Ordu stepped into cruise tourism
Ordu had another one of the most important days in its history. Ünye Port, whose capacity has been increased with the efforts of Ordu Metropolitan Municipality and has reached national and international competence, has hosted a cruise ship for the first time by signing another first after the Ro-Ro voyages. The cruise ship, which came with hundreds of passengers, anchored in Ordu's Ünye Port.
Ordu, which has made a rapid progress in the last two years in order to become the most important trade and tourism center of the Black Sea, has raised the bar in sea tourism and transportation. Having stepped into international maritime transport with the start of Ro-Ro voyages with Russia through Ünye Port in September, Ordu now hosts cruise tourism, one of the most important areas of world marine tourism.
President Güler ensured that Ordu was added to the route
The cruise ship Astoria Grande, which starts from the Russian city of Sochi and travels on the route covering Trabzon, Amasra, and Istanbul, was visited by Ordu Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Dr. He added Ordu to his route with Mehmet Hilmi Güler's meetings. Continuing its cruise with hundreds of passengers, the ship reached Ünye in the early hours of the morning. A welcoming ceremony was held at ÜnyePort for this first moment. The ceremony was attended by Ordu Metropolitan Mayor Dr. Many protocol members, especially Mehmet Hilmi Güler, attended. Members of the press also showed great interest in the event, which is of great importance for Ordu.
The captain and crew of the ship were greeted with flowers by the President Güler and members of the protocol. President Güler and his entourage later toured the ship and conveyed their welcome wishes to foreign tourists visiting Ordu. During the ship visit, President Güler also chatted with the captain and ship operators for a while and presented them with gifts.
“We did the impossible”
Speaking at the welcoming ceremony held in ÜnyePort, President Güler said that Ordu is experiencing another of its historical days. Underlining that cruise tourism is a very important opportunity to introduce the beauties of Ordu to the world, President Güler said, “Today we are living one of our happiest days. We are hosting a cruise ship for the first time in our beautiful Ordu. We are very happy about that. The ship here is one of the few cruise ships in the world. We accomplished an impossible and made such an impossible possible. With the passenger terminal, our Ünye has achieved a very important work. Our Ünye Municipality has also contributed greatly to these efforts. One winter day in December, we started a very nice tourism in Ordu for the first time. From now on, we realize the beauty of the Black Sea with sea tourism and cruise tourism. This will be both a cultural movement, a tourism and a commercial movement, and also a good occasion to introduce all our beauties to the world.”
“Not 3 months, 12 months Ordu”
Expressing that ÜnyePort will grow more and more each passing day, President Güler said, “While our Ünye Port develops maritime trade with Ro-Ro works, it will also host container works that will start soon. In our next works, we have broken new ground with a brand new series of activities with the slogan 'Live Ordu for 12 months, not 3 months, experience Ordu for four seasons'. There is no limit to our happiness today. The whole world will see the beauties of our Ordu on this occasion. I would like to thank everyone who contributed,” he said.
Unye Mayor Tavlı: “Our President brings firsts to our Ordu”
Unye Mayor Hüseyin Tavlı, who spoke at the welcoming ceremony, said that Ordu Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Dr. He stated that Mehmet Hilmi Güler broke new ground for Ordu. Chairman Tavlı said, “Today, we are experiencing firsts in Ünye Port. I would like to thank the Mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality for making these firsts alive. We are honored to host the cruise ship and guests in our tourism city Ordu. We expressed our satisfaction with an enthusiastic welcome.”
Fatsa Mayor İbrahim Etem Kibar: “This visit is our biggest minister of labor”
Fatsa Mayor İbrahim Etem Kibar also said in his speech, “We are experiencing a first in our Ordu under the leadership of our Minister. Today, we welcomed the cruise ship, one of the most important lifebloods of tourism, in our Ordu. This is the first and hopefully more to come. The greatest effort in this visit was made by our Honorable Minister. I thank everyone very much.”