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TOURISMJOURNAL - Gstc haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, Gstc haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

Turkey's success in sustainable tourism will be presented at COP28 Haber

Turkey's success in sustainable tourism will be presented at COP28

Turkey, by entering into an agreement with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), has implemented the Sustainable Tourism Certification Program, marking the world's first pioneering initiative in this regard. Within this framework, the number of facilities that have completed the initial criteria nationwide has surpassed 7,000. Additionally, over a thousand hotels have received the sustainable tourism certification by meeting all the criteria. Turkey's efforts in the field of sustainable tourism under the certification program are being highlighted by the GSTC as an example worldwide. In this context, Prof. Dr. Hasan Ali Karasar, the Rector of Cappadocia University, Elif Balcı Fisünoğlu, Deputy General Manager of the Turkey Tourism Promotion and Development Agency (TGA), Kaan Kaşif Kavaloğlu, the Agency's Spokesperson, Erkan Yağcı, the President of the Turkey Hoteliers Federation, and Ram Kumar, the Deputy President of GSTC, will present Turkey's sustainable tourism initiatives at COP28. During the conference in the United Arab Emirates, a panel discussion on December 10th will address the success of Turkish tourism in the field of sustainability. It is anticipated that Turkey's efforts in implementing sustainable tourism as a precaution against global climate change will serve as a model for the world. "We will crown Turkey's honor" Kaan Kaşif Kavaloğlu, the President of the Mediterranean Touristic Hoteliers and Operators Association, also spoke to AA correspondent, stating that Turkey has taken measures in tourism against global climate change by signing the Sustainable Tourism Program agreement with the GSTC. Highlighting their leadership in environmental sensitivity and the sustainability of the system in tourism worldwide, Kavaloğlu stated: "Turkey became the first country in the world to reach an agreement with the GSTC for sustainable tourism. Over a thousand hotels have received certification by meeting all the criteria so far, and our country has achieved great success in this field. With the agreement signed by our Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Turkey became part of the Sustainable Tourism Program. Being the first country to do this in tourism was important. At COP28, we will have the opportunity to share the successful operation we conducted as TGA with our academics. We will crown Turkey's honor in this regard." Expressing the hope that all tourism stakeholders, not just accommodation facilities, will embrace this program, Kavaloğlu said, "Sustainability is a very important issue. We expect all agencies and restaurants serving tourism, and everyone involved in this field, to develop awareness. It will be the primary reason for tourists to choose our country. We believe that Turkey's success can be effectively used in marketing."

Global Sustainable Tourism Conference in Antalya in 2023 Haber

Global Sustainable Tourism Conference in Antalya in 2023

The Sustainable Tourism Conference, which is held in a different country every year by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), the world's top environment and sustainability platform, will be held in Antalya in 2023. The announcement that the conference, which will be held in May and will be hosted by Turkey for the first time, will be held in Antalya, was made by GSTC CEO Randy Durband at the 2022 GSTC Sustainable Tourism Conference held in Seville, Spain. The 2023 Antalya conference of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, organized by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), which sets and manages global standards for sustainable travel and tourism; It will host more than 350 local and foreign participants consisting of public institutions, hotels, tour operators, universities, development agencies and other sector representatives. The content of the conference, which will last for 4 days, consists of trainings, meetings and social activities. Turkey created the roadmap Turkey, which created the "sustainable tourism roadmap" by making a cooperation agreement with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) at the beginning of 2022, became the first country to make an agreement "with the government in the field of sustainable tourism". While Turkey's tourism industry was restructured with the three-year protocol signed with GSTC, which sets the most widespread and highest standards in the field of sustainable tourism, the 'National Sustainable Tourism Program' was created for this purpose. National Sustainable Tourism Programme; It aims to transform the entire tourism sector by including destinations and tour operators, especially accommodation facilities. Under the leadership of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and TGA, within the scope of the Sustainable Tourism Program, which was put forward in cooperation with all sectors and international organizations; By the end of 2023, all accommodation facilities in Turkey are required to comply with the 1st phase of the program. Source: Haber7

Global Sürdürülebilir Turizm Konferansı, 2023’de Antalya’da Haber

Global Sürdürülebilir Turizm Konferansı, 2023’de Antalya’da

Dünyanın en üst çevre ve sürdürülebilirlik platformu olan Global Sürdürülebilir Turizm Konseyi’nin (GSTC) her yıl farklı bir ülkede düzenlediği Sürdürülebilir Turizm Konferansı, 2023 yılında Antalya’da yapılacak. Mayıs ayında düzenlenecek olan ve Türkiye’nin ilk kez ev sahibi olacağı konferansın Antalya’da yapılacağının duyurusu, İspanya’nın Sevilla şehrinde düzenlenen 2022 GSTC Sürdürülebilir Turizm Konferansı’nda GSTC CEO’su Randy Durband tarafından yapıldı.  Sürdürülebilir seyahat ve turizm için global standartları belirleyen ve bu kriterleri yöneten Global Sürdürülebilir Turizm Konseyi (GSTC) tarafından düzenlenen Global Sürdürülebilir Turizm Konseyi’nin 2023 Antalya konferansı; kamu kurumları, oteller, tur operatörleri, üniversiteler, kalkınma ajansları ve diğer sektör temsilcilerinden oluşan yerli ve yabancı 350’den fazla katılımcıya ev sahipliği yapacak. 4 gün sürecek olan konferansın içeriği eğitimler, toplantılar ve sosyal etkinliklerden oluşuyor. Türkiye yol haritasını oluşturdu 2022 yılı başında Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) ile iş birliği anlaşması yaparak “sürdürülebilir turizm yol haritasını” oluşturan Türkiye, bu anlaşma ile ‘sürdürülebilir turizm alanında hükümet nezdinde’ anlaşma yapan ilk ülke oldu. Sürdürülebilir turizm alanında en yaygın ve en üst standartları belirleyen GSTC ile yapılan üç yıllık protokol ile Türkiye’nin turizm endüstrisi yeniden yapılandırılırken, bu amaçla ‘Ulusal Sürdürülebilir Turizm Programı’ oluşturuldu. Ulusal Sürdürülebilir Turizm Programı; konaklama tesisleri başta olmak üzere, destinasyonlar ve tur operatörlerini de içine alarak tüm turizm sektöründe dönüşümünü sağlamayı amaçlıyor. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı ve TGA öncülüğünde tüm sektörle ve uluslararası kuruluşlarla iş birliği halinde ortaya konan Sürdürülebilir Turizm Programı kapsamında; 2023 yılı sonuna kadar Türkiye’de bulunan tüm konaklama tesislerinin programın 1. aşamasına uyum sağlaması zorunluluğu getirildi. Kaynak: Haber7: Fuat Öner

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