#Travel Turkey

TOURISMJOURNAL - Travel Turkey haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, Travel Turkey haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

Quiet festival in Halfeti Haber

Quiet festival in Halfeti

The Fragrance Festival, which was held for the 5th time this year in the Halfeti district of Şanlıurfa, started with a silent march due to the earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş. A Fragrance Festival was held in Halfeti, which is famous for its black roses and included in the 'Calm City' network of the Cittaslow International Coordination Committee with its calm and peaceful feature. The festival, which was held for the 5th time this year in the district, where endemic black rose and many flower species grow in Halfeti as well as its historical and touristic beauties, started quietly. In the festival, where those who lost their lives in the Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquakes are commemorated, the participants continued the 5-kilometer walk from Seldek District to the Batık village Savaşan slopes to smell the endemic 'Mesopotamian hyacinth'. Halfeti Slowfood Leader Nihat Özdal, who made a statement at the end of the walk from Old Halfeti to Savaşan village, said, “We walk when there is nothing to do or think about except remembering. There is mourning in this fragrance festival and all flowers in nature. "Maybe the Mesopotamian Hyacinths have bloomed this year, we are marching to commemorate our losses," he said. Nature volunteer Süleyman Yıldız, tourism professional Canan Onur and student Lale Esen, who participated in the march, also stated that the march was held silently due to the earthquake and offered their condolences to those who lost their lives.

The historical church in Hatay will be restored Haber

The historical church in Hatay will be restored

Mar Yuhanna Greek Orthodox Church in Arsuz, known to have been built in 1777 but dating back to the 1500s, was also partially destroyed in the earthquake on 6 February. Cemil Turan, President of the Mar Yuhanna Greek Orthodox Church Foundation, told Anadolu Agency (AA) that the churches destroyed by the earthquake will be restored. Turan said the following about the restoration of cultural properties damaged in the earthquake region of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. "The wreckage of the 246-year-old church will be removed as soon as possible and its reconstruction will begin with a suitable project. According to written sources, the church was opened in 1777. According to unwritten sources, it is estimated to have been built in the 1500s. We had very precious icons inside our church. "As a result of our negotiations, we plan to remove the wreckage of our church as soon as possible and to remove our icons with the least damage." Stating that there are about 50 families in the Arsuz community, Turan said; "Thank God, no one even got a nosebleed, but unfortunately, there are heavy damages in the houses and some of them were destroyed. Our greatest consolation is that nothing happened to anyone." "All we want is for this church to be restored" Former head of the congregation, Corç Deniz, explained that they left their homes and went to the church after the earthquake and saw that the historical building was destroyed. "We are deeply saddened. All we want is for this church to be restored and operative." he said. Semira Kara, who lives in the two-storey house next to the church, stated that they took shelter in the garden of the church right after the earthquake and said: "When the earthquake started, we woke up together with my daughter, wife and mother. We were on the second floor at the beginning of the earthquake. We couldn't get out because we were on the second floor. We could only get down after the earthquake stopped. We thought that the safest place was the church and we came to its garden. We couldn't understand that it had collapsed. We realized it. At first, we learned that it was only in the Arsuz region, then in 10 provinces. At that time, the networks were also gone. We are in a great depression psychologically."

