
Hittite tablets are read by artificial intelligence method

With the project, which was implemented as a first in the world, 1,954 Hittite tablets are read using artificial intelligence.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 04.01.2023 14:13
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 04.01.2023 14:13
Kaynak: İHA
Hittite tablets are read by artificial intelligence method

With the project, which was implemented as a first in the world, 1,954 Hittite tablets are read using artificial intelligence. The data obtained from the nail tablets will be put into service with the Hitit Digital Library to be established.

The first phase of the project, which was initiated to read, scan and digitize the Hittite cuneiform tablets in the inventory of Ankara Anatolian Civilizations Museum, Istanbul Archeology Museums and Çorum Museum, has been completed. Within the framework of the project carried out in cooperation with Ankara University and the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, this exemplary project on Hittite tablets will facilitate the analysis of historical documents of thousands of years, and thus, tablet readings and publications will accelerate.

The process of reading 500 tablets with artificial intelligence has been completed
The first phase of the teaching process to artificial intelligence has ended by photographing it in high resolution and scanning it in 3D in Hattusa, the capital of the Hittites. While working on 1,954 cuneiform tablets with high-resolution photographs using artificial intelligence, the learning process of 500 Hittite tablets with cuneiform writing was completed in the first place. In the artificial intelligence study, 75.66 percent success was achieved. The data obtained from the readings will be shared with the scientific world by Hittitologists. In addition, when the artificial intelligence studies are completed, the information obtained from the tablets will be created and a digital library will be made available to Hititologists and history buffs.

“This project is a first in the world”
Ankara University Faculty Member Assoc. Dr. Emphasizing that the project is a first in the world, Özlem Sir Gavaz said, “The discovery of the Boğazkale tablets from Çorum has a great meaning. We started a project for the first time in the world to read Hittite tablets by artificial intelligence. Were there any examples? there was. There were examples of this in Chicago, Toronto, Tel Aviv University. Those directly related to artificial intelligence were on the Babylonian, Akkadian tablets. There was no project to digitize Hittite tablets directly like us and then integrate it with artificial intelligence. Therefore, we are very happy,” he said.
Assoc. Dr. Gavaz, Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Nadir Alpaