
TOURISMJOURNAL - Divriği haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, Divriği haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

Masalsı Doğu Ekspresi Sivas’ta Halaylarla Karşılandı Haber

Masalsı Doğu Ekspresi Sivas’ta Halaylarla Karşılandı

SİVAS (İHA) - Kars’tan hareket eden Turistik Doğu Ekspresi, büyüleyici bir yolculuğun ardından Sivas’a ulaştı. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı ile Ulaştırma ve Altyapı Bakanlığı’nın ortak projesi olan bu özel tren, Kars’tan başlayıp İliç ve Divriği ilçelerinde durduktan sonra Sivas’ta mola verdi. Sivas Tren Garı’nda davul, zurna ve halaylarla karşılanan yolculara kazan simidi ve çay ikram edildi. Etkileyici karşılama, yolcuların beğenisini topladı. "DİVRİĞİ ULU CAMİİ İNANILMAZDI" Yolculardan Emre Duru, yolculuğu unutulmaz bir deneyim olarak nitelendirerek, "Yolculuğum mükemmeldi. Özellikle tren İliç ilçesinde durdu, oradan Kemaliye’de ata topraklarına görme fırsatım oldu. Divriği Ulu Cami ve Darüşşifası inanılmazdı. Gördüğüm en etkileyici mimarilerden bir tanesiydi. Ayrıca Divriği ve Sivas’taki karşılamalar çok güzeldi. Benim için çok kıymetli bir seyahatti" dedi. "BU YOLCULUK YILLARIN HAYALİYDİ" Kübra Duru ise bu yolculuğun uzun zamandır hayalini kurduğunu belirterek, "Yolculuğum çok güzel geçti. Bu yolculuk yılların hayaliydi. Çok uzun zamandır bunu yapmak istiyorduk. Uygun zamanlara bilet denk getiremiyorduk. Şahane bir deneyim oluyor. Özellikle hem Divriği’de hem de Sivas’ta halk oyunları karşılaması beni çok duygulandırdı. İçimden ağlamak geldi. Her şeyin bu kadar güzel olması gerçekten çok keyifli" ifadelerini kullandı. 3 SAATLİK MOLA SONRASI ANKARA’YA DEVAM Sivas’ta 3 saat mola veren Turistik Doğu Ekspresi, bu süre sonunda Ankara’ya doğru yolculuğuna devam etti. Bu masalsı tren yolculuğu, katılımcıların hafızalarında güzel anılar bıraktı.


"Anadolu’nun El Hamrası" 150 Bin Ziyaretçiye Ulaştı

SİVAS (İHA) - Sivas'ın Divriği ilçesinde yer alan ve "Anadolu’nun El Hamrası" olarak bilinen Divriği Ulu Camii ve Darüşşifası, 2015 yılında başlayan restorasyon çalışmalarının tamamlanmasıyla bu yıl mayıs ayında tekrar kapılarını açtı. UNESCO tarafından Türkiye’de koruma altına alınan ilk eser olan cami, 796 yıllık geçmişi ve üzerinde yer alan 10 bin bezemesiyle görenleri büyülüyor. Açılışından bu yana geçen altı aylık sürede, eseri 150 binden fazla kişi ziyaret etti. MENGÜCEK BEYLİĞİ’NİN MİRASI 1228 yılında Mengücekli Beyliği döneminde Ahmet Şah ve eşi Melike Turan Hanım tarafından yaptırılan bu eşsiz eser, aradan geçen 8 asra rağmen görkemini koruyor. Evliya Çelebi’nin "Methinde diller kısır, kalem kırıktır" diyerek övdüğü yapı, tarihin en kapsamlı restorasyon sürecini geçirdi. Sivas Vakıflar Bölge Müdürü Cemal Karaca, restorasyonun ardından caminin ibadete ve ziyarete açılmasının, eseri sadece ayakta tutmak değil, ona bir fonksiyon kazandırma amacı taşıdığını ifade etti. DARÜŞŞİFA YENİDEN HAYAT BULUYOR Eserin darüşşifa kısmında da dikkatli bir restorasyon yapıldığını belirten Karaca, bu alanın tarihte ruh ve sinir hastalarının musiki ve su sesiyle tedavi edildiği bir merkez olarak hizmet verdiğini hatırlattı. Buradaki su sisteminin tekrar işlevsel hale getirildiğini ve darüşşifa bölgesinin tedavi amacıyla yeniden hayata geçirilmesi için çalışmaların sürdüğünü belirtti. Ayrıca, cami ve darüşşifanın korunması için bir vakıf kurulduğu, bu vakıfla insanlara faydalı alanlar oluşturulmasının hedeflendiği ifade edildi.

