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TOURISMJOURNAL - Gastronomy haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, Gastronomy haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

Balıkesir's 2nd Breakfast Festival begins Haber

Balıkesir's 2nd Breakfast Festival begins

Balıkesir, dazzling with its agriculture and animal husbandry, historical, cultural and touristic values as well as its gastronomy and culinary culture, will host the Balıkesir Breakfast Festival for the second time this year on 20-21 and 22 October. The second of the Balıkesir Breakfast Festival, which is frequently mentioned on the country's agenda in June 2022, will be held at the Courtyard Life Center between 20-21-22 October. A cortege march will be held on October 19 as part of the festival celebrations. At the festival, which will be held with the slogan "Much Happiness", Balıkesir Breakfast, which consists of organic and completely local flavors and appeals to both the eye and the palate, will be introduced. In addition, there will be cooking shows, panels and interviews of famous chefs, stage performances and concerts, and tasting of local products. Great contribution to the city's economy The aim of the festival is to increase the economic returns of the city by ensuring the recognition of its local products, to support local production and rural development, and to develop tourism. One of the works realized by joining forces with the "Brand City Balıkesir" project is "Balıkesir Breakfast Festival", which will be held in cooperation with Balıkesir Governorship, Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality, Balıkesir Chamber of Commerce, Balıkesir Chamber of Industry, Balıkesir Commodity Exchange and South Marmara Development Agency, BESOB and UNESCO Turkish National Commission. We introduce Balıkesir to the world Emphasizing that they want to announce the richness of Balıkesir's lands to Turkey and the world, Metropolitan Mayor Yücel Yılmaz said, “The products of this country come directly from the field to the table. Gastronomy cities create delicious flavors because they provide this integrity. Balıkesir now reveals its richness and claim. “I invite everyone to participate in the Balıkesir Breakfast Festival, which we organized for the second time this year.”

Beypazarı flavors are indispensable for iftar Haber

Beypazarı flavors are indispensable for iftar

In the Beypazarı district of Ankara, preferred by those who want to spend time with history and nature, Ramadan is full of local delicacies. In Beypazarı, which hosts many visitors for iftar in Ramadan, heavy hours are spent on traditional tastes. Tarhana soup, which is one of the famous dishes of Beypazarı, stuffed leaf wraps with meat, Beypazarı Güveci and 80-layer baklava unique to Beypazarı take their place at iftar tables. Explaining the things to be considered while making Beypazarı Stew, a traditional dish of Beypazarı that has been going on for years, Stew Master Hakkı Çanak underlined that the stew should be cooked in a stone oven for at least 6 hours. Emphasizing that each master has his own cooking technique, Çanak said, “I cook my stew completely in a pot. I also make the stew with butter. For a stew for 20 or 25 people, we first add the butter to the pot. Then we add 3 kilos of ground beef. You can make it from lamb, you can also make it from ribs. But nowadays, they prefer beef more because it is leaner. We usually prefer veal. As I said, we use 3 kilos of meat, 4 kilos can be used, but it is more logical to use 3 kilos since it also contains rice. It contains butter, beef, tomato, pepper. After adding the spices, we add the water and cook it in the stone oven. It should cook for at least 5-6 hours here. After our meat is cooked, we take out the pots and add the rice. Then we put it back in the oven to cook for another half hour. “This dish has existed as long as I have known myself, and it will continue to exist after me” Adding that the stew culture is a very old culture for Beypazarı, Çanak said, “I am 55 years old, there was a stew dish before me and it is still being made today. For the people of Beypazari, stew is something very different. In the past, they used to cook it from lamb and ribs and eat it every meal. This culture does not end. This dish has existed for as long as I can remember and it will continue to exist after me. It has a very different culture. Beypazarı stew is distributed at the funeral, it is served at the mevlit, and made at picnics. It has a version with vegetables, a version with okra... It is countless." “I expect everyone to eat stew at Beypazarı” Calling people to eat stew in Beypazarı at iftar, Çanak said, “I expect everyone. If they find me and say 'I came to eat stew', I will do what is necessary.” Hatice Güneş, a housewife who has been making Beypazarı wraps for years and stating that the flavor of Beypazarı leaf wrap is indescribable, said, “The feature of Beypazarı leaf wrap is that it has plenty of ground beef. It also has olive oil. We use up to half of the ground beef. The leaves must be fresh and sour with fine veins. We are waiting for everyone to eat Beypazarı leaf wrap. It is very delicious. Since the women here are especially talented, we welcome everyone here. We are waiting for everyone, especially in Ramadan.”

