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Cağ Kebab ranked 9th in the World Tastes List Haber

Cağ Kebab ranked 9th in the World Tastes List

The World's Top 100 Tastes for 2022 have been announced by tasteatlas, the encyclopedia of the world food industry. In the list of worldwide tastes announced every year, Cağ Kebab, which has Geographical Indication Registration, took the 9th place in the list this year. Evaluating the inclusion of Cağ Kebab among the flavors presented to the votes of the users, where the regional flavors of the countries are discussed, Hakan Oral, President of Erzurum Commodity Exchange, said, “We register all the local flavors of our city with the Geographical Indication Registration. These delicacies are very important for our city to become a Gastronomy City. Our work that we have been focusing on for years has finally started to bear fruit. The fact that tasteatlas research company, which is followed by the world, has made this statement is the most important sign that our efforts are accepted by the world, he said. The acceptance of Oltu Cağ Kebab not only in Turkey but also all over the world is of great importance for our businesses, and one of the most important reasons for tourists coming to our city will be our registered local products. Erzurum, the apple of the eye of winter tourism, will also be the apple of the eye of gastronomy.” According to the data announced, Japan from the world cuisines ranked first with the dish called Kare, while Erzurum Oltu Cağ Kebab from Turkey ranked 9th, Shish Kebab ranked 14th, Mantı 22nd, Iskender Kebab ranked 39th, Alinazik Kebab ranked 45th and Döner ranked 48th. took. Erzurum Oltu Cağ Kebap ranked among the top 10 brands in the World in the World Tastes ranking, and stood out as the best flavor in Turkey. In his statement, ETB President Hakan Oral pointed out that Turkey is in the top 5 in Geographical Indication Registration and emphasized that they have achieved a record number of Geographical Indication Registrations of 40 products so far. Oral said, “This success is not personal, this success belongs to Erzurum, the producer and our members. We will continue on our way with the trust they have in us, and we will continue our efforts to make our city a city of Gastronomy.” With Erzurum being the 2025 EIT Tourism Capital, this success gained a greater meaning. In the statement, Erzurum Commodity Exchange President Hakan Oral said, “After the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) 4th Tourism Ministers Meeting hosted by Uzbekistan, our Minister of Culture and Tourism Mehmet Nuri Ersoy; This success that came today with the statement "Erzurum has been chosen as the 2025 ECO Tourism Capital" was the beginning of a process that completed each other. I believe that our registered local flavors will carry the quality of a world brand until 2025 and our title of 2025 Tourism Capital will be crowned. Everyone who contributed to this success. I am eternally grateful,” he said. In the statement made by TasteAtlas, the recipe for Oltu Cağ kebab was also included on the website.

