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Masalsı Doğu Ekspresi Sivas’ta Halaylarla Karşılandı Haber

Masalsı Doğu Ekspresi Sivas’ta Halaylarla Karşılandı

SİVAS (İHA) - Kars’tan hareket eden Turistik Doğu Ekspresi, büyüleyici bir yolculuğun ardından Sivas’a ulaştı. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı ile Ulaştırma ve Altyapı Bakanlığı’nın ortak projesi olan bu özel tren, Kars’tan başlayıp İliç ve Divriği ilçelerinde durduktan sonra Sivas’ta mola verdi. Sivas Tren Garı’nda davul, zurna ve halaylarla karşılanan yolculara kazan simidi ve çay ikram edildi. Etkileyici karşılama, yolcuların beğenisini topladı. "DİVRİĞİ ULU CAMİİ İNANILMAZDI" Yolculardan Emre Duru, yolculuğu unutulmaz bir deneyim olarak nitelendirerek, "Yolculuğum mükemmeldi. Özellikle tren İliç ilçesinde durdu, oradan Kemaliye’de ata topraklarına görme fırsatım oldu. Divriği Ulu Cami ve Darüşşifası inanılmazdı. Gördüğüm en etkileyici mimarilerden bir tanesiydi. Ayrıca Divriği ve Sivas’taki karşılamalar çok güzeldi. Benim için çok kıymetli bir seyahatti" dedi. "BU YOLCULUK YILLARIN HAYALİYDİ" Kübra Duru ise bu yolculuğun uzun zamandır hayalini kurduğunu belirterek, "Yolculuğum çok güzel geçti. Bu yolculuk yılların hayaliydi. Çok uzun zamandır bunu yapmak istiyorduk. Uygun zamanlara bilet denk getiremiyorduk. Şahane bir deneyim oluyor. Özellikle hem Divriği’de hem de Sivas’ta halk oyunları karşılaması beni çok duygulandırdı. İçimden ağlamak geldi. Her şeyin bu kadar güzel olması gerçekten çok keyifli" ifadelerini kullandı. 3 SAATLİK MOLA SONRASI ANKARA’YA DEVAM Sivas’ta 3 saat mola veren Turistik Doğu Ekspresi, bu süre sonunda Ankara’ya doğru yolculuğuna devam etti. Bu masalsı tren yolculuğu, katılımcıların hafızalarında güzel anılar bıraktı.

Dark Canyon has become an indispensable route for action enthusiasts Haber

Dark Canyon has become an indispensable route for action enthusiasts

Dark Canyon, which is on the UNESCO World Temporary Heritage List, welcomes many adrenaline-hungry local and foreign visitors every year with its closed ecosystem, geographical structure and natural beauties. On the slope of the canyon, the 7-kilometer stone road with 38 tunnels offers unforgettable moments to adventure lovers with its sharp bends and cliffs. It is considered among the rare natural beauties of the world that can be seen in the Grand Canyon in the USA and the Alps in Europe, similar to a 10-kilometer-long canyon consisting of 800-meter-long steep rocky slopes on both sides. Many activities such as rafting, canoeing, water skiing and zipline are carried out in the canyon, where the "Buse Jamp" and Wingsuit jumps are performed by local and wild athletes who come to Kemaliye International Culture and Nature Sports Festivals, starting with the late Governor Recep Yazıcıoğlu, who served in the city in the 1990s Domestic and foreign tourists coming to the district have a pleasant time, especially with boat tours and a boat tour that lasts approximately 40 minutes to watch the sunrise and sunset in the Dark Canyon, which has a depth of a thousand meters. The canyon region also offers a natural habitat for wild animals such as wild goats and lynx, which are under protection by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. They both protect and promote the canyon Umut Bayrak, who organizes a boat tour to the Dark Canyon, told Anadolu Agency (AA) that they host approximately 70,000 local and foreign tourists in one season. Stating that foreign bikers and caravans especially come to see the stone road completed in 138 years on the slope of the canyon, Bayrak said, "Foreign athletes generally come from Australia, Canada and the USA. They perform the 'Buse Jamp' jump from a chair with a steel rope suspended at a height of approximately 550 meters on the slopes of the canyon. " Yayladamı village headman Mustafa Özkan said, "As the district, we are trying to protect and promote the canyon as much as we can. I hope this place will remain intact for the next generations." "One of the most dangerous roads is here" Saying that tour companies and tourists from all over Turkey organize excursions to the Dark Canyon, Seyit Cebre noted that the region relaxes psychologically; "The canyon is a place where many tourists and athletes come in general. There are adrenaline-filled sports such as 'Wingsuit' and 'Buse Jamp'. At the same time, the stone road that follows the canyon and which is shown as one of the most dangerous roads in the world is located here. There are also camping areas in the canyon, where people usually set up tents. The natural beauty found here should be promoted to the whole world. There is a completely natural environment. We can breathe a sigh of relief here." Rümeysa Özge, who came to visit the Dark Canyon for the first time, said, "They recommended this place to us and we came here. It has a really great view. It has a wonderful view, especially at sunset. We liked it very much. We recommend everyone to come and see this place." Muzaffer Akan, who came from Edirne, said, "I'm coming for the first time, it has an incredible beauty. Dark Canyon has a beautiful sunset view."

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