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TOURISMJOURNAL - Hotels haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, Hotels haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

Criticism of high costs from Er Yatırım Haber

Criticism of high costs from Er Yatırım

Er Yatırım General Manager Ferzan Çelikkanat was a guest on Bloomberg HT's program "Üst Düzey." Evaluating the tourism sector, Çelikkanat noted that they didn't achieve what they had hoped for due to rising costs, stating, "The year 2023 was somewhat disappointing for us. However, we experienced a period where revenues and profits were in parallel. The stabilization of inflation and exchange rates, along with the slowing of demand due to rising costs, started to cause some deviations in our budgets from the beginning of 2024." Since Turkey's main income comes from travel, particularly along the Mediterranean coast and through hotel and tourism services in the Mediterranean basin, Çelikkanat expressed hope that a significant portion of their revenue would be collected in the summer of 2024. He noted, "In the first and second quarters of 2024, tourism activities were more focused on urban activities, and there was significant revenue and turnover generated in cultural tourism and the growing health tourism sector. Particularly with the advance agreements made by agencies and tour operators for the summer season, there were serious hopes for the summer of 2024. In fact, our targets shifted from $50 billion to $60 billion in tourism revenue. However, things didn’t go as planned. Due to challenges with rising costs, we did not experience the expected June-July period. We can see this reflected in the latest figures. In fact, we see that summer tourism has only started to recover as of August, and the season has extended into September-October as part of the summer season due to shifting trends. There were the Olympics and the European Championship, so we can say that domestic tourists postponed their vacations and spending to September-October." Regarding urban tourism, Çelikkanat noted that they had recorded a good season, stating, "If a proper investment model and financing cost planning were in place, urban hotels always operate with different dynamics than holiday hotels and can generate profits. In fact, the hotel industry is one where profits are made not just by revenues but by controlling expenses. We had a good season in urban hotel operations."

The occupancy rate in hotels in the Northern Aegean has exceeded 70% Haber

The occupancy rate in hotels in the Northern Aegean has exceeded 70%

In Edremit, one of the major holiday destinations in Balıkesir's Northern Aegean region, tourism businesses have completed their preparations for the upcoming 9-day holiday, with hotel occupancy rates reported to have exceeded 70%. Tourism professionals expect occupancy rates to surpass 90% with last-minute reservations. Ahmet Çetin, President of the Edremit Chamber of Commerce, highlighted the high interest in hotels in the Kaz Mountains, stating, "Our Edremit region is ready for the 9-day long holiday with its seaside hotels, coastal hotels, and boutique hotels in the Kaz Mountains. During the holiday, our boutique hotels in the Kaz Mountains are almost fully booked. These charming hotels offer a peaceful and serene environment for a relaxing holiday and are currently prepared and ready to welcome guests." Çetin emphasized that transportation to the region has become easier with highways, the Çanakkale Bridge, Troya Tunnels, and Koca Seyit Airport, stating, "Of course, our coastal hotels are also ready. Our region is a valuable part of the Northern Aegean. We are expecting citizens from major cities, especially those coming to rest, during the 9-day holiday. We are a region that is more accessible and reachable under favorable conditions. The connections from Çanakkale and Bursa to Istanbul via two highways, the opening of the Çanakkale Strait Bridge to traffic, the opening of the tunnels, and the increased number of flights at Edremit-Koca Seyit Airport make the Edremit Gulf a more sought-after and desirable destination." Ahmet Çetin, expressing satisfaction with the 9-day holiday among tourism professionals, said, "We, along with our businesses, are ready for the long 9-day holiday. This holiday before the summer season is a great initiative. It will energize and revitalize tourism businesses, thus providing economic value to the region. We consider this important and express our gratitude to the authorities for this initiative." Inviting vacationers to Edremit, Çetin added, "We look forward to welcoming our citizens and valued vacationers to the Edremit Gulf, the Northern Aegean, the Kaz Mountains, and the pleasant atmosphere of Edremit." Fatih Ergün, Chairman of the TÜRSAB Çanakkale-Balıkesir Regional Representative Board, stated, "In our discussions with agencies and hotels, we have observed great interest and high occupancy. Our region, hotels, and agencies will experience busy days. We believe it will be a good holiday period and a strong start to the season."

