Hava Durumu

#Ski Center

TOURISMJOURNAL - Ski Center haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, Ski Center haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

Skiing continues in Palandöken during April Haber

Skiing continues in Palandöken during April

Palandöken, which is shown among the important ski centers of Turkey, is one of the centers preferred by ski lovers for their winter holidays. The number of tourists increase every year. Palandöken, which opened its tracks for ski lovers in December thanks to the artificial snow system and the snow stored in the previous period, continues to host many visitors from Turkey and abroad with its snow quality, safe and long tracks at international standards, accommodation facilites and unique nature views. The facilities in Palandöken, which have more than one meter of compressed snow, are planned to keep their doors open to ski lovers until the end of April. In April, when many ski centers are closed, the snow-covered ski tracks of Palandöken become denser. "Palandöken is having a better season compared to other centers" Turkish Travel Agencies Association (TÜRSAB) Northeast Anatolia Region President Nuh Şenol told Anadolu Agency (AA) that there are many activities besides skiing in Palandöken. Stating that the snow level in Palandöken is in good condition despite April, Şenol said, "Although we started the ski season very early, tourism professionals could not get the desired output this season, many reservations were canceled due to the Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquakes on 6 February. This affected the number of tourists in the ski resorts, but Palandöken is having a better season compared to other ski resorts in Turkey." Şenol stated that compared to ski resorts such as Erciyes, Uludağ and Kartalkaya, more local and foreign guests are hosted in Palandöken. Noting that many ski resorts were closed in April, Şenol said, "All our facilities are open in April and we guarantee uninterrupted skiing to ski lovers. There is a very experienced team of the Metropolitan Municipality in the management of Palandöken Ski Center. Here, works are carried out to ensure that skiing starts early and ends late, with the snow hiding method. Natural snow is hidden and mixed with artificial snow, therefore, skiing is guaranteed in Palandöken until the end of April." "We are open until the end of April" Bora Kanber, general manager of a hotel in Palandöken, emphasized that Palandöken is one of the world's most important ski resorts with its safe tracks, chairlifts and snow quality. Reminding that heavy snowfall has been effective in the ski resort in recent days, Kanber said, "We have school holidays and Ramadan ahead of us. Our ski tracks are open until the end of April, our hotels continue to operate. Ski lovers are enjoying the snow on the ski tracks. We welcome all domestic and foreign guests who want to ski to Palandöken." Perihan Elibol, said that she came to Erzurum from Mersin, explained that she came to the city for skiing for the first time and said, "It is very nice to have snow in April. I will experience the ski tracks for the first time. The environment is very nice in Palandöken, it still snows here." Sevgi Canlı, another ski lover, said that she came to Erzurum from Izmir and said, "It is surprising and very enjoyable to see such a snowy atmosphere in April. Palandöken is very beautiful, the ski tracks are very convenient and safe for skiing. You come to the ski center in 5 minutes from the city center. I would recommend Palandoken to everyone."

The highest thickness of snow measured in Palandöken Ski Center Haber

The highest thickness of snow measured in Palandöken Ski Center

According to the information compiled from the data of the General Directorate of Meteorology, the snow thickness in the ski resorts are; It was measured 25 centimeters in Ilgaz, 20 centimeters in Sarıkamış, 15 centimeters in Yıldızdağı and Ovacık and 10 centimeters in Hazarbaba, 119 in Palandöken, 100 in Kartalkaya, 75 in Ergan, 66 in Nemrut, 56 in Davraz, 54 in Uludağ, 52 in Erciyes, 36 in Hakkari, 34 in Palandöken 2, Kartepe. Center 26.03.2023 Lowest Highest Merkez         26.03.2023   En düşük  En yüksek Palandöken       KKY            -1          5 Kartalkaya          KKY            -1          7 Ergan                  KY              -2          1 Nemrut              KKY             0          3 Davraz                 PB               3         10 Uludağ               HSY            5           8 Erciyes                ÇB              -2          7 Palandöken      2KKY           -1         5 Hakkari               KY               -3         5 Kartepe               SY               4          9 Ilgaz                     KY              -1          8 Sarıkamış             Y                2          8 (KKY: Sleet with sleet, NR: Snowy, Y: Rainy, PB: Partly cloudy, HSY: Light Downpour , MU. Mostly cloudy, SY. Downpour)

