#Mount Nemrut

TOURISMJOURNAL - Mount Nemrut haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, Mount Nemrut haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

136 convoys from South Korea will come to world heritage Nemrut Haber

136 convoys from South Korea will come to world heritage Nemrut

Mount Nemrut, the third important work of Turkey, which was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987, hosts tourists from all over the world, especially South Korea, Japan and China. Visitors coming to the region reach the summit of the mountain at an altitude of 2150, with an 800-meter trek that takes approximately 40 minutes from the steep slope to reach Mount Nemrut. Visitors also have the opportunity to watch the sunrise and sunset accompanied by giant sculptures from the Kingdom of Commagene, which existed between 163 BC and 72 AD. Tourists, who go to Mount Nemrut in the company of guides and examine the historical structures here, take photos and videos in the region. Adıyaman Culture and Tourism Director Abuzer Gelse told Anadolu Agency (AA) that the city welcomes local and foreign tourists with its historical and natural beauties. Explaining that Mount Nemrut is an important historical place, Gelse said: "Right after the earthquake in Adıyaman, we held meetings with tourism agencies and hotels and a damage assessment was made. Afterwards, we quickly offered financial and moral support to hotel businesses and tourism agencies to start their activities. We opened the tourism season on April 2nd. Connections were made with 136 convoys from South Korea for the year 2023. We have tourists from Canada, Italy and Germany. At the same time, our local visitors continue to be interested in Adıyaman's beauties." Stating that approximately 350 thousand people visited the museums and ruins in the city last year, Gelse said, "Adıyaman is a place that has survived the troubled period of the earthquake as of now, and where there are no problems in terms of accommodation facilities, museums and ruins. We invite everyone to Adıyaman." Gelse stated that there are viewing terraces to the east, west, north and south of Mount Nemrut. Stating that there are also areas for visitors to stay in the region, Gelse said, "Our visitors can visit the Nemrut Mountain Ruins. Sunrise and sunset offer a unique view." "I came because the sunset is the most beautiful view from here" South Korean Kim Ki Taek stated that the history of Mount Nemrut is important. Stating that they saw the region on the internet and came, Taek said, "When our friends came here, they all liked it. I saw it on the internet and on TV. I came for the first time and I liked it very much." Eom Gyusik, a citizen of the same country, noted that he constantly researches Türkiye on the internet. Emphasizing that he likes Mount Nemrut very much, Gyusik said, "I had looked at the beauties of Turkey before. I saw Mount Nemrut from there too. I came because the sunset is the most beautiful view from here, I liked it very much. I will tell my friends about this place and we will come here again together."

Mount Nemrut welcomes the first tourist groups of the season Haber

Mount Nemrut welcomes the first tourist groups of the season

Nemrut Mountain Ruins, where giant statues from the Commagene Kingdom, which existed between 163 BC and 72 AD, were not affected by the earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş on 6 February. The tourist season started on April 1 and South Korean tourist groups were the first to arrive in the region. The German tourist group, which came to the ruins with 12 caravans, also stays in the region. Tourists, who go to Mount Nemrut in the company of guides and examine the historical structures here, take photos in the region. Adıyaman Culture and Tourism Director Abuzer Gelse told Anadolu Agency (AA) that after the earthquakes, they held meetings with tourism businesses and determined the needs of the them. Stating that investigations on the effects of earthquakes on historical structures were also carried out, it was determined that damage occurred in the Karakuş Tumulus, Eski Kahta Castle and Arsameia Ruins, Gelse stated that the restoration and reduction works will be completed in a short time. Noting that the Regional Directorate of Foundations will initiate work for mosques damaged in the city, Gelse stated that no damage has been detected in other historical buildings. Emphasizing that they are working for tourism to return to normal as soon as possible, Gelse said: "Adıyaman is the first province to open the tourism season in the earthquake zone. Last week, we welcomed the first tourist group from South Korea. So far, we have 6 tourist groups from South Korea. They have started the tourism activity in the region. In addition, tourists come from Italy, America and Germany. Our agencies related to approximately 130 tourist groups have made their connections. Thus, our tourism season has started. Stating that the bed capacity has decreased due to earthquakes in the city, Gelse said, "While we had a capacity of 4 thousand beds in Adıyaman in 2022, this capacity dropped by 50 percent after the earthquake. We currently have a bed capacity of 2000. About 650 of these 2 thousand bed capacities are currently in use. Hopefully, this number will exceed a thousand in 2 weeks. We will start to use the bed capacity actively as soon as possible."