The 'All-Inclusive' system in hotels is changing Haber

The 'All-Inclusive' system in hotels is changing

AKTOB President Kaan Kavaloğlu made noteworthy statements to Hürriyet's Salim Uzun regarding the 'All-Inclusive' system. The all-inclusive system will be implemented in three levels: low, medium, and high. After several successful consecutive seasons, Kavaloğlu expressed the need to lighten the all-inclusive system, considering the intense competition. He mentioned, 'Due to the tough competition, we filled some things excessively. Our competitors are not putting in such intense efforts. We need to take a step back. We have also worked on this. We have planned the all-inclusive system in low, medium, and high levels, and we have reported it based on the hotels' revenue. We will now determine the standard for this system.' "HOTELS ARE AGING, WE NEED TO TAKE PRECAUTIONS" Kaan Kavaloğlu, President of AKTOB, also pointed out that some hotels in Antalya are showing signs of wear and tear. He stated, "Let's not forget, thanks to the modernization of our facilities, we became competitors to Spain. Spain has many worn-out hotels, but they renew them using the financial support provided by the European Union (EU). We also need to take precautions in this regard. Why? Because our facilities are aging. We must prepare for this situation. The sector needs to make a course correction. To do this, we will need to create financing. If good seasons do not come consecutively and we cannot make a profit, we will have to do this with our own capital. This means limited movement. When I say this, I am not talking about the annual maintenance of hotels. I am talking about robust maintenance. Therefore, it is necessary to sit down and plan for this issue from now on." "WE SHOULD PLAN THE SYSTEM FIRST FOR 7, THEN FOR 12 MONTHS" Stressing the need to take steps in 2024 without losing the price advantage, Kavaloğlu stated the following: "We should not talk too early about the 2024 season. We need to take steps for the new season without losing our price and service advantage. We are looking at whether hotels can open early, whether the season can start in April, and whether we can extend the season. Of course, there is also the spreading of tourism over the months. We always talk about 12 months of tourism, but we need to be realistic. We should plan the system first for 7, then for 12 months."

Kuşadası hotels anticipate 90% occupancy for the upcoming New Year Haber

Kuşadası hotels anticipate 90% occupancy for the upcoming New Year

As the end of 2023 approaches in Kuşadası, the leading tourism district of Aydın, there is significant activity in hotels ahead of the New Year. According to Serdar Köroğlu, Vice President of the Kuşadası Hoteliers Association (KODER), there is a bustling atmosphere with both domestic and foreign tourists choosing Kuşadası for New Year celebrations. "Almost all hotels in Kuşadası are nearly full for New Year's. We have guests from Romania, Bulgaria, and, to a lesser extent, German, Dutch, and Indian groups who prefer Kuşadası," he said. Kuşadası hotels, gearing up for the New Year holiday, are preparing to welcome their guests with orchestral concerts and special menus. It is noted that during this special period, hotel occupancy rates are approaching 100%. Open-air hotels are offering a visual feast to their guests with New Year-themed decorations, sparkling Christmas trees, and colorful decor. Kuşadası stands out for its lively atmosphere in tourism during the New Year, with hotels and restaurants preparing to host their guests with special menus, ensuring that the excitement of the New Year reaches its peak. With both foreign and domestic tourists showing interest in hotels in the district during this period, Kuşadası embraces the New Year celebration in all its vibrant colors. Kuşadası Chamber of Commerce Vice President Seydi Yıkılmaz, in a statement regarding preparations as the New Year approaches, mentioned, "Things are going well, there are innovations in businesses. Hotel occupancy rates are around 90%. We believe that businesses will do some business together, at least to some extent."