Turistik Doğu Ekspresi'nden Yeni Sezonda Görkemli Açılış Haber

Turistik Doğu Ekspresi'nden Yeni Sezonda Görkemli Açılış

ANKARA (İHA) - Ulaştırma ve Altyapı Bakanı Abdulkadir Uraloğlu’nun katılımıyla düzenlenen törenle Turistik Doğu Ekspresi, 2024-2025 sezonunun açılışını yaptı. Bakan Uraloğlu, "Kelimenin gerçek anlamıyla da mecazi anlamıyla da hizmete başladığı 2019 yılından bu yana ülkemiz turizm sektörünün lokomotifi haline gelen Turistik Doğu Ekspresi'ni uğurluyoruz. Bizim için güzel ve önemli bir gün" dedi. Trenin yalnızca bir ulaşım aracı olmadığını, aynı zamanda Anadolu’nun kadim mirasını tanımak isteyenler için benzersiz bir deneyim sunduğunu vurguladı. 10 BİN KİŞİ İÇİN UNUTULMAZ BİR SEYAHAT DENEYİMİ 2019'dan bu yana 71 bin yolcu ağırlayan Turistik Doğu Ekspresi, yeni sezonda Ankara-Kars ve Kars-Ankara yönlerinde toplam 60 seferle 10 bin 500 kişiye hizmet verecek. Uraloğlu, yeni sezonda trenin Erzincan, Erzurum, İliç, Divriği ve Sivas gibi noktalarda uzun molalar vererek yolculara hem gezi hem de manzara keyfi sunacağını aktardı. ERZURUM VE YENİ ROTALAR ÖNE ÇIKIYOR 2025 yılında Turizm ve Kış Sporları Başkenti unvanlarını kazanan Erzurum'da, 4 saatlik mola ile tren yolculuğuna farklı bir boyut katılıyor. Ayrıca yoğun talep üzerine hayata geçirilen Turistik Diyarbakır Ekspresi gibi yeni rotalar da dikkat çekiyor. Ankara-Diyarbakır hattında 8 sefer gerçekleştirecek tren, turistik anlamda önemli bir adım olarak değerlendiriliyor. Sefer hakkında bilgi veren Uraloğlu, "Bu trenimizde Ankara-Diyarbakır seferinde Malatya'da 3 saat, Diyarbakır-Ankara seferinde ise Elazığ Yolçatı'da 4 saat turizm amaçlı duracak. Yine, Bölgesel Turistik Kars-Erzurum Ekspresimizde 12 gidiş 12 dönüş olmak üzere toplam 24 adet tren seferi, Turistik Tatvan Ekspresi'nde ise 2 gidiş 2 dönüş olmak üzere toplam 4 adet tren seferi gerçekleştireceğiz" açıklamasını yaptı. DEMİRYOLLARINDA BÜYÜK DÖNÜŞÜM Bakan Uraloğlu, son 22 yılda demiryolu ağının genişletildiğini ve hızlı trenlerle 93 milyon yolcuya ulaşıldığını belirtti. 2053 hedefleri arasında demiryolu ağını 28 bin kilometreye çıkarmak ve Türkiye’nin her köşesine hızlı trenlerle ulaşmak yer alıyor. ULUSLARARASI TANITIMDA TRENLERİN ROLÜ Sadece yurt içinde değil, İstanbul-Sofya Ekspresi gibi uluslararası hatlarla da dikkat çeken turistik trenler, Türkiye’nin tanıtımına ve kültürel etkileşime önemli katkılar sağlıyor. 2024 yılında bu hattı 37 bin yolcu kullandı. GELECEĞE YOLCULUK Demiryollarının modernizasyonuyla Türkiye, Avrupa'nın 6., dünyanın 8. hızlı tren işletmecisi oldu. Bu yenilikçi vizyon, turistik trenlerin de başarısının temel taşlarından biri haline geldi. Uraloğlu, tren yolculuklarının turizmden ekonomiye birçok alanda önemli katkılar sağladığını ifade etti. Uraloğlu, "Sadece 48 saatte hızlı trenlerle yapılan rüya gibi bir yolculukla bütün Türkiye'ye ulaşacağımız bir vizyon çiziyor ve bunun için çalışıyoruz" diyerek sözlerini tamamladı.