Turkish cuisine is included in the Gault&Millau guide Haber

Turkish cuisine is included in the Gault&Millau guide

Published in Paris in 1969 by two journalists and food critic Henri Gault and Christian Millau, Gault & Millau stepped into Turkey in cooperation with Sözen Organization. Incorporating Turkey as the 17th country, Gault & Millau is considered one of the two most well-known and appreciated guides in the field of gastronomy. The Gault&Millau Guide will start fieldwork in Turkey in 2023 and will be published in 2024! IT'S NOT JUST FOOD BUT THE ATMOSPHERE IS IMPORTANT Believing in the authenticity of each chef's restaurant, Gault & Millau continues to work with independent wine and gastronomy experts to rate restaurants and chefs. Restaurants and chefs evaluated for the guide are given a score between 1 and 20 based on the quality and taste of the food, together with their separate evaluations about service, price and atmosphere of the restaurant by Gault & Millau. High-rated restaurants earn between 1 and 4 hats from Gault&Millau's signature hats, depending on the degree of their scores. Expressing that they are very excited about Gault&Millau, which has taken its place in the Turkish market with the cooperation of Sözen Organization, Gökmen Sözen said that the initiative of these two important brands, a bridge between the global gastronomy industry and Turkey, and the high potential of Turkish cuisine has also attracted intense interest from international gastronomy experts. After Michelin Guide, Turkey guide will not be published in Gault & Millau. Patrick Hayoun, CEO of Gault & Millau, said, "Our aim is to impose something, not to create rules," said their aim is to encourage new thinking. Sözen said, "We are bringing Turkey to the center of world gastronomy with international events such as Gastromasa through the Sözen Organization*. LOCAL INSPECTORS ARE IN ACTION Patrick Hayoun, CEO of Gault & Millau, said: "Gault & Millau continues to encourage young talent, creativity, curiosity above all else, and remains impartial, independent and objective. We bring out tomorrow's talent. Our restaurant selection is a complete culinary experience with atmosphere. Our aim is not to impose a Gault Millau thing, to create rules, but to encourage a new way of thinking and highlight those who truly deserve it. Our 'milisime' guide, which will be published in 2024, will be published in Turkish and English, and 300 selected from 500 restaurants that our local inspectors will visit will be included in this guide. First of all, we will evaluate the Marmara, Aegean, Mediterranean and Southeast regions." Pointing out that Turkey will be the 17th country in the guide, Hayoun emphasized that Turkish inspectors who are trained in Turkey and who have a good command of the food culture will evaluate. ISTANBUL IS NOW A GASTROCITY Speaking at the meeting, T.C. Özgül Özkan Yavuz, Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism, said, "We are extremely pleased to share the information that Turkish cuisine will be included in the Gault & Millau guide, which has a respected and important place in the world food and beverage industry. Our rich food culture, with the increase in the number and quality of chef restaurants, is now competing with the leading countries in the field of gastronomy. We have come to a level that will compete. We can now easily use the title of a Gastro City for Istanbul," he said. Source: Yeni Şafak

Kayseri, Now the World City of Gastronomy Haber

Kayseri, Now the World City of Gastronomy

Kayseri, Now the World City of Gastronomy Kayseri, one of the ancient cities of Anatolia, managed to enter the National List of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Gastronomy Creative Cities Network. Kayseri, which has been the cradle of Hittites, Phrygians, Romans, Seljuks and Ottoman civilizations in its 6,000-year history and has a rich culinary culture; After Gaziantep, Hatay and Afyonkarahisar, it became the fourth city in Turkey to gain international prestige in the field of gastronomy. Kayseri's motto in gastronomic tourism is 'The Land of Flavor from History to Culture' Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality, which carries out various promotional activities on a national and international scale with the slogan "From History to Culture to the Land of Flavors" in order to have a say in gastronomic tourism, as well as many dishes made with sausage and pastrami, ravioli, oiling, pita tandoori, oven mouth, lead vaccine, Develi civıklısı. It brought local delicacies such as çemen, kete, katmer, acid, nevzine, gilaburu juice to the world showcase. The world's best award for the local flavors of Kayseri In addition, at the Gourmand Cookbook Awards 2020, one of the most prestigious cookbook competitions in the world, the book "Kayseri Cuisine from Past to Future", which includes original recipes of traditional dishes of Kayseri cuisine, won the "Best of the World" award in the Local Cuisine Category. The 300-page book prepared by Chef Yunus Emre Akkor, who compiled the recipes of over 100 dishes unique to Kayseri, was presented to taste hunters on the website of Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality.

Cağ Kebab ranked 9th in the World Tastes List Haber

Cağ Kebab ranked 9th in the World Tastes List

The World's Top 100 Tastes for 2022 have been announced by tasteatlas, the encyclopedia of the world food industry. In the list of worldwide tastes announced every year, Cağ Kebab, which has Geographical Indication Registration, took the 9th place in the list this year. Evaluating the inclusion of Cağ Kebab among the flavors presented to the votes of the users, where the regional flavors of the countries are discussed, Hakan Oral, President of Erzurum Commodity Exchange, said, “We register all the local flavors of our city with the Geographical Indication Registration. These delicacies are very important for our city to become a Gastronomy City. Our work that we have been focusing on for years has finally started to bear fruit. The fact that tasteatlas research company, which is followed by the world, has made this statement is the most important sign that our efforts are accepted by the world, he said. The acceptance of Oltu Cağ Kebab not only in Turkey but also all over the world is of great importance for our businesses, and one of the most important reasons for tourists coming to our city will be our registered local products. Erzurum, the apple of the eye of winter tourism, will also be the apple of the eye of gastronomy.” According to the data announced, Japan from the world cuisines ranked first with the dish called Kare, while Erzurum Oltu Cağ Kebab from Turkey ranked 9th, Shish Kebab ranked 14th, Mantı 22nd, Iskender Kebab ranked 39th, Alinazik Kebab ranked 45th and Döner ranked 48th. took. Erzurum Oltu Cağ Kebap ranked among the top 10 brands in the World in the World Tastes ranking, and stood out as the best flavor in Turkey. In his statement, ETB President Hakan Oral pointed out that Turkey is in the top 5 in Geographical Indication Registration and emphasized that they have achieved a record number of Geographical Indication Registrations of 40 products so far. Oral said, “This success is not personal, this success belongs to Erzurum, the producer and our members. We will continue on our way with the trust they have in us, and we will continue our efforts to make our city a city of Gastronomy.” With Erzurum being the 2025 EIT Tourism Capital, this success gained a greater meaning. In the statement, Erzurum Commodity Exchange President Hakan Oral said, “After the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) 4th Tourism Ministers Meeting hosted by Uzbekistan, our Minister of Culture and Tourism Mehmet Nuri Ersoy; This success that came today with the statement "Erzurum has been chosen as the 2025 ECO Tourism Capital" was the beginning of a process that completed each other. I believe that our registered local flavors will carry the quality of a world brand until 2025 and our title of 2025 Tourism Capital will be crowned. Everyone who contributed to this success. I am eternally grateful,” he said. In the statement made by TasteAtlas, the recipe for Oltu Cağ kebab was also included on the website.