Cağ Kebabı, Dünya Lezzetleri Listesinde 9.oldu Haber

Cağ Kebabı, Dünya Lezzetleri Listesinde 9.oldu

Dünya yemek sektörünün ansiklopedisi olan tasteatlas tarafından 2022 Dünya’nın en iyi 100 lezzeti açıklandı., tarafından her yıl açıklanan Dünya çapında ki lezzetler sıralamasında bu yıl listenin 9. Sırasında Coğrafi İşaret Tescili bulunan Cağ Kebabı yer aldı. Ülkelerin yöresel lezzetlerinin ele alındığı ve kullanıcılarının oylarına sunulan lezzetler içerisinde Cağ Kebabının yer almasını değerlendiren Erzurum Ticaret Borsası Başkanı Hakan Oral, “Şehrimizin tüm yöresel lezzetlerini Coğrafi İşaret Tescili ile kayıt altına alıyoruz. Bu lezzetler şehrimizin Gastronomi Kenti olma yolunda çok önem arz etmektedir. Yıllardır üzerinde durduğumuz çalışmalarımız nihayet meyve vermeye başladı. Dünya tarafından takip edilen tasteatlas araştırma şirketinin bu açıklamayı yapmış olması, çabalarımızın dünya tarafından kabul gördüğünün en önemli işaretidir, dedi. Oltu Cağ Kebabının sadece Türkiye de değil tüm dünyada kabul görmesi işletmelerimiz için büyük önem taşımakta, şehrimize gelen turistlerin belkide en önemli ziyaret sebeplerinden biriside tescilli yöresel ürünlerimiz olacak. Kış turizminin göz bebeği Erzurum, gastronominin de göz bebeği olacaktır” dedi. Açıklanan verilerde Dünya mutfaklarından Japonya, Kare adlı yemekle birinci olurken, Türkiye den Erzurum Oltu Cağ Kebabı 9. Sırada, Şiş Kebap 14. Sırada, Mantı 22. Sırada, İskender Kebap 39. Sırada, Alinazik Kebabı 45. Sırada ve Döner 48. Sırada yer aldı. Erzurum Oltu Cağ Kebap, Dünya Lezzetleri sıralamasında Dünyanın en iyi 10 markası arasına girerken, Türkiye’nin en iyi lezzeti olarak ipi göğüsledi. ETB Başkanı Hakan Oral yaptığı açıklamada, Türkiye’nin Coğrafi İşaret Tescillemesinde ilk 5 te olduklarına dikkat çekerek, şu ana kadar toplamda 40 ürünün Coğrafi İşaret Tescilini alarak rekor bir sayıya ulaştıklarına vurgu yaptı. Oral, “Bu başarı kişisel değildir, bu başarı Erzurum’un, üreticinin, üyelerimizindir. Onların bizlere duyduğu güvenle yolunuza devam edecek, şehrimizin Gastronomi şehri olması adına çalışmalarımızı sürdüreceğiz” dedi. Erzurum’un 2025 EIT Turizm Başkenti olması ile bu başarı daha büyük bir anlam kazandı. Erzurum Ticaret Borsası Başkanı Hakan Oral açıklamada, “Özbekistan'ın ev sahipliğinde gerçekleştirilen Ekonomik İşbirliği Teşkilatı (EİT) 4. Turizm Bakanları Toplantısı sonrası Kültür ve Turizm Bakanımız Mehmet Nuri Ersoy; "Erzurum 2025 EİT Turizm Başkenti olarak seçildi” açıklamasıyla bugün gelen bu başarı bir birini tamamlayan bir sürecin başlangıcı oldu. Ben inanıyorum ki; Tescilli Yöresel lezzetlerimiz 2025’e kadar dünya markası niteliği taşıyacak ve 2025 Turizm Başkenti ünvanımız taçlanmış olacak. Bu başarıda emeği geçen herkese sonsuz şükranlarımı sunuyorum” dedi. TasteAtlas tarafından yapılan açıklamada, Oltu Cağ kebabının tarifi de Web sitesinde yer aldı., ​​​​​​,  ​​​​​​

