#Teknofest Izmir

TOURISMJOURNAL - Teknofest Izmir haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, Teknofest Izmir haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

Artificial intelligence applications were introduced for tourism Haber

Artificial intelligence applications were introduced for tourism

Artificial intelligence-supported programs designed to offer solutions to the difficulties people face while planning a holiday, which made it to the finals in the startup competition at TEKNOFEST Izmir, the aviation, space and technology festival organized by the Turkish Technology Team Foundation (T3) and the Ministry of Industry and Technology, are being introduced in Izmir. TEKNOFEST Izmir opened its doors Yıldız Technical University student Berra Yetgin told the AA correspondent that they thought of the application with her friend who had difficulties in planning her trip in the Erasmus program. Explaining that with the application, users can create travel plans by answering questions prepared with artificial intelligence infrastructure, Yetgin said: "Our priority is to market Turkish tourism abroad. Turkey is one of the most traveled countries in the world. There are 50 million tourists. Daily spending is over a thousand dollars. People want to spend their time in the most productive way. All you have to do is hit the road. Our motto is 'Dream, plan and act.' Efficient, planned trip from start to finish..." Yetgin added that the application design started with 3 people, 2 students and 1 software developer, and the number of people in the team increased to 15. "We want to bring the tourists who come in summer also in winter" Vildan Köse, a 3rd year student of Industrial Engineering at Istanbul Health and Technology University, from the team that designed another application, said that they made it to the finals in the competition held in the field of tourism technologies. Köse stated that the starting point of the application, which they developed as a group of 6 people, was "a suitable place to go after school or the best option for a holiday." Stating that they want to benefit the tourism sector, Köse said, "We also want to provide 12-month tourism. We want to bring the tourists who come in summer also in winter. We have an artificial intelligence screen. Without a travel guide, 'I will go to this route.' "When you say it, it creates a path. In practice, there is also the opportunity to communicate in different languages to overcome language barriers."

Turizm sektörü için yapay zeka uygulamaları tanıtıldı Haber

Turizm sektörü için yapay zeka uygulamaları tanıtıldı

Türkiye Teknoloji Takımı Vakfı (T3) ile Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı yürütücülüğünde düzenlenen havacılık, uzay ve teknoloji festivali TEKNOFEST İzmir'de girişim yarışmasında finale kalan, insanların tatil planlarken karşılaştıkları zorluklara çözüm önerileri sunmak için tasarlanan yapa zeka destekli programlar İzmir'de tanıtılıyor. TEKNOFEST İzmir, kapılarını açtı Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi öğrencisi Berra Yetgin, AA muhabirine, uygulamayı Erasmus programında seyahatini planlarken sıkıntı yaşayan arkadaşıyla düşündüklerini söyledi. Uygulamayla kullanıcıların, yapay zeka altyapısıyla hazırlanan sorulara cevap vererek seyahat planı oluşturabileceğini anlatan Yetgin, şunları kaydetti: "Önceliğimiz Türkiye turizmini yurt dışına pazarlamak. Türkiye, dünyada en çok seyahat edilen ülkelerden biri. 50 milyon turist var. Günlük harcama bin doların üstünde. İnsanlar zamanlarını en verimli şekilde değerlendirmek istiyor. Size sadece yola çıkmak kalıyor. Mottomuz da 'Hayal et, planla ve hareket geç.' Verimli, başından sonuna kadar planlanmış seyahat..." Yetgin, uygulama tasarımına 2 öğrenci ve 1 yazılımcı olmak üzere 3 kişiyle başlandığını, ekiptekilerin sayısının 15'e yükseldiğini sözlerine ekledi. "Yazın gelen turistleri kışın da getirmek istiyoruz" Başka bir uygulamayı tasarlayan ekipten İstanbul Sağlık ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi Endüstri Mühendisliği 3. sınıf öğrencisi Vildan Köse de turizm teknolojileri alanında düzenlenen yarışmada finale kaldıklarını söyledi. Köse, 6 kişi olarak geliştirdikleri uygulamanın çıkış noktasının "okul çıkışlarında gidebilecekleri uygun bir mekan ya da tatil için en iyi seçenek" olduğunu dile getirdi. Turizm sektörüne fayda sağlamak istediklerini belirten Köse, "12 ay turizmi de sağlamak istiyoruz. Yazın gelen turistleri kışın da getirmek istiyoruz. Yapay zeka ekranımız var. Seyahat rehberi olmadan 'Şu rotaya gideceğim.' dediğin zaman bir yol oluşturuyor. Uygulamada dil engellerini aşmak için farklı dillerde iletişim kurma imkanı da bulunuyor." ifadelerini kullandı.

Türkiye's largest tech, space festival opens its doors in Izmir Haber

Türkiye's largest tech, space festival opens its doors in Izmir

The five-day festival held at Izmir's Çığlı Airport will offer its visitors a diverse array of technology and space-themed events, ranging from air shows, exhibitions and workshops, to competitions, vertical wind tunnels, simulations and planetarium shows. It has been jointly organized every year by the Turkish Technology Team (T3) Foundation and the country's Ministry of Industry and Technology since 2018, in cooperation with other ministries and dozens of other public institutions, private companies and universities. Exciting shows in the sky are also scheduled to take place, performed by the Turkish Air Force's Turkish Stars aerobatic demonstration team, as well as the Bayraktar Akıncı and TB2 drones developed by Turkish company Baykar, and Anka by Turkish Aerospace Inc., another tech giant in the country. Also slated to make appearances are the Turkish air show team F-16 SoloTürk, as well as the Hürküş trainer aircraft, BELL-429 helicopter, paramotors, gyrocopters and the T-129 Atak helicopter. Speaking at the opening ceremony of the festival, Industry and Technology Minister Mehmet Fatih Kacır emphasized the role of youth while building Türkiye of the future, noting that the steps undertaken in the past five years demonstrate the beginning of a great social mobilization. “Just as we achieved a significant breakthrough in the defense industry, we will also achieve great successes in all fields, from environmental energy to climate, from health to tourism, and from barrier-free life technologies through the technology initiatives established by our youth," Kacır said. Emphasizing that they broke unique records in the world with 337,000 teams and 1 million competitors this year, Kacır said, "We hosted a total of 3.5 million visitors in Istanbul and Ankara. We are grateful for our nation's interest in Teknofest and for encouraging our youth in line with our ‘National Technology Move’ goals." The first edition of the event this year was held at Istanbul's Atatürk Airport in May, welcoming a record of 2.5 million visitors. The second was held earlier in September in the capital Ankara, attracting nearly 1 million people. Teknofest is being held with the participation of 121 institutions, public- and private-sector organizations, academic institutions and media companies.

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