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#İga Istanbul Airport

TOURISMJOURNAL - İga Istanbul Airport haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, İga Istanbul Airport haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

IGA Istanbul Airport Once Again Selected as 'Airport of the Year' Haber

IGA Istanbul Airport Once Again Selected as 'Airport of the Year'

IGA Istanbul Airport has once again clinched the 'Airport of the Year' award at the 'Air Transport Awards 2024.' The awards ceremony, which is the only international event that recognizes all main categories of the aviation sector and is organized by prestigious publications in the aviation industry, took place in Ekali, Greece. Selahattin Bilgen, the Deputy CEO of IGA Istanbul Airport, received the award on behalf of the airport. This marks the fourth consecutive year that IGA Istanbul Airport has been honored with the 'Airport of the Year' title, having surpassed competitors from around the world in 2021, 2022, and 2023 as well. The 'Air Transport Awards,' organized annually by Hermes - Air Transport Organization, ATN (Air Transport News), and ALA (America Latina Aeronoticias), are overseen by a special committee selected by leading aviation organizations such as the Airports Council International (ACI), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Comprising 14 categories within the aviation sector, the awards recognize individuals, institutions, and companies contributing to the industry's advancement. Winners are determined through voting by over 4,000 readers of Air Transport News and aviation industry executives. Selahattin Bilgen, Deputy CEO of IGA Istanbul Airport, expressed his gratitude during the ceremony, stating: 'It is a source of great pride for us at IGA Istanbul Airport to be honored with the 'Airport of the Year' award for the fourth consecutive time, as determined by the votes of over 4,000 participants. Receiving this title once again amidst all international airports worldwide is a testament to the immense dedication of all our teams striving for operational excellence at the airport. We continually set higher standards for ourselves in efficiency, sustainability, innovation, and passenger satisfaction to provide our guests with an enjoyable travel experience. This award is a reflection of our sincere commitment to the pioneering practices we have implemented as a leader in the industry. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Air Transport Awards team for this valuable recognition.' Dr. Kostas Iastrou, CEO and Director of Air Transport News, commented: 'IGA Istanbul Airport has demonstrated resilience and leadership in innovation as a premier aviation hub despite all the challenges faced by the aviation sector since the Covid-19 pandemic. It rapidly reached pre-pandemic passenger numbers and became a leading global transfer hub by increasing airline diversity. This award is also a reflection of the dedicated efforts of airport staff and the delightful travel experience they provide to passengers.'