Social media ads increased the business of Adana kebab shops Haber

Social media ads increased the business of Adana kebab shops

With the development of technology, the use of the internet and social media, this number increased to 850 in the city, where 550 sheep and goats were slaughtered daily when the demand increased thanks to the operators who explained themselves well in Adana, the capital of kebab. It has been stated that the door to kebab tourism has been opened in the city, where people from all over Turkey and even from abroad come to eat kebab. With the development of technology, the increase in the use of the internet and the spread of social media, the meat sector has been positively affected as in all sectors. While this process accelerated with the pandemic, it went to another dimension after the pandemic and when businesses became able to advertise themselves thanks to social media, people started to come to Adana, the capital of kebab, from outside the province and even from abroad. Saruhan Yağmur, Deputy Chairman of Turkey Butchers, Livestock, Meat and Meat Products, Tradesmen and Craftsmen Federation, stated that meat consumption increased by around 35 percent and said, “While 500-550 sheep were slaughtered before the pandemic, 800-850 sheep are slaughtered now. In cattle, 150 cattle were slaughtered before the pandemic, but now 250 cattle are slaughtered. This was due to the development of technology and the increase in the use of the internet, and people's access to meat more quickly. "There was a 40 percent increase in kebab sales" Reminding that everyone is closed to their homes with the pandemic and kebab makers have started to provide take-out services to their homes, kebab master İsmail Çalıkran said, “With this process, citizens started to use technology, internet and social media more. This has increased the use of internet and social media in restaurants. In this way, we ensured that the citizens first appealed to their eyes and then tasted them. Thus, while reaching more people, we also helped those people turn to kebab. In this way, there has been an increase in kebab sales by 40 percent compared to previous years.” Kebab master Metin Dura, on the other hand, stated that kebab tourism started in Adana with the development of technology and the increase in the use of internet and social media. For this reason, there are people who come to eat kebab not only from Adana but also from other provinces and even abroad. Tours are organized from provinces to Adana. This has increased our business," he said. Dura also mentioned that they make people want their lives by making a good visual of the kebab on social media.

UNESCO'lu "Gaziantep Mutfağı'ndan" damak çatlatan lezzetler Haber

UNESCO'lu "Gaziantep Mutfağı'ndan" damak çatlatan lezzetler

UNESCO’lu Gaziantep Yemekleri Gaziantep mutfağı, 2015 yılında gastronomi dalında, UNESCO ‘Yaratıcı Şehirler Ağı’na girerek dünyanın en önemli sekiz mutfağından biri oldu. UNESCO’nun tescillemesiyle birlikte dünyada genellikle ülke adlarıyla anılan mutfaklar arasına kendi şehir adıyla girerek, bugünkü nesillere kültür mirası olarak kaldı. Tarihi İpek Yolu güzergâhında bulunan Gaziantep mutfağının zenginliği, yakın çevresindeki iller ve ülkeler ile bir zamanlar içinde barındırdığı çeşitli din ve ırklara mensup grupların mutfaklarından ve damak zevklerinden bugünkü zenginliğine ulaşmış. Son verilere göre Gaziantep mutfağına ait 291 değişik yemek çeşidi, Türk Patent Enstitüsü tarafından tescillenmiş, sırada tescillenmeyi 500’e yakın daha çeşidi var. Gaziantep Kebapları Kuşbaşı Kebabı,  Küşleme Kebabı, Altı Ezmeli Tike kebabı, Altı Ezmeli Kıyma Kebabı, Kıyma Kebabı, Sebzeli Kebap, Patlıcan Kebabı, Cağırtlak Kebabı, Simit Kebabı, Kazan Kebabı, Kemeli Kıyma Kebabı, Sarımsak Kebabı, Soğan Kebabı, Yeni Dünya Kebabı, Külbastı Alinazik Kuşbaşı Kebabı Küşleme Kebabı Patlıcan Kebabı Ali Nazik Gaziantep'in Et Yemekleri Lahmacun, Ekşili Taraklık Tavası, Soğan Yahnisi , Et Paçası,  Beyran, Ekşili Ufak Köfte, Kabak Oturtması, Doğrama Beyran Gaziantep'in Yoğurtlu Yemekleri : Yoğurtlu Yuvarlama,  Şiveydiz,  Sarımsak Aşı, Yoğurtlu Patates,  Yoğurtlu Bakla, Börek Çorbası Yuvalama Şiveydiz Gaziantep Pilavları: Firik Pilavı, İncikli Pilav, Mercimekli Pilav, Özbek Pilavı, İç Pilav, Maltıhalı Aş, Dövme Aşı, Simit Aşı, Yaprak Buğulaması, Meyhane Pilavı, Loğlazlı Pilav İç Pilav Gaziantep Sebze Yemekleri: Karnı yarık, İmam bayıldı,  Borani, Pirpirim aşı, Kabak Musakka, Domates Tavası, Saçma Tavası, Öcce, Bakla Yemeği, Etli Bamya, Kabaklama, Ciğer Kavurması Etli Bamya Karnıyarık Pirpirim Gaziantep Dolmaları: Antep Usulü Zeytinyağlı Dolma, Bulgurlu Kabak Dolması, Firikli Acur Dolması, Haylan Kabağı Dolması, Yaprak Sarması, Karışık Yaz Dolması, Mumbar Zeytinyağlı Dolma Yaprak Sarması Mumbar Gaziantep Köfteleri: Çiğ Köfte, İçli Köfte, Maltıhalı Köfte, Yağlı Yumurtalı Köfte, Kısır Köftesi, Yağlı Köfte,  Omaç Akıtmalı Ufak Köfte Çiğ Köfte İçli Köfte Gaziantep Çorbaları: Ezogelin çorbası, Süzme Mercimek çorbası, Lebeniye çorbası, Alaca çorba, Maş çorbası, Un çorbası, Öz çorbası, Şirinli çorba, Bulama çorbası, Katma çorbası Süzme mercimek çorbası Gaziantep Tatlıları; Baklava, Şöbiyet, Dolama Burma Kadayıf ,Fıstıklı Kadayıf, Katmer,Şam Tatlısı, Krokan, Nişe Helvası, Kurabiye, Aşure, Sütlaç, Zerde, Antep Fıstığı Tatlısı, Peynirli İrmik Helvası, Ev Yapımı Sade Maraş Dondurması Baklava Şöbiyet Katmer Aşure Sütlaç Zerde Dondurma