New Year's in tourist hotels will be lively Haber

New Year's in tourist hotels will be lively

Yağcı, speaking to an AA reporter, mentioned that the fact that December 31st falls on a Sunday has increased the opportunity for a holiday. Expressing their readiness for upcoming seasons with new hopes after a successful year in tourism, Yağcı noted that they will have a good start with the New Year intensity. Regarding New Year's, especially in hotels open in coastal areas, reaching 80% occupancy, Yağcı stated: "We expect even more reservations in the coming week. Currently, there is activity in all our regions. We have traditional markets, guests coming from European countries such as Germany, England, the Netherlands, Belgium during the winter season. The number of guests coming from Russia during the New Year period has been increasing in the last 3 years. Considering our New Year and then the Russians' New Year programs, we will experience New Year's activity in Turkey until January 8." Yağcı also mentioned that they received reservations from the domestic market and stated that hotels in both ski resorts and coastal areas will have a productive New Year holiday. Yağcı noted that hotels are making preparations for New Year's based on reservations. He mentioned that hotels have adopted the New Year concept from the second week of December, and programs and menus have been planned days in advance. There is an increase in Russian and German tourists for New Year's. Ismail Çağlar, the operations manager of a hotel group in Antalya, also mentioned that they have had a successful year and are preparing for 2024 with new hopes. Expressing the desire to start the new year with a beautiful New Year's holiday, Çağlar stated that special New Year's programs in hotels in Kundu, Belek, Kemer, and Alanya regions have been completed. Stating that they have received numerous requests from domestic guests and anticipating a lively New Year's holiday, Çağlar said, "The Christmas celebration of Catholic Christians begins on December 24, followed by the Orthodox. We have a beautiful 15-day period ahead. Usually, there is a domestic market intensity, and this year there is an increase in both Russian and German guests. We are eagerly looking forward to New Year's.

A new era is beginning in hotels Haber

A new era is beginning in hotels

Industry representatives, particularly focusing on gastronomy, sports, and cultural tourism activities, are aiming to reconsider the widely popular yet equally debated all-inclusive system. THEY MAY RETURN TO HALF-BOARD Speaking to Hürriyet about the industry's plans for 2024, Korhan Alşan, the CEO of Nirvana Hotels, noted an increasing need to reconsider the all-inclusive system due to rising costs and changing customer expectations. Alşan stated, "Some of the hotels implementing the all-inclusive system may shift to half-board. Of course, the all-inclusive system will never disappear because it is a very comfortable model, especially during the summer season. Turkey implements this very well. PRICE BASED ON THE PRODUCT Alşan, noting that completely abandoning the all-inclusive system is not rational, explained it as follows: "We need to diversify the content of this system because there is confusion in some aspects. For example, consumers have started questioning why they are paying for products they did not purchase. We are also contemplating the question, 'Why should a tourist who does not consume alcohol pay for it throughout their vacation?' We plan to offer a model where consumers can choose the products they will use." CAN CREATE A PRICE ADVANTAGE Kaan Kavaloğlu, the President of the Mediterranean Hoteliers and Operators Association (AKTOB), commented on the 'pay as you use' model expected to be integrated into the all-inclusive system. Kavaloğlu stated, "Frankly, due to competitive conditions, we have filled the all-inclusive system with a lot. Therefore, the new model can create a price advantage. Those who want to effectively use this model in marketing are gradually changing their systems. In the new era, tourists can benefit from a non-alcoholic all-inclusive option."

Hotels in Antalya are still full Haber

Hotels in Antalya are still full

Nilgün Çakmak, regional manager of the ikontatil.com and Ikon Hotels brands, who has been working as a holiday agency by providing call services to hotels in Antalya for 8 years and also operates thermal hotels in Afyon and Bolu, said that she is hopeful about this winter. Some of the customers of the Kemer region moved to Alanya and Side In an exclusive interview given to our website by Nilgün Çakmak, she stated that tourist density areas have changed. He stated that especially the tourists who came to Kemer in previous years are now shifting to Side and Alanya hotels. She pointed out that most hotels serving in the Kemer region need to be renovated. He stated that Alanya and Side hotels have undergone renovations in recent years and that they are in demand both in the domestic market and in Europe and that they have had a good season. Customer satisfaction is at the forefront for holidaymakers when choosing a hotel. Nilgün Çakmak: “Holidaymakers do not neglect their holidays, especially after the pandemic, and the market is growing every year. Nowadays, holidaymakers are more selective and hotels with high customer satisfaction are at the forefront. He prefers seaside, renovated and well-maintained hotels. Therefore, I think that hotel owners should pay attention to customer satisfaction and follow the renewal processes of hotels meticulously every year. As a holiday agency, we are currently in the contract process for the 2024 period. Sales and deals are going well. Reservations for seaside, renovated and Side-Alanya hotels with high guest scores are progressing faster.” Indicators are positive in winter tourism Nilgün Çakmak, Regional Manager of the group that operates thermal hotels as İkon Hotels in Afyon and Bolu, in addition to being a holiday agency, also has a positive outlook on the winter. He stated that the occupancy rates in thermal hotels, which are already serving with 70-80% occupancy, will remain high in winter and that they are hopeful about the sector.