The stone road awaits adventure enthusiasts Haber

The stone road awaits adventure enthusiasts

In Erzincan, the Stone Road between Kemaliye and Divriği, which is considered one of the world's most challenging routes and took 132 years to complete, attracts adventure enthusiasts looking to explore on foot or by vehicle with its numerous tunnels, bends, and steep cliffs. The construction of the Stone Road began in 1870 with the aim of connecting Erzincan's Kemaliye (Eğin) district to the Central Anatolia region. The road, which initially started as a narrow path, was carved through the impassable rocks of the Dark Canyon with primitive tools by the local people, resembling the proverbial needle and thread. With the support of the state, the road was completed in 2002 after 132 years of labor. Originally narrow and passable only on foot, the Stone Road was later expanded for vehicle traffic, connecting Kemaliye to Divriği. The 7-kilometer-long road, offering breathtaking views along the Dark Canyon with its rugged cliffs reaching 400-500 meters at some points, is now utilized more for tourism than transportation, featuring 38 tunnels of various sizes, sharp bends, and cliffs. Stretching from Kemaliye to Divriği along the banks of the Euphrates River, the road, favored by those seeking adventure by vehicle, continues to enchant its visitors with its natural beauty despite the perilous journey it presents, both on foot and by vehicle. More Dangerous Than the Guoliang Tunnel The road, known as the Stone Road, which is introduced as the "world's most dangerous road" by the website "www.dangerousroads.org," dedicated to presenting hazardous and challenging roads worldwide, is noted to be occasionally more treacherous than the internationally renowned "Guoliang Tunnel" in China. International Erzincan Kemaliye Cultural and Nature Sports Festival in Kemaliye offers a warm welcome to those who seek adventure through a challenging journey on foot or by vehicle along the Stone Road, which has been designated as a dangerously thrilling route. In addition to the Stone Road, thrill-seekers can also enjoy "Base Jump" and "Wingsuit" jumps in the Dark Canyon. Every year, the district and the Stone Road, with its unique features, host a considerable number of adrenaline enthusiasts, both local and foreign tourists, offering unforgettable beauty and thrilling adventures to adventure enthusiasts.

Restoration of Divriği's Great Mosque and Hospital is almost finished Haber

Restoration of Divriği's Great Mosque and Hospital is almost finished

According to a statement from the governorship, Şimşek, after attending the 'Alternative Tourism Meetings' workshop held in Divriği district, inspected the ongoing restoration of the Great Mosque and Hospital of Divriği, the first work protected by UNESCO in Turkey, and received information from the authorities. In the statement, Şimşek, expressing his views, stated that efforts are underway to highlight the tourism potential of Divriği. He said, 'We organized a workshop under the name of Alternative Tourism Meetings. Both the administrators of Divriği and the local administrators of Arapgir and Kemaliye participated in this workshop.' Providing information about the ongoing restoration of the mosque and hospital, Şimşek stated: "Indeed, our Divriği district is a complete city of history and culture. We can see many historical and natural beauties here. At the forefront of these historical and cultural works is the Great Mosque and Hospital of Divriği. It is a pleasure to see that the restoration works here have reached the final stage. The works inside the mosque are almost completed. Only the works inside the hospital continue. Also, landscaping works will be carried out. Hopefully, we will open the Great Mosque and Hospital of Divriği to visitors in April or May. Our goal is to revive the tourism potential of the region with such restorations, ensuring that our region gets a larger share from the tourism pie in terms of alternative tourism."

