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EXPO 2028 will be held in Malatya, famous for its apricots

Malatya will be the host of the International Gardening Exhibition EXPO 2028.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 14.12.2022 11:29
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 14.12.2022 11:29
Kaynak: Haber Merkezi
EXPO 2028 will be held in Malatya, famous for its apricots

Malatya will be the host of the International Gardening Exhibition EXPO 2028.

After the decision of Malatya to host EXPO 2028 at the 74th EXPO General Assembly held in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, on September 27, the work in the city accelerated.

Speaking at the "EXPO 2028 Malatya Launch and Vision" program, Malatya Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Selahattin Gürkan said that they expect 2 million visitors to the event. Gürkan said, "Malatya is the place where civilization developed in history; it is the place where the first bureaucratic life, the first accounting and the first customs clearance procedures were carried out. In Amsterdam, the Netherlands, I said, 'I am obliged to serve there, you have to protect that city as a member of the world of humanity.' and Malatya EXPO 2028 were unanimously accepted. We expect visitors from about 50 countries."

Malatya, the place where the first state life and bureaucracy began

Explaining that Malatya is the epic city that made Anatolia the homeland, where human civilization began, Gürkan stated that Göbeklitepe was the zero point of history, but that Malatya was the place where the first state life and bureaucracy began in history and it opened a new era. After the decision of the International Gardening Exhibition EXPO 2028 to be held in Malatya at the general assembly in Amsterdam, the work in the city accelerated. Malatya Governor Hulusi Şahin said, "We see 2028 EXPO Malatya as an opportunity", while AIPH Secretary General Briercliffe said, "Malatya will become much more recognizable all over the world". The logo was introduced for the first time.

Governor Şahin: "Now we will use our water less and more in Malatya"

Malatya Governor Hulusi Şahin said that EXPO 2028 Malatya is a visionary project that befits the city's history and culture. Stating that they are faced with the problem of climate change, environment and carbon footprint, Şahin said, "The world is now introducing a new industry, a new agriculture, a new tourism, in fact a new 'cities' concept and walking towards here. There are 6 years until 2028, We plan to achieve a 'New city' concept in Malatya, which will set an example for Turkey and even the world in 6 years. "We will make irrigation very measured and calculated. We will make preparations for soilless agriculture. We will move to 'green factories' in Malatya industry," he said.

Wıll Be Known Around The World

Tim Briercliffe, Secretary General of AIPH, sent a video message to the meeting and said, "Hosting such an international EXPO will position your city as a global leader, while making Malatya even more recognized around the world." During the meeting, the logo of EXPO 2028 Malatya was displayed for the first time.

Source: Türkiye Gazetesi

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