#Türkiye Tourism

TOURISMJOURNAL - Türkiye Tourism haberleri, son dakika gelişmeleri, detaylı bilgiler ve tüm gelişmeler, Türkiye Tourism haber sayfasında canlı gelişmelerle ulaşabilirsiniz.

Türkiye’s tourism income soars 53.4 pct to $46.3 bln in 2022 Haber

Türkiye’s tourism income soars 53.4 pct to $46.3 bln in 2022

The figure surged 53.4 percent from $30.2 billion in 2021, Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) said. While individual expenditures constituted $34.5 billion of the total tourism income, $11.8 billion of tourism income was obtained by package tour expenditures. Tourists visited Türkiye mostly for “travel, entertainment, sportive and cultural activities” in 2022, with 67.1 percent of the visitors coming for the purpose. Some 4.6 percent of the tourists traveled to the country for business. In 2022, number of Turkish citizens who visited abroad increased by 165.4 percent compared to previous year and reached to 7.3 million, with an average expenditure of $589 per capita. Their total expenditure increased by 130.9 percent compared to previous year and reached to $4.3 billion. While $3.78 billion of it was individual expenditures, $523 million was package tour expenditures. Seperately, Türkiye attracted some 44.6 million foreign tourists in 2022, a rise of 80.3 percent from a year earlier, according to official figures released yesterday by the Culture and Tourism Ministry. The figure nearly reached the pre-virus level of 45 million in 2019, the ministry data showed. Istanbul, Türkiye’s most famous city and its largest by population, was the top draw for foreign visitors, welcoming more than 16 million tourists. It was followed by the resort city of Antalya with 12.8 million visitors, while Edirne, a city in northwestern Türkiye bordering Bulgaria and Greece, welcomed 4.6 million tourists. At 5.7 million, Germans made up 12.7 percent of all visitors, followed by Russians at 5.2 million, Britons at 3.3 million, Bulgarians at 2.9 million, and Iranians at 2.3 million. If Turkish citizens living abroad are added to the count, then 2022 figure goes up to 51.4 million, slightly down from 51.9 million in 2019. In December alone, foreign arrivals in Türkiye were up 26.8 percent year-on-year to 2.4 million. Source: Hurriyet Daily News

UNESCO Candidate Nemrut Crater Lake Dazzles In Winter Haber

UNESCO Candidate Nemrut Crater Lake Dazzles In Winter

UNESCO candidate Nemrut Crater Lake, located in Türkiye Bitlis province, has turned into white after snowfall. The air temperature dropped to 8 degree Celsius below zero, and the snowy mountains and trees surrounding it presented a impressive scenery Lake Nemrut is the second largest crater lake in the world and the largest in Turkey, and is named after Nemrut, the Babylonian ruler who lived in 2100 BC. Lake Nemrut, the remains of Lake Van basin, is located between Tatvan, Ahlat and Güroymak districts of Bitlis province. Nemrut Crater Lake, which is the second in the world in terms of its size, covers one third of the entire crater with an area of ​​13 km². It is possible to do angling in the lake where carp live. Concerts, swimming races and sailing shows held on the lake in summer are other activities that might interest you. Among the five lakes in the crater, the second place in terms of size has a hot spring. Swimming in the hot water pools on its shores is among the activities that those who want to enjoy the spa enjoy the most. There are hot steam crevices, which are believed to be good for various diseases, about 150 meters east of the lake. Nature lovers and photography enthusiasts should definitely visit the lake, which offers magnificent views to its visitors. In order to get the most fascinating view, it is necessary to spend the night here and wait for the morning. From this 2,935-meter summit, you can witness one of the most beautiful views of the sunrise and the unique view of the lake and its surroundings with the fog clouds rising from the summit. On the southern slopes of Mount Nemrut, there is a ski center that is in high demand in winter seasons with its chair lifts and cable cars and accommodation facilities. Those who want to ski while watching the view of Lake Van should definitely experience this pleasure.

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