası between January 1 and April 15 this year.

Kuşadası deniz yoluyla 1 milyon turist ağırlamayı hedefliyor Haber

Kuşadası deniz yoluyla 1 milyon turist ağırlamayı hedefliyor

Kruvaziyer turizminde gözde merkezlerinden Aydın'ın Kuşadası ilçesinde kış sezonuna rağmen yıl başından bu yana 35 dev gemiyi ağırlamanın moraliyle sezon sonu için deniz yoluyla 1 milyon turist hedefi konuldu. "Yüzen oteller" olarak bilinen kruvaziyer turizminin önemli destinasyonlarından Kuşadası'na dev gemiler demir atmaya devam ediyor. Ege'nin eşsiz maviliğindeki yolculuğun önemli duraklarından olan Kuşadası'ndaki Ege Port Limanı'na yanaşan dev gemilerden inen turistlerden bazıları İzmir'in Selçuk ilçesindeki Efes Antik Kenti ile Meryem Ana Evi'ni ziyaret ederken bazıları da kent merkezinde alışveriş yapmayı tercih ediyor. Her yıl artarak gelmeye devam eden kruvaziyer turizminde, 2016 yılında FETÖ'nün darbe girişiminin ardından durgunluk yaşadı. 2017-2018 yıllarında azalan gemi sayısı, 2019 yılında yeniden yükselişe geçti fakat 2020 yılındaki yeni tip koronavirüs salgınıyla sektörde yeniden durağanlık kaydedildi. Tüm dünyada yaklaşık 2 yıl gemi trafiği çok az oldu. Sektörün yeniden toparlanmasıyla Doğu Akdeniz'in gözde rotalarından Kuşadası'nda da hareketlilik yeniden başladı ve ilçe geçen yıl 465 gemiyle 496 bin 211 turisti ağırladı. Ege Port Limanı Genel Müdürü Aziz Güngör, dünyada 2019'un kruvaziyer turizminde çok parlak bir yıl olduğunu, 30 milyon yolcunun gemilerle seyahat ettiğini, koronavirüs salgınıyla bu sayının 5 milyona kadar düştüğünü bildirdi. Geçen sene yaşanan toparlanmanın bu yıl da devam ettiğini vurgulayan Güngör, "Dolayısıyla bu yıl 2019 seviyelerine ulaşması beklenmektedir, dünyada durum böyle. Akdeniz'e baktığımızda, ülkemizin de içinde bulunduğu Akdeniz pazarında ise aslında önemli bir değişim var. 2022'de yüzde 17'lik pay sahibi olan Akdeniz pazarının 2023'te yüzde 20 pay alması bekleniyor. Dolayısıyla giderek popülaritesi artan pazar halinde. Bu şüphesiz ülkemize de yansıyor olumlu bir şekilde." ifadelerini kullandı. Türkiye'ye geçen yıl kruvaziyerle gelen 1 milyon yolcunun yarısının Kuşadası'na indiğini vurgulayan Güngör, şunları kaydetti: "Kuşadası Türkiye'ye gelen gemilerin ve yolcuların en fazla ağırlandığı liman. Geçen sene de ülkemize gelen 1000 geminin yaklaşık 500'ü Kuşadası'na uğradı. 2023'e baktığımızda yaklaşık 600 gemi seferiyle 850 bin yolcu bekleniyor. Buna feribot yolcularını da eklediğimizde yaklaşık 1 milyon yolcunun Kuşadası'nı ziyaret etmesini bekliyoruz. Bu çok önemli bir gelişme. Bu artışta Kuşadası'na gelecek gemilerin büyüyecek olması, bir de gemilerin doluluk oranlarının yüzde 90'lara yaklaşması önemli rol oynayacak." Güngör, son yılların en fazla gemisini bu yıl ağırlayacaklarını, Kuşadası'na bu yılın 1 Ocak-15 Nisan döneminde 35 geminin geldiğini sözlerine ekledi.

2023 cruise voyages will start during the Ramadan in Sinop Haber

2023 cruise voyages will start during the Ramadan in Sinop

Cruise tourism in Sinop, one of the most important ports of the Black Sea, will start during the Ramadan. Carrying mainly Russian tourists, the ship will organize 16 voyages this year. The cruise ship Astoria Grande, which departed from Russia last year and carried 15 voyages in the Black Sea, carrying approximately 15 thousand tourists, will make 16 voyages to Sinop in 2023. The ship, which will make its first voyage to Sinop Port on the first day of Ramadan, will stay in the port for one night. The second voyage will be carried out in June and will continue until September. This number will increase with new bookings to come during the year. Burhan Levent, the tourism operator who organizes the cruise voyages, said, “Our Astoria Grande ship will make its maiden voyage on April 21 and April 22 by staying in Sinop for one night. It will then start from June 4 and continue until October. In total, there will be 16 trips to Sinop Port in 2023." Referring to their economic contribution to the tradesmen, Levent said, “It is observed that tourists make financial contributions to Sinop, they shop. Our tradesmen also have high expectations. We will be docked in the morning on the first day of Eid al-Fitr and we will be at the port where we will stay overnight. It will depart from our port on the evening of April 22." Mentioning that the planned voyages have been canceled due to the effect of the pandemic and the ongoing war in the Black Sea in recent years, Levent said, “We have other foreign cruise ships, but they did not want to enter the Black Sea basin due to the pandemic and the Ukraine-Russia war for the last two years. There are also European and American origin ships that will continue unless there is a cancellation again this year."

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