Sarıkamış Ski Center grows with newly opened hotels Haber

Sarıkamış Ski Center grows with newly opened hotels

Tuğlar Group Hotels, which owns 7 hotel businesses operating in the field of tourism and hotel management around the Aegean, carries its investments to Kars Sarıkamış under the name of Kartuğ Turizm. Setting out with the understanding that the understanding of tourism in Turkey does not consist only of sea, sand and sun, Tuğlar Turizm states that they have made it their mission to recognize the geographical beauties of Turkey that can compete with the world and to see the value it deserves. WINTER TOURISM IN TURKEY MUST INCREASED Kartuğ Tourism Management Board said, "Every investment we make in our country's tourism excites us. There is no doubt that our country has a unique nature and historical texture. Especially in terms of snow tourism, Kars Province has exactly the same quality as the climate characteristics of the Alps. It is a great chance to have such a nature. However, we realized that we could not take advantage of this chance as much as European countries.The idea of a facility in harmony with nature, combined with our aim to develop the Sarıkamış region and to revive the tourism in Turkey during the winter months, created the new vision of our company.As a matter of fact, the unique and most innovative facility of the region, Sarpino Mountain Hotel in many respects. It was instrumental in bringing 'Istanbul' to Sarıkamış." said. CRYSTAL SNOW, 2,635 METERS HEIGHT AND 7 KM LANDING TRACK Sarıkamış Ski Center, which is a very suitable place for winter tourism and winter sports with its natural slopes, within the Scotch pine forests, has privileged features for winter tourism in many respects. Bayrak Tepe ski resort, located at Sarpino Mountain Hotel, with a height of 2,635 meters and a 7-kilometer descent track, offers its guests a magnificent skiing experience with the size of its track, as well as the crystal snow that is unique in the Alps in the world. The modern facility, which has a very convenient environment especially for Alpine and Nordic skiing practices, "ski safari (ski center slalom, giant slalom and super-C skiing)" and "sledge trips", also has the opportunity to snowboard. Sarpino Mountain Hotel, which offers a safe skiing opportunity away from avalanche danger with its scotch pine forests thanks to the ski area that is sunny throughout the season; It promises its visitors a fairy-tale holiday with its magnificent view of nature.

Erciyes, Ischgl ile ‘Kardeş Kayak Merkezi’ oldu Haber

Erciyes, Ischgl ile ‘Kardeş Kayak Merkezi’ oldu

Avusturya’nın dünyaca ünlü kayak merkezi Ischgl ile Türkiye’nin en büyük kayak merkezi Erciyes arasında “Twin Ski Resorts” anlaşması imzalandı. Son teknoloji teleferikler, uluslararası standartlarda pistler, modern konaklama tesisleri ve ulaşım imkânları ile Türkiye’nin Alpleri olan Erciyes ile yaklaşık 100 yıllık bir tarihe sahip Avusturya ve İsviçre sınırında kurulu olan ve ’Alplerin İbizası’ olarak adlandırılan Ischgl Kayak Merkezi arasında işbirliği anlaşması yapıldı. Karşılıklı işbirliği esasına dayalı anlaşma Kayseri Erciyes A.Ş. Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Dr.Murat Cahid Cıngı ile Ischgl & Samnaun Kayak Merkezi CEO’su Günther Zangerl ve Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Jürgen Kurz arasında Avusturya’nın Tirol eyaletinin başkenti Innsbruck’taki Ischgl’da imzalandı. Dünyanın en iyi kayakçılarının tercih ettiği Iscghl, 45 adet mekanik tesisi, Avusturya ve İsviçre’ye yayılmış 65 adet ve 250 km uzunluğunda pistleri ile Avrupa’nın en büyük kayak merkezlerinden bir tanesi. Aynı zamanda Elton John, Tina Turner, Robbie Williams, Bon Jovi, Sting gibi dünyaca ünlü isimlerin yer aldığı ‘Top of the Mountain’ konserleri ile dünya sosyetesinin de gözde kış mekânlarından. Yapılan işbirliği anlaşması ile Erciyes A.Ş. çalışanları ile Ischgl-Samnaun Kayak Merkezi arasında teknik personel değişimi, yönetim tecrübelerinin paylaşılması, sosyal ve sportif faaliyetlerde birlikte hareket, pazarlama ve tanıtım gibi birçok farklı konuda sektörel güç birliği yapılması hedefleniyor. Türkiye’de yerli ve yabancı turistlerin en çok tercih ettiği kış destinasyonu olarak ön plan çıkan Erciyes ve Avrupa’nın global kayak merkezi Isghgl arasında yapılan anlaşma ile kardeş kayak merkezlerinden bir tanesinde tatil yapan bir kayakçı diğerinde bedelsiz kayak yapma imkanına da kavuşacak. Protokol çerçevesinde kardeş kayak merkezleri arasında ortak sosyal sorumluluk projeleri de hayata geçirilecek. Dünyada kayak camiasında bir ilke imza atan ve her geçen yıl uluslararası arenada daha fazla tanınan Erciyes Kayak merkezi, “Twin Ski Resorts” iş birliği ile Avusturya’nın kış turizm tecrübesini Kayseri’ye ve Türkiye’ye kazandırarak dünya markası olma yolundaki adımlarını hızlandırmış olacak.

Snowfall skips Türkiye's most ski resorts Haber

Snowfall skips Türkiye's most ski resorts

Celebrating New Year at ski resorts is widely popular among Turkish holidaymakers and foreign tourists. Yet, in most ski resorts across Türkiye, snowfall is less than anticipated. Some resorts even "resort" to pumping artificial snow on the dry slopes to attract visitors, while operators urge visitors to make early bookings as they expect a steady stream of holidaymakers during the New Year. Climate change has certainly brought many challenges to the fore and has heavily affected the country's ski resorts since major winter tourist attractions have not been able to fully kickstart their business yet because of delayed snowfall. However, Türkiye is still positive and excepts a heavy snowfall to welcome the New Year and cater to public demands. At the Palandöken Ski Center, which is about 3,176 meters (10,419.95 feet) above sea level in Erzurum, "artificial snowfall" and "snow storage" methods were put to use because of delayed snowfall this year. Using the system implemented in the Alps, occupancy rates of hotels in Palandöken, which is the first ski resort to open for the season in Türkiye, reached 90% before New Year. Hotel customers will welcome 2023 with a live concert, fireworks display and torch skiing event. The occupancy rates of hotels in Erciyes Ski Center, one of the most important winter tourism spots in Kayseri, reached 92%. Domestic and foreign tourists enjoy skiing at the center, where snow depths can reach 50 centimeters (19.69 inches). The season opened four days ago. On New Year's Eve, hotels in the region, which are expected to run at full capacity, will entertain guests with various interesting activities. Meanwhile, at Kartalkaya Ski Center, located at the summit of Köroğlu Mountains in Bolu at an altitude of 2,200 meters, three out of five hotels did not open owing to lighter-than-expected snowfall while two other hotels welcomed guests by filling their runways with "artificial snow." As for Kartepe Ski Center, at the summit of Samanlı Mountains in Kocaeli, too did not receive enough snow this year. Hence,11 ski tracks could not be activated there. Kartepe Ski Center Track Manager, Taner Tamer, said, "Owing to lighter-than-expected snowfall, our ski facilities in Kartepe are closed at the moment. However, our reservations are open and regular vacationers are waiting to enjoy the ski activities that we offer." Uludağ, which is one of the important centers of winter tourism in Bursa, had planned to open its Ski center on Dec.15. but could not follow the schedule because of a total lack of snowfall. This made holidaymakers cancel their plans. Merga Bütan Ski Center in Hakkari awaits ski lovers with its four-star hotel, chairlift system and track areas to be put into service. At the ski center located at an altitude of 2,800 meters, snow thickness measured only 20 centimeters this year, but the center is expected to open the season with snowfall being forecast. Saklıkent Ski Center, known as "The Uludağ of Antalya," is expected to receive the first snow of the year. In Saklıkent, 47 kilometers (29.2 miles) from the city center and atop Beydağları, accommodation services are on offer besides hotels, pensions and rental houses. "The New Year's Eve is celebrated differently at the summit of Antalya. This year, the snowfall is running late. But we have a week ahead of us. We will open our tracks with a good snowfall," said hotel manager Cuma Özaydın. Similarly, Salda Ski Center in Eşeler Plateau, within the borders of Burdur's Yeşilova district, has not received snowfall yet, thus no preparations were made for New Year's Eve. The ski center, at an altitude of 2,079 meters, has a chair lift line of 8,860 meters and five tracks with lengths varying between 1,000 and 1,500 meters. Hotels in Cebiltepe Ski Center, located in Scots Pine forests in the Sarıkamış district of Kars, have completed their preparations for the New Year. At the summit of Cibiltepe, which is 2,634 meters high, snow depths reached 30 centimeters. On second stage tracks, snow depths measured 20 centimeters. Cancellations were reported earlier due to inadequate snowfall at the ski resort, where pre-New Year reservation rates stood at 50%. Occupancy rates at Zigana Ski Center, the pearl of winter tourism in the Eastern Black Sea Region, has been reported at 90%. Snow is expected at the center on New Year's Eve where there have been no sign of snow when the report was filed. On the other hand, Trabzon's Uzungöl Tourism Center and Rize's Ayder Plateau, which do not have ski facilities, are among the most preferred places in the region for winter tourism. New Year Eve reservations at both centers exceeded 90% as per reports. Inadequate snowfall has also been reported at Ilgaz Mountain Ski Center between Kastamonu and Çankırı this year, leading to the ski season being still closed in the region. It has been reported that the new season will start with the snow depths reaching 80 centimeters gradually. The different lengths of tracks at Ilgaz Ski Center and Ilgaz 2-Yurduntepe Ski Center offer ski lovers an amusing winter holiday. Ilgaz Mountain is 40 kilometers from Kastamonu and 200 kilometers from Ankara. Source: Daily Sabah

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