Turkish hospitality is reflected in hotels as well Haber

Turkish hospitality is reflected in hotels as well

Turkish hospitality is now a concept. It is very important to reflect, feel and show this concept not only within the borders of the country or in certain sectors, but also everywhere and in every field. It's the same with our hotels. Considering that foreign guests are very busy in the hotels in our country and that our country is an important location in terms of tourism, this importance increases many times. We also talked to the Swissotel General Manager and Accor Turkey Hotels Vice President of Operations, Uğur Talayhan, on both the reflection of the Turkish hospitality concept in the hotels and how to prevent food waste, which especially occurs in hotels during this busy season. Are you happy to be involved in this sector (Hotel management, chef, etc.)? Being in the hotel industry is a great source of happiness for me. It is a great privilege to have the opportunity to use my creativity to offer new and unique experiences. In addition, working to ensure guest satisfaction at the highest level, touching people's lives and creating unforgettable memories for them is a great source of satisfaction for me. Since hotel management is a multifaceted sector, our fields of work are also quite wide. We need to be in constant interaction with different disciplines such as communication, marketing, customer relations and human resources. When we look at a process that starts very early in yours; Do you ever get bored or tired? Of course, as in any profession, boredom and fatigue can be experienced from time to time in the hotel business. But I use a few different methods to motivate myself. First of all, spending time with my loved ones is an important source of motivation for me. Spending time with them keeps me energized and mentally refreshed. In addition, the energy and support I get from my team motivates me. Interacting with my colleagues, working together and exchanging ideas has always made me happy. On the other hand, traveling is also a great source of motivation for me. Exploring new places, experiencing different cultures and improving myself has always excited me. WE MUST ALWAYS IMPROVE OURSELVES What do you think is the situation in Türkiye in terms of hotel management? Do we know this business, according to you? Türkiye is a country with great potential in hotel management. We have an important position in terms of our historical and cultural riches, natural beauties and tourism. However, I think that we need to work continuously for the further progress and development of the sector. One of the positive aspects is the reflection of Turkish hospitality and warmth to the sector. The interest and concern shown by Turkish people towards their guests ensures that our hotels offer an unforgettable experience to our guests. In order to meet the expectations of our guests at the highest level, we must constantly improve ourselves and provide service in accordance with international standards. Do you think we can reflect the concept of Turkish hospitality to our hotels or accommodation places within the borders of Turkey? Turkish hospitality is significantly reflected in our hotels and accommodation within the borders of Turkey. The friendly and helpful nature of the Turkish people enables us to offer a special experience to our guests in the hotel industry. We make an effort to make our guests feel "Welcome", to take care of them and to understand their needs. In general, we also feel the Turkish hospitality from our foreign guests and we receive positive reactions. However, it is very important that all employees in the sector adopt and implement this understanding of hospitality. GUESTS ARE SEEKING AN EXPERIENTIAL HOLIDAY Are there any details/subjects that you think will change, disappear or, on the contrary, be derived/added in the Turkish hotel management system in the long run, what are they, can you share? I think there will be various changes in the hospitality industry in the long run. Especially after the pandemic, there is a transformation in the travel and tourism sector. The understanding of "less is more", which is a simpler and minimalist approach, has started to show its effect in hotel management as well. This approach aims to offer a less concise experience. It is also expected that different concepts such as "small hotels" and "yacht hotels" will come to the fore. Guests are now looking for a more extraordinary and experiential vacation rather than an ordinary accommodation experience. For this reason, we can predict that the hotel management system will change to offer more innovative, experiential and sustainable services. On the other hand, the hotel industry is a sector that needs young talents. Young people can have career opportunities in hospitality around the world. In order to be successful in this sector, it is important for young people to trust themselves and believe that they can be successful while working with satisfaction and smiling. Although working in this sector has its challenges, it also has pleasant aspects and offers international opportunities to its employees. I would like to emphasize that the new generation talents should not be afraid to step into this sector and they can be successful if they trust themselves. FOOD WASTE IN HOTELS IS A SIGNIFICANT PROBLEM What do you think about food waste, especially in hotels and restaurants? The issue of food waste is an important issue for hotels and restaurants and needs to be worked on. It is important to find solutions to this problem both individually and in the context of the hotel. Individually, we can take steps such as ordering food in moderation, cooking it to the right measure to avoid waste, and utilizing waste properly. In the hotel context, solutions such as effective kitchen management practices, regular inventory control, donation programs and waste management systems can be implemented. At the same time, it is important to raise awareness of employees about food waste through awareness-raising and training. We are the leading hotel in this regard with the actions we take. It is said that there are radical differences between the hotels in Turkey and the hotels abroad in terms of food waste. Do you agree with this? Yes, unfortunately I can say that there are differences in food waste between hotels in Turkey and hotels abroad. As Swissôtel, I can proudly state that the Accor Hotels chain, to which we are affiliated, is a pioneer in sustainability studies. Some overseas hotels have adopted more sustainable and waste-preventing practices. In these hotels, further steps are taken in solutions such as reducing food waste, recycling and donation. However, in recent years, awareness on this issue has increased among hotels in Turkey and measures have been taken. Some hotels have introduced waste management systems and recycling programs to reduce food waste. However, I think more work needs to be done and it is important that all hotels take responsibility for this.

Kapadokya, yılbaşını tam dolulukla geçirdi Haber

Kapadokya, yılbaşını tam dolulukla geçirdi

Tarihi ve kültürel dokusuyla yılda milyonlarca turist ağırlayan Kapadokya bölgesi bu yılbaşında da doldu. Yeni yıla Kapadokya’da girmek isteyen yaklaşık 35 bin yerli ve yabancı turist aylar öncesinden erken rezervasyon yaptırarak yer bulabildi. Kapadokya bölgesinde ki konaklama tesislerinde bulunan 35 bin yatak kapasitesinin tamamı doldu. Kapadokya turizminin 2022 yılını çok güzel geçirdiğini söyleyen Nevşehir Valisi İnci Sezer Becel, 2023 yılının daha da güzel olacağını söyledi. Vali Becel, “Güzel bir yılı geride bıraktık. Turizm olarak 2022 yılını güzel hareketli ve bereketli geçti. Böyle güzel bir yılı geride bırakıyoruz. Şu anki göstergeler 2023’ün 2022’den çok daha iyi olacağını gösteriyor” şeklinde konuştu. Vali Becel daha sonra yol denetlemesinde görev yapan emniyet personelinin ve araçlarıyla yolculuk yapan vatandaşların yeni yılını kutladı. Yeni yılı Kapadokya’da karşılamak isteyen turistler günler öncesinden bölgeye gelmeye başladı. Gün boyu bölgeyi gezen turistler akşam saatlerinde ise eğlence mekânlarına akın etti. Kayadan oyma mekânlarda Türk Gecesi etkinliğine katılan turistler halay çekerek yeni yıla girdi. Bazı turistler de soğuk havaya aldırmadan yeni yılı ateş etrafında dans ederek karşıladı. Davul zurna eşliğinde oyun oynayan turistler yeni yılı ateş başında karşıladı. Uçhisar ve Göreme kasabasında yapılan havai fişek gösterileri de izleyenleri mest etti. Dakikalarca süren havai fişek gösterilerini izlemeye gelen yerli ve yabancı turistler seyir tepelerinde yoğunluk yaşanmasına neden oldu.

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