4000 year old tradition 'Nartugan' celebrated in Bodrum Haber

4000 year old tradition 'Nartugan' celebrated in Bodrum

The Festival of Rebirth, known as Nartugan, is celebrated every year on December 21, when the longest night will be experienced. According to an ancient belief, day and night are in constant warfare. After this war, with the longest night, the days start to get longer and the sun begins to appear more prominent, and Nartugan (Nardugan) is celebrated on that very day! It is believed by the Turks that the new year comes every year after 21 December, based on the lunar year. On this special day, delicious meals are cooked, pleasant conversations are made and gifts are given. The tradition of Nartugan, which is celebrated in a colorful and enthusiastic way in many cultures, is carried on with great enthusiasm on 21 December every year. Nartugan is a special holiday symbolizing rebirth. This holiday is welcomed and celebrated with enthusiasm and excitement in the Turkish world. There is also a character named 'Ayaz Ata' in this holiday, which is still celebrated in many cultures. Ayaz Ata, who is identified with Santa Claus, is known as the hero who appears in the cold of winter according to mythology. Moreover, it is believed that 'Ayaz Ata' was at the beginning of the legend of Santa Claus. Although the name Nartugan reminds the symbols of pomegranate in terms of its pronunciation, a different meaning draws attention here. Pomegranate means sun and tugan means newborn. In other words, this special day, which means 'the rising sun', is very valuable for the Turks. In this context, a Nartugan event was held in Gündoğan District with the support of Bodrum Municipality. The event started with a marching band in front of the symbolic Gundogan Nartugan statue. Within the scope of the event, the citizens, who had fun around the fire, accompanied by music after the march of the band, tied colorful rags to the symbolic tree of life and made a wish. Another address of the events was Kumbahçe. Rebirth Day was celebrated around the fire lit in the 7th Nartugan events held in Kumbahçe Square this year. While there were handcrafted products, food and beverage stands in the square, citizens made wishes by tying pieces of cloth to the trees in the square. While Kumbahçe Culture Social Facility Trainees Folk Dance Team played local dances, Alana Eda Johnson gave a mini concert. Bodrum Stars Dance Group, Bodrum Uğur Anatolian High School dance performances, Anka Dance Group, Derya Ünver Dance Company Dancers, Bodrum Culture Tourism Solidarity Association Folklore team, Sage Erbane Group and Kumbahçe Sunset local dances staged. Ashura, keskek and Bodrum tangerines, which are the symbols of fertility, were served to the participants of the event. Bodrum Kumbahçe District Headman Nil Taşkıran said, "Nar-Tugan means 'sunrise' in ancient Turks. With the end of the longest night on December 21, the sun and light starting to grow on December 22 means a new year, the beginning of a new life. Karia Cultural Heritage Events This year, as Ayşe Temiz and Kumbahçe Headman, we are organizing the 7th. Welcoming the new year, Nar-Tugan, is a new year, the last day of the full moon, the celebration of the transition of the longest night to day.” said. Source: T24

Amasya is also assertive in gastronomy tourism Haber

Amasya is also assertive in gastronomy tourism

The palace cuisine flavor of the princes city of Amasya, the quince galle, was registered with the geographical indication with the initiative of the Amasya Governorate. Quince galle, in which lamb meat, chickpeas and sugar are used in addition to quinces, became the 15th registered trademark of Amasya. Governor Masatlı: “Quince galle is a palace dish in our own culture” Reminding that 12 princes, 7 of whom ascended to the Ottoman throne as sultans, were governors of Amasya, Amasya Governor Mustafa Masatlı said, "In a place where the princes are, the palace cuisine has been enriched with the use of local products and wonderful flavors such as quince galle, which combine meat and fruit, have emerged. In other words, quince galle is a palace dish in our own culture.” Mentioning that there are 25 more geographical indication works, Mustafa Masatlı said, "We will increase the number of geographical indications to 40 by registering our other 25 geographical indications with the completion of this process, which we think will be successful." It is mentioned in Evliya Çelebi's 'Travelbook' Mustafa Örgüt, Director of Yeşilırmak Basin Development Union (YHKB), who received the registration certificate from Governor Masatlı, mentioned that Amasya's lime and quince are among the fruit varieties mentioned in Evliya Çelebi's 'Travelbook' and used in the palace cuisine. “You will see its taste when eaten” Chef Murat Devek, who prepared the delicious meal with the trainees participating in the course opened by the Amasya Governorship within the framework of the Social Development Support Program (SOGEP), said, “Quince galle is a special dish of the Ottoman palace cuisine. It is very interesting that lamb meat meets with chickpeas, quince and sugar. It may seem strange to people. But when it is eaten, you will see its taste.” Making the quince galle: The chickpeas and mutton are washed and boiled in a pressure cooker with 4 glasses of water. When it cools down, the mutton fibers are separated from the bone and fat parts in the direction, and the cubes are chopped, added together with the broth and chickpeas, sugar is added and boiled for 1 transport. It is served lukewarm when cooled.

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