‘İGA’ en önemli etkinliğe ev sahipliği yapıyor Haber

‘İGA’ en önemli etkinliğe ev sahipliği yapıyor

İstanbul Havalimanı İşletmecisi İGA, Türkiye Turizm Tanıtım ve Geliştirme Ajansı (TGA) ile küresel havacılık sektörünün en önemli etkinliklerinden biri kabul edilen '28. Routes World'e İstanbul'da ev sahipliği yapıyor. Sektörün önde gelen havalimanları ve havayollarından 3 binden fazla üst düzey yöneticinin katıldığı Routes World'de havacılığın küresel bağlamdaki geleceği tartışılacak. Yeni rota fırsatlarını keşfetmek için 10 binin üzerinde görüşmenin planlandığı etkinlik, Turkish Airlines, Air France, easyJet, Delta Air Lines, Emirates, IndiGo, Japan Airlines, Qantas, ve Wizz Air’in de aralarında bulunduğu 250’den fazla havayolu şirketinin katılımıyla 15 - 17 Ekim tarihleri arasında İstanbul Fuar Merkezi'nde düzenlenecek. Açılış töreninde Ulaştırma ve Altyapı Bakanı Abdulkadir Uraloğlu, İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı Ekrem İmamoğlu ve İGA İstanbul Havalimanı Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi Mehmet Kalyoncu açılış konuşmalarını yapacak. İGA CEO'su Selahattin Bilgen tarafından gerçekleştirilecek açılış konuşması sonrasında 'Istanbul is the New Cool' adlı panel düzenlenecek. Panele, TGA Genel Müdür Vekili Elif Balcı Fisunoğlu ve İGA İstanbul Havalimanı CEO'su Selahattin Bilgen katılacak. Etkinliğin ikinci günü kapsamında, 16 Ekim Pazartesi günü, İGA İstanbul Havalimanı Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi Mehmet Kalyoncu, BBC program sunucusu Aaron Heslehurst moderatörlüğündeki “Havalimanları ve Şehirler” başlıklı panele konuşmacı olarak katılacak. Aynı gün konuşma yapacak isimler arasında İGA İstanbul Havalimanı Planlamadan Sorumlu Genel Müdür Yardımcısı İsmail Polat ise “Havalimanı Planlama ve Master Plan” konusunda düzenlenen panelde konuşma yapacak. İstanbul Havalimanı havacılık sektörünün geleceğini şekillendirecek İstanbul Havalimanı 28.Routes World’ün ev sahibi olarak, küresel taşıma sektöründeki konumunu daha da güçlendirmenin yanısıra, yeni havayollarını bünyesine çekmeyi ve İstanbul’a gelen yolcu trafiğini artırmayı hedefliyor. Havacılık sektörünün üst düzey yetkililerinin katılacağı ve iki gün sürecek etkinlik hakkında açıklamalarda bulunan İGA İstanbul Havalimanı CEO’su Selahattin Bilgen, “Dünyanın her köşesinden sektör profesyonelleriyle, havacılığın geleceğinin planlanacağı etkinlikler, paneller, toplantılar ve sunumlarla dolu, verimli bir üç gün olacak. Cumhuriyetimizin 100. yılında, İGA İstanbul Havalimanı olarak, dünya çapında havayolları, havalimanları ve havacılık paydaşlarını bir araya getiren bu etkinliğin ev sahibi olmaktan dolayı mutluyuz, gururluyuz.’’ diye konuştu.

Thai Airways launches flights to Istanbul Airport Haber

Thai Airways launches flights to Istanbul Airport

Thailand's flag carrier national airline, Thai Airways International Public Company Limited (THAI), will start its IGA Istanbul Airport flights on December 1, 2023. IGA Istanbul Airport CEO Kadri Samsunlu underlined their target to increase the number of airline companies operating at the airport to 100 in the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey, and stated that THAI is the 94th airline company hosted at IGA Istanbul Airport. THAI, the national airline company based at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International Airport, is scheduled to start direct flights between Bangkok and IGA Istanbul Airport as of December 1, 2023. The airline's Bangkok-Istanbul flights are expected to be made with A350-900 model aircraft with a capacity of 321 seats. Flight TG900, which will depart from Bangkok daily at 23.45, will land in Istanbul at 06.05 the next day. Flight TG901, which will depart from Istanbul at 16.30 on the same day, will arrive in Bangkok at 05.35. THAI will further strengthen its wide and uninterrupted flight network connecting Europe to Asia Pacific, North Asia, Southeast Asia and Australia via its hub in Bangkok, thanks to its IGA Istanbul Airport flights. Starting its operations in 1960, THAI is among the founding members of the Frankfurt-based global airline alliance Star Alliance. The 94th airline hosted by İGA Istanbul Airport Underlining their goal of reaching 100 airlines in the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey, İGA Istanbul Airport CEO Kadri Samsunlu stated that THAI is the 94th airline company hosted at IGA Istanbul Airport. Samsunlu continued his words as follows: "We are pleased to host Thai Airways International, one of the Star Alliance carriers, at IGA Istanbul Airport. With the participation of Thai Airways, we aim for more connections from our global hub and an increase in tourism from Thailand, South Asia and Australia to Turkey. In addition, Thai Airways International passengers will be able to easily connect to Europe and Africa through Turkish Airlines' wide connection network.

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