Tekirdağ's Pabuç Meatballs has been registered Haber

Tekirdağ's Pabuç Meatballs has been registered

Meatball is an important Turkish dish cooked with different recipes from all over our country. Tekirdağ's meatballs are also famous. Meat is also delicious, so meatballs are also delicious. Meatballs, which were called Çerkezmüsellim meatballs in the past, are also delicious because their shape is similar to children's shoes. Çerkezmüsellim meatballs, which have a unique taste by kneading ground beef with special spices, are among the delicacies that visitors of the city do not leave without eating. It is very popular with the sauce and fresh bread they serve on the side. Those who come to Tekirdağ from outside do not return without eating, those who know know. Within the scope of the geographical indication studies carried out under the coordination of the Trakya Development Agency, a registration application was made to the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office to obtain a geographical indication for Çerkezmüsellim Meatballs (Pabuç Meatballs) produced by Hayrabolu Municipality in Çerkezmüsellim Town. After Hayrabolu dessert, Karacakılavuz twill weave, Malkara old cheddar, Tekirdağ meatballs, Tekirdağ cheese halva, Tekirdağ onion, Yapıncak vine leaves and Velimeşe boza, "Çerkezmüsellim shoe meatball" was registered as the 9th product of the city with geographical indication. How to Prepare Çerkezmüsellim Pabuç Meatballs? Pass the pieces of meat and tallow through a machine fitted with a number two mirror and make it into minced meat (to be pulled once). Add the other ingredients to the minced meat, knead for 20 minutes. Rest in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. When grilling, take the meatball dough out of the refrigerator, roll it in your palm to prepare meatballs. Grill the patties for two minutes, a total of four minutes, turning each side frequently. This way your patties will stay fluffy and juicy. The most important feature of the meatball is that it is made from the meat of young calves grown in the pastures of the region. The arm and rib meat of the beef that is under one year old is used. 50% of the meatballs are made with lean meat, the other 50% with the meat from the neck and ribs. In this way, the most perfect taste is obtained. One-fifth tallow is used to adjust the fat ratio. The blade of the meat grinder, called the mirror, is very important. Care should be taken that the knife is very sharp, otherwise the meat will be crushed and the juice will escape. Its unique spice mix is added to shoe meatballs more than other meatballs. The ground beef is kneaded by hand and rested for about 5 hours. The most important point in the taste of meatballs is in the minced meat. The meat is crushed with a knife and then turned into meatballs in the desired gram size and placed on the grill.

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