Nemrut Dağı sezonun ilk turist kafilelerini ağırlıyor Haber

Nemrut Dağı sezonun ilk turist kafilelerini ağırlıyor

Milattan önce 163 ila milattan sonra 72 yıllarında varlık gösteren Kommagene Krallığı'ndan kalma dev heykellerin bulunduğu Nemrut Dağı Ören Yeri, 6 Şubat'taki Kahramanmaraş merkezli depremlerden etkilenmedi. Turizm sezonunun 1 Nisan'da başladığı bölgeye ilk olarak Güney Koreli turist kafileleri geldi. Ören yerine 12 karavanla gelen Alman turist kafilesi de bölgede konaklıyor. Rehberler eşliğinde Nemrut Dağı'na çıkarak buradaki tarihi yapıları inceleyen turistler, bölgede fotoğraflar çekiyor. Adıyaman Kültür ve Turizm Müdürü Abuzer Gelse, AA muhabirine, depremler sonrasında turizm işletmeleriyle toplantılar yaptıklarını ve işletmelerin ihtiyaçlarını belirlediklerini belirtti. Depremlerin tarihi yapılara etkisine ilişkin yapılan incelemelerin de gerçekleştirildiğini, Karakuş Tümülüsü, Eski Kahta Kalesi ve Arsameia Ören Yeri'nde hasar oluştuğunun tespit edildiğini kaydeden Gelse, restorasyon ve redüksiyon çalışmalarının kısa sürede tamamlanacağını belirtti. Kentte hasar alan camiler için de Vakıflar Bölge Müdürlüğünce çalışma başlatılacağını kaydeden Gelse, bunun dışındaki tarihi yapılarda hasar tespit edilmediğini ifade etti. Hayatın turizm içinde bir an önce normale dönmesi için çalışmalar yaptıklarını vurgulayan Gelse, şöyle konuştu: "Adıyaman, deprem bölgesinde turizm sezonunu açan ilk il. Biz geçen hafta Güney Kore'den gelen ilk turist kafilesini karşıladık. Şu ana kadar Güney Kore'den gelen 6 turist kafilemiz var. Onlar bölgede turizm faaliyetini başlatmış oldular. Bununla beraber İtalya'dan Amerika'dan ve Almanya'dan turistlerimiz de geliyor. Yaklaşık 130 turist grubuyla ilgili acentelerimiz bağlantılarını yaptılar. Böylece turizm sezonumuz da başladı" Kentte depremler nedeniyle yatak kapasitesinin azaldığını belirten Gelse, "Adıyaman'da 2022 yılında 4 bin yatak kapasitemiz varken deprem sonrasında bu kapasite yüzde 50 oranında düştü. 2000 yatak kapasitemiz var şu anda. Bu 2 bin yatak kapasitesinin yaklaşık 650 tanesi şu an kullanımda. İnşallah 2 hafta içinde bu sayı binin üzerine çıkmış olacak. En kısa sürede elimizde yatak kapasitesini aktif olarak kullanmaya başlayacağız." sözlerine yer verdi.

UNESCO Candidate Nemrut Crater Lake Dazzles In Winter Haber

UNESCO Candidate Nemrut Crater Lake Dazzles In Winter

UNESCO candidate Nemrut Crater Lake, located in Türkiye Bitlis province, has turned into white after snowfall. The air temperature dropped to 8 degree Celsius below zero, and the snowy mountains and trees surrounding it presented a impressive scenery Lake Nemrut is the second largest crater lake in the world and the largest in Turkey, and is named after Nemrut, the Babylonian ruler who lived in 2100 BC. Lake Nemrut, the remains of Lake Van basin, is located between Tatvan, Ahlat and Güroymak districts of Bitlis province. Nemrut Crater Lake, which is the second in the world in terms of its size, covers one third of the entire crater with an area of ​​13 km². It is possible to do angling in the lake where carp live. Concerts, swimming races and sailing shows held on the lake in summer are other activities that might interest you. Among the five lakes in the crater, the second place in terms of size has a hot spring. Swimming in the hot water pools on its shores is among the activities that those who want to enjoy the spa enjoy the most. There are hot steam crevices, which are believed to be good for various diseases, about 150 meters east of the lake. Nature lovers and photography enthusiasts should definitely visit the lake, which offers magnificent views to its visitors. In order to get the most fascinating view, it is necessary to spend the night here and wait for the morning. From this 2,935-meter summit, you can witness one of the most beautiful views of the sunrise and the unique view of the lake and its surroundings with the fog clouds rising from the summit. On the southern slopes of Mount Nemrut, there is a ski center that is in high demand in winter seasons with its chair lifts and cable cars and accommodation facilities. Those who want to ski while watching the view of Lake Van should definitely experience this pleasure.

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