Great Mosque and Hospital of Divriği Haber

Great Mosque and Hospital of Divriği

Known as the Divriği Great Mosque and Hospital, this building complex is a complex consisting of a mosque, hospital and tomb. It was built during the Mengücek Principality of the Anatolian Seljuk Empire. The Great Mosque was built by Ahmet Shah, the son of Süleyman Shah; The hospital was built by his wife, Melike Turan Melek. The Chief Architect of the building complex, which was started in 1228 and completed in 1243, is Ahlatlı Hürrem Shah, son of Mughis. The magnificent motifs, which reflect the rarest and finest examples of stonework, created by the masters of Ahlat and Tbilisi, found in many parts of the complex, especially on the doors and columns, attract the attention and interest of the whole world.  Another feature that makes this work different and unique is that none of the tens of thousands of motifs in the decorations, which are thought to be symmetrical when viewed from afar, but which are essentially asymmetrical, never repeat themselves; It is the revealing of the different beings in the universe in a magnificent harmony and balance by engraving on stone. This masterpiece of Islamic architecture, which was included in the "World Heritage List” by UNESCO in 1985, is also under the protection of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey. Sivas Divriği Great Mosque Great Mosque is a rectangular planned structure in the north-south direction and was built entirely with cut stones. There are three separate monumental gates in the north, west and east directions that provide entrance and exit to the mosque. The interior is divided into twenty-five units of different widths with double-sided pointed arches connecting the octagonal pillars. The interior of the mosque contains simplicity compared to the gates, so that the attention of the worshipers is not distracted and the awe and peace in worship is not disturbed. There is a spear and a torch motif painted with iron oxide paint on the left side of the back of the gate of Paradise. The spear represents power and the torch represents knowledge. In the northwest corner of the mosque, there is a minaret with a cylindrical body and a single balcony. The inscription states that the minaret was built in 1565 by the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. It is also known that the interior of the mosque was repaired at this date. West Gate In addition to its names such as Çarşı Gate, Exit Gate, and Shadowy Gate, the name of this gate, which has been widely used recently, is "Textile Gate". The gate, where fine stonework reaches its peak, is named because it resembles a rug or prayer rug and exhibits a high rate of lace samples. The most striking element on the gate is the protruding keystone. Its surface is embossed with a pot head motif symbolizing blacksmiths. The chief architect used the keystone method, which is the way the stones interlock and hold, throughout this work. Between May and September, 45 minutes before the afternoon prayer, a shadow in the form of a human silhouette forms at the West Gate. This silhouette takes the form of a shadow of a person reciting the Qur'an first, and standing on his feet by tying his hands when the prayer time approaches. It is stated by experts that these silhouettes on this door as well as on other doors are not a coincidence, that they can be made with a very comprehensive knowledge of physics and very fine calculations, and that the mystery of these light and shadow plays is still not fully resolved. Heaven Gate The name given to this gate as the gate of heaven is due to the fact that all the motifs on it describe heaven. The descriptions of the unique blessings of heaven in the verses describing paradise in the Qur'an are engraved on stone here. The whole door is likened to a garden of heaven, and heaven and its layers are explained. Shah Gate This gate, located in the eastern part of the mosque, has a modest appearance made in the classical Seljuk style. It is the gate used by the shah to enter the mosque for worship, opening to the part of the mosque whose skeleton remains. The purpose of making the gate smaller than human height is to reveal the consciousness of humility and servitude in people and to emphasize that the Shah will bow down only in the presence of Allah. The sultan's gates and sultan's chambers were not built to isolate the sultan or lords from the community, but to protect them against possible assassinations and attacks. Hospital The Divriği Hospital is one of the oldest and most important hospitals in Anatolia. The hospital was also used as a madrasah where positive and religious sciences were taught during the Ottoman period. Hospital “Crown” Gate The entrance gate of the Hospital, which has a magnificent structure, is called the "Crown Gate". Pentagonal and octagonal star motifs symbolizing the Seljuks were used on the inner pediment of the door. The stars and crescents on the door are exactly the same as the crescent and star on the Turkish Flag. Hospital Interior The interior of the hospital, which was planned in the form of a general hospital, was used to treat mental and nervous patients. The recitation of the Holy Quran, the performance of Sufi music, the sounds that the water makes as it flows into and out of the pool in the middle, are some of the methods used in the treatment of mental and nervous patients. The ceiling of the great iwan is an example of a vault that was built with a spiral keystone system and the mystery of which has not been solved today. To a point where no one can easily notice the name of the chief architect in the hospital; He simply engraved it on the head of the eastern arch bearing the great iwan vault and prayed for his work to see the apocalypse. Tomb In the room to the left of the large iwan are the graves of Ahmet Shah, his wife Turan Melek and his family. There is a motif loaded with mystical symbols on the door of the tomb. When viewed as a whole, the motif is a scale on which hearts are weighed. The message to be conveyed here is: “We have passed away from this world, and you will pass away as well. This world is a test place and the place where you will see the reward is the hereafter. Prepare yourself for that day. There is a scale on which your deeds will be weighed; While a person is in the world, he commits one of the choices such as good or evil, right or wrong, merit or sin. While doing these things, a person should not be afraid of dying if he keeps the scales in balance and his heart is turned towards Allah.” Pulpit The pulpit, made of ebony wood, which is the longest-lived tree in the world, is as old as the mosque and still preserves its originality and is used today. It is one of the masterpieces of the kündekari technique among the minbars built during the Anatolian Seljuk State. This pulpit is one of the important works in which the four styles used in woodworking come together. Mihrab The large stone mihrab is a unique work with its form and decoration reminiscent of a castle gate or a palace gate. The hearts that are close to Allah are filled with the light of Allah, and the hearts that are far away are embroidered empty, which is a form of expression that symbolizes the relationship between a person and Allah. There are four small windows in the dome located above the area in front of the mihrab. Three of these are ingenious star-shaped small windows that bring the first rays of the day in in the form of morning stars at dawn.

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