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TOURISMJOURNAL - Holiday haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, Holiday haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

HolidayCheck grubu Hasan Yiğit ile birlikte Türkiye’de yeni bir iş ortaklığı kurdu Haber

HolidayCheck grubu Hasan Yiğit ile birlikte Türkiye’de yeni bir iş ortaklığı kurdu

12 milyondan fazla değerlendirme ile tatil planlamasında kapsamlı şeffaflık sunan ve Alman tatilciler arasında büyük bir güvene sahip olan HolidayCheck‘in Türkiye’deki bu girişiminin, turizm alanındaki stratejik büyüme planlarının bir parçası olduğu belirtildi. Holiday Destination Services’in Yönetim Kurulu Başkanlığını turizm ve otelcilik sektöründe birçok ünlü şirkette yönetici olarak görevlerini başarıyla yürüten Hasan Yiğit üstlendi. HolidayCheck'in Türkiye'deki tüm turizm faaliyetlerini yürütecek olan yeni destinasyon yönetim şirketinde (DMC), turizm sektöründe geniş deneyime sahip Ertan Sakallı, CEO ve Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi olarak görev aldı ve HolidayCheck'in yüksek standartlarının korunmasını sağlayacak. “Tatil deneyimini yeni bir seviyeye çıkarmayı hedefliyoruz” HolidayCheck Touristik GmbH'nin CEO'su Christian Kaschner, “Türkiye bizim için büyük önem taşıyan bir pazar. Holiday Destination Services’i kurarak net bir mesaj veriyoruz: Bölgede varlığımızı sadece genişletmekle kalmayıp, aynı zamanda müşterilerimize sunduğumuz tatil deneyimini yeni bir seviyeye taşımak istiyoruz,” Ertan Sakallı ve ekibiyle belirledikleri hedeflere ulaşmak için en iyi partnerlere sahip olduklarını kaydeden Kaschner, “Holiday Destination Services, müşteri hizmetlerinde yeni standartlar belirleyecek. Müşteriler, isteklerine ve ihtiyaçlarına göre özel olarak hazırlanmış gezilerden faydalanabilecekler. Bu, sadece tipik turistik deneyimlerle sınırlı kalmayacak, aynı zamanda Türkiye'nin kültürüne ve güzelliklerine otantik bir bakış sunacak.” diye konuştu. Holiday Destination Services’in HolidayCheck markasının bölgede farkındalığını artırmada da önemli bir rol oynayacağının altını çizen Kaschner, “Yeni girişimimiz, hedeflenen pazarlama stratejileri ve mükemmel hizmetlerle HolidayCheck markasını Türkiye’de tatil deneyimleri sunan lider sağlayıcı olarak konumlandıracaktır.” vurgusu yaptı.

Holiday Rush in Hatay, Home to Turkey's Longest Coastline Haber

Holiday Rush in Hatay, Home to Turkey's Longest Coastline

In Hatay's Samandağ district, which fell into silence following last year's devastating earthquake, a similar level of pre-earthquake holiday rush was observed due to the nine-day holiday and hot weather at the 14-kilometer-long beach. The Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquakes had caused significant destruction in Hatay's Samandağ district, leading to a quiet holiday season last year. However, as the wounds from the earthquake began to heal and residents returned to their homes, there was a surge of activity on Samandağ beach, Turkey's longest coastline, during the Eid al-Adha holiday. With temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius, people sought relief in the cool waters of the Mediterranean. The crowd at the public beach was also captured from the air by drone footage. Hatay Metropolitan Municipality's Fire Department lifeguards remained on high alert for any drowning incidents. "The Only Way to Cool Off in Hot Weather is to Swim in the Sea" Ahmet Kimyeci, who mentioned spending the holiday at the beach, said, "We came to our house by the beach for the holiday. We're spending the holiday here. The weather is hot, but the sea is normal. It can be better or worse than this. The only way to cool off in hot weather is to swim in the sea. We came with our grandchildren. The beach is nice but needs some maintenance. It's crowded now, but it will get even more crowded in a few hours. You can swim until 8 PM. We have a pleasant sea. With the weather being so hot, this is the only way to cool off. We're spending the holiday like this." "I Come Twice a Month to Escape This Heat" Nevzat Açık, who described Samandağ beach as one of the largest in the world, said, "The weather is very hot, so we threw ourselves into the sea. The weather is very hot, so everyone came to the sea. The beach is crowded. Since it's a holiday, everyone has come for vacation. I come twice a month to escape this heat," he said.

Tourism gets a 9-day holiday boost Haber

Tourism gets a 9-day holiday boost

Due to the earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş last year, the tourism season started late, but this year it has been brought forward with the nine-day Ramadan holiday. Occupancy rates in Antalya, Bodrum, Sapanca, Afyon, and Cyprus have reached 60-70%, and there will be a festive atmosphere in the facilities. The tourism sector is making a rapid entry into the season with the nine-day Ramadan holiday from April 6th to 15th this year. Starting in the third week of March and followed by the Easter holiday in Europe, the nine-day Ramadan holiday that followed has brought joy to tourism professionals, affecting the entire Turkish world. The coincidence of the holiday with the interim holiday period also increases domestic market activity, positively impacting holiday sales. Kaan Kavaloğlu, President of the Antalya Touristic Hoteliers and Operators Association (AKTOB), says that extending the Ramadan holiday to nine days has delighted tourism professionals and ensured an early start to the season. Reminding us of the very late start of the tourism season last year, Kavaloğlu says, "After the local elections, this holiday will offer the Turkish people a chance to relax and rest. Considering the Nevruz and Easter holidays, this year the season will open in the third week of March." Emel Elik Bezaroğlu, a Board Member of Elite World Hotels & Resorts, also emphasizes that extending the holiday to nine days is encouraging for tourism. She says they are experiencing holiday congestion in their Sapanca hotels and highlights that they have prepared special artistic programs for holidaymakers to enjoy their time.

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