Rent Go, İzmir'de turizm sektörüyle buluştu Haber

Rent Go, İzmir'de turizm sektörüyle buluştu

RENT GO'NUN KATILIMCILARI ARASINDA YER ALDIĞI TRAVEL TURKEY İZMİR TURİZM FUAR VE KONGRESİ, BU YIL 16. KEZ GERÇEKLEŞTİRİLDİ. YÜZDE 98 MÜŞTERİ MEMNUNİYETİ ORANI İLE, EN FAZLA TERCİH EDİLEN İLK 3 ARAÇ KİRALAMA ŞİRKETİNDEN BİRİ OLAN RENT GO, YERLİ VE YABANCI BİRÇOK SEKTÖR PROFESYONELİNİ STANDINDA AĞIRLADI. İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi ev sahipliğinde İZFAŞ ve TÜRSAB Fuarcılık A.Ş. ortaklığında gerçekleştirilen Travel Turkey İzmir Turizm Fuar ve Kongresi, sektörün önde gelen profesyonellerini 16. kez bir araya getirdi. 8-10 Aralık tarihlerinde Fuarİzmir'de gerçekleştirilen fuara, seyahat acenteleri ve tur operatörleri, turizm büroları, oteller ve konaklama tesisleri, hava yolu şirketleri, turizm teknolojisi / yazılım şirketleri ve turizm taşımacılığı şirketleri katılım sağladı. Bir Tunalar Topluluğu markası olan Rent Go, fuara Tunalar topluluğu bünyesindeki Tzx Travel ile birlikte katılım sağladı. Türkiye'nin en önemli turizm merkezlerinden biri olan İzmir'de düzenlenen fuar, gerek katılımcı profili gerekse ziyaretçi sayısıyla sektörün tüm bileşenlerini bir araya getirdi. Travel Turkey İzmir Turizm Fuar ve Kongresi, Türkiye'nin turizm yeteneklerini göstermesi bakımından da son derece önemliydi. Rent Go Türkiye Satış Müdürü Bülent Yüksel, Travel Turkey İzmir Turizm Fuar ve Kongresi'ne katılımları ile ilgili şu bilgileri verdi;"Türkiye geneline baktığımızda, turizm fuarlarının gayet iyi bir noktada bulunduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Travel Turkey İzmir de her yıl tüm katılımcıların heyecanla beklediği bu fuarlardan biri olma özelliğine sahip. Bizler de araç kiralama sektörünün en güçlü temsilcilerinden biri olarak böyle bir organizasyonda olmaktan son derece mutluyuz." dedi.  Sözlerine araç kiralamanın, turistlerin ülkeye ayak bastıktan sonra aldıkları ilk hizmetlerden biri olduğunu vurgulayarak devam eden Bülent Yüksel "Rent Go, yerli ve yabancı turistlerin araç kiralamada en iyi deneyimi yaşamaları için hizmetlerini şekillendiriyor. Bu bilincin sektör geneline yayılması için Travel Turkey İzmir'i önemli bir platform olarak değerlendiriyoruz. Son birkaç yılda tatil bölgelerindeki ofislerimizin sayısını sürekli artırarak yeni araçlardan oluşan geniş filomuz ve alanında uzman insan kaynağımızla müşterilerimize çözümler sunuyoruz" dedi. Rent Go, ülke çapında yapılan ve yabancı ortaklı şirketlerin de dâhil olduğu araştırmalarda yüzde 98'lik müşteri memnuniyeti oranına ulaşan ve en fazla tercih edilen ilk üç araç kiralama markası arasında yer alıyor.

Marmaris is ready for Izmir Fair Haber

Marmaris is ready for Izmir Fair

Marmaris will take place at the fair with the theme of "It's time for Marmaris". Bringing together tourism professionals from all over the world and becoming one of Turkey's largest international tourism platforms, Travel Turkey İzmir is opening its doors for the 16th time, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, in cooperation with İZFAŞ and TÜRSAB Fairs. Marmaris will take place with a wide participation at the fair, which will take place in Fuarizmir on 8-10 December 2022 this year. Tourism paradise Marmaris will take place at the fair this year with the theme of 'It's time for Marmaris'. All tourism components will take place under the same roof at the fair, where the unique bays, clear waters and magnificent nature of Marmaris will be explained to the visitors. Marmaris Chamber of Commerce, GETOB, Maritime Commerce Chamber Marmaris Branch, other professional organizations and Marmaris hoteliers will take place under the umbrella of Marmaris Municipality in the specially designed stand. An opening cocktail will be held at the Marmaris stand at 14.30 on Thursday, December 8th. Stating that 2022 was a very good year in terms of tourism after the disasters experienced one after another, Marmaris Mayor Mehmet Oktay stated that this fair is very important for the next season and said, “Marmaris is the pearl of the world with its sea, nature, history, culture, no matter what, it does not lose anything from its beauty and these magnificent features. . We will be at the fair to introduce Marmaris, one of the most important tourism destinations in the world. We welcome all visitors to our stand.

Many chain hotels decided to invest in Izmir Haber

Many chain hotels decided to invest in Izmir

Interviews continue with the participation of industry representatives within the scope of the 16th TTI Izmir International Tourism Trade Fair and Congress. On the first day of the fair, “How is the pulse of city hotels in Izmir?” and “Cruise Tourism in Izmir and the Aegean Region”. Participants gave information about İzmir's tourism potential and expectations from 2023. Moderated by İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Tourism Branch Manager Melih Kayacık, “How is the pulse of city hotels in İzmir?” Swiss Hotel Grand Efes General Manager Rıza Elibol, Hyatt Regency İzmir General Manager Zafer Canbaz, İzmir Palas General Manager Aydın Tokbaş, Marriott İzmir General Manager Sercan Korkusuz and Boyalık Beach Hotel General Manager Orhan Belge took part as speakers. “THE OPENING OF NEW HOTELS, PROVIDING THE POTENTIAL OF THE CITY, IS HAPPY” Swiss Hotel Grand Efes General Manager Rıza Elibol said, “We are a business hotel, not a holiday hotel. 60 percent of our guests staying in our hotel are Turkish and 40 percent are foreigners. I find it very pleasing that many chains have decided to invest in İzmir in recent years. It is a pleasure for us to open new hotels by foreseeing the potential of this beautiful city. I hope that this interest will increase in the future and that many more international chains will take place in this beautiful city. The arrival of new brand hotels in İzmir also contributes greatly to İzmir's economy. Although the 16th TTI İzmir Fair is the biggest tourism fair in Turkey, it has a different beauty this year, and the number of participants is very good. I hope that in this beautiful fair where we have the chance to meet and visit each other again, the new hotels that will be opened in our city will take their places next year. We will protect our fair together," he said. "OUR GOAL IS TO ADD A NEW VISION TO IZMIR" Zafer Canbaz, General Manager of Hyatt Regency İzmir, which will be put into service at the end of this month, said, “Our hotel is located in İstinye Park, which is a shopping center. Our aim is to contribute to the dynamics of the city with the luxury brands in the shopping center and the power of these brands. The vision of our hotel is to create an environment where our guests will feel comfortable, good and happy. We are trying to add a new face to the familiar face of Izmir. While highlighting our hotel, the history and tourism destinations of Izmir, the city where it is located, are the parts that everyone knows. With our newly opened hotel in İzmir, we are trying to write a new story for İzmir tourism with luxury shopping and various restaurants, we present the unknown as well as all the known ones.” “WE ARE HOPE FOR 2023” Aydın Tokbaş, General Manager of İzmir Palas, said, “Our hotel is one of the most rooted facilities in İzmir with its 95-year history. Since city hotel management is generally not for holiday purposes and business accommodation, making our guests comfortable is our primary goal. We are very hopeful for 2023 in the tourism sector. In the field of health tourism, our guests are getting more intense through agencies. We have plans and social projects in the field of health tourism next year. When every international brand hotel comes to Izmir, eyes naturally turn to Izmir. Every incoming brand attracts the attention of another brand and they wink at İzmir in terms of investing.” “IZMIR TOURISM IS EXTREMELY AVAILABLE FOR GROWTH” Sercan Korkusuz, General Manager of Marriott Izmir, said, “As Marriott, we are a new hotel in Izmir. Under the umbrella of Marriott, we strive to offer a product that will meet the expectations of our guests and provide them with a luxury experience. In my opinion, Izmir tourism is a very big market that is very suitable for growth, demand will increase gradually and products will diversify. After my experience in different parts of Turkey, I saw this in Izmir. We have very valuable hotels here. In this sense, we want to contribute to the growth and development of İzmir together with our other valuable stakeholders.” "IZMIR IS A VERY BEAUTIFUL PLACE AND DESERVES THIS SUCCESS" Orhan Belge, General Manager of Boyalık Beach Hotel, said, “Tourism is the generator of economies in countries. The potential of tourism, also called flueless industry, is increasing day by day both in our country and in the world. Although the season seems to be limited to summer in Çeşme, our hotel is a facility preferred by our guests for both thermal tourism and congress tourism in winter. Tourism is also my hotel, not your hotel. When we all succeed and we will all be well so that İzmir can develop. Because İzmir is a very beautiful place and it deserves this success.”

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