Hava Durumu

#Sun Express

TOURISMJOURNAL - Sun Express haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, Sun Express haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

SunExpress will fly directly from Ankara to Europe Haber

SunExpress will fly directly from Ankara to Europe

Ankara Chamber of Commerce (ATO) Chairman of the Board of Directors Gürsel Baran stated that all the work to be done for the development of Ankara is related to the increase in direct flights, "No matter what field we do that will improve the capital's economy, such as health tourism, exports, trade, foreign students, the subject is direct flight. comes to number. "Direct flights will affect Ankara's economic and social future," he said. SunExpress Deputy General Manager Ahmet Çalışkan and his successor Tuncay Eminoğlu, to whom he will hand over the task shortly, visited ATO President Baran in his office. During the visit, Çalışkan conveyed the analysis of the flights carried out at Ankara Esenboğa Airport by SunExpress, which was established with the partnership of Turkish Airlines and Lufthansa Airlines and has been operating for more than 30 years. Çalışkan stated that SunExpress carried out direct flights from Ankara Esenboğa Airport to 7 countries and 12 destinations in 2022. Noting that they brought Turkish citizens living in Europe back to their hometowns and their loved ones, Çalışkan stated that they aim to save time for business people with their direct flights from the Capital. SunExpress, in 2023 from Ankara to Munich (Germany), Düsseldorf (Germany), Frankfurt (Germany), Stuttgart (Germany), Cologne (Germany), Hannover (Germany), Berlin (Germany), Hamburg (Germany), Vienna (Austria) ), will operate direct flights to Amsterdam (Netherlands), Zurich (Switzerland), Brussels (Belgium), Stockholm (Sweden) and Tbilisi (Georgia). Tuncay Eminoğlu stated that SunExpress will continue to support Ankara. In his speech during the visit, ATO President Gürsel Baran stated that all the work to be done for the development of Ankara is related to the increase in direct flights and said, “No matter what field we do that will improve the capital's economy, such as health tourism, exports, trade, foreign students, the subject comes to the number of direct flights. "Direct flights will affect Ankara's economic and social future," he said. Baran also pointed out that in 2023, when Turkey's 100th anniversary will be celebrated, international direct flights should be made in Esenboğa with a high intensity befitting Ankara, the Capital of the Republic of Turkey.

Antalya has a say in Haber

Antalya has a say in "Golf Tourism"

Since golf is a type of luxury tourism, it is one of the alternative tourism types that countries value most. Turkey has turned into a golf center that stands out among its peers with its high quality, by bringing together golf lovers of the world with international golf facilities and tournaments that have been put into service one after another in recent years. According to the data of the Turkish Golf Federation, as of 2018, there are 36 golf courses in 18 facilities in Turkey. There are golf courses in Muğla and Istanbul provinces, especially in Antalya, but Belek Region in particular creates a good golf tourism potential with its qualified golf courses and facilities and hosts international tournaments. In the past days, the Maxx Royal 2022 Golf Tournament, where SUNEXPRESS is the official airline partner, found their owners. Many professional golfers from all over Europe participated in the finals of the tournament held in Antalya Belek between 10-13 December. The airline also accompanied nearly 30 tournaments of Europe's popular golf tournament, the Maxx Royal Golf Tournament, throughout the year. Participants of the tournament with their planes came together at Montgomery Maxx Royal Golf Club in Belek for the last tournament of 2022. SunExpress CEO Max Kownatzki presented the winners with their awards at the ceremony at the end of the tournament. VERY SUITABLE FOR ANTALYA GOLF TOURISM Michael Schober, SunExpress Senior Director of Direct Sales. "We are happy to contribute to the growth of sports tourism in Turkey. Turkey offers many versatile options with its ever-expanding range of sports activities. Antalya provides a unique experience, especially for golf enthusiasts, with its climate, well-kept courses and nature. Therefore, the tournament series that has been successful will be repeated again next year. "We are very excited to support it as an official airline partner. We will continue our long-term partnership."

Antalya Haber

Antalya "Golf Turizmi'nde, söz sahibi

Golf, lüks turizm çeşidi olduğu için, ülkelerin en çok değer verdiği alternatif turizm türlerinden bir tanesi. Türkiye, son yıllarda art arda hizmete giren uluslararası nitelikteki golf tesisleriyle, gerçekleştirilen turnuvalarla, dünya golf severlerini bir araya getirerek benzerleri arasında niteliklerinin yüksekliğiyle göze çarpan bir golf merkezi konumuna dönüştü. Türkiye Golf Federasyonu verilerine göre Türkiye'de 2018 yılı itibariyle 18 tesis bünyesinde 36 golf sahası bulunuyor. Antalya başta olmak üzere, Muğla ve İstanbul İllerinde golf sahaları bulunuyor ancak özellikle Belek Bölgesi nitelikli golf sahaları ve tesisleriylle iyi bir golf turizmi potansiyelini oluşturuyor ve uluslararası turnuvalarda ev sahipliği yapıyor. Geçtiğimiz günlerde SUNEXPRESS in resmi hava yolu partneri olduğu Maxx Royal 2022 Golf Turnuvasında Ödüller sahiplerini buldu. 10-13 Aralık tarihleri arasında Antalya Belek'te düzenlenen turnuvanın finallerine Avrupa genelinden çok sayıda profesyonel golfçü katıldı. Havayolu şirketi, Avrupa'nın popüler golf turnuvası Maxx Royal Golf Turnuvasının yıl boyunca 30'a yakın turnuvasına da eşlik etti. Uçakları ile turnuvaya katılan katılımcılar, 2022 yılının son turnuvası için Belek'teki Montgomery Maxx Royal Golf Club'da bir araya geldi. Turnuva sonundaki törende kazananlara ödüllerini SunExpress CEO'su Max Kownatzki takdim etti. ANTALYA GOLF TURİZMİ İÇİN ÇOK UYGUN SunExpress Doğrudan Satış Kıdemli Müdürü Michael Schober. "Türkiye spor turizminin büyümesine katkıda bulunmaktan mutluluk duyuyoruz. Türkiye, spor faaliyetlerinin sürekli genişleyen yelpazesiyle çok yönlü birçok seçenek sunuyor. Antalya, özellikle golf tutkunları için iklimiyle, bakımlı sahaları ve doğasıyla eşsiz bir deneyim sağlıyor. Bu nedenle başarıyla gecen turnuva serisini gelecek yıl da yine resmi hava yolu partneri olarak destekleyeceğimiz için çok heyecanlıyız. Uzun vadeli ortaklığımızı sürdüreceğiz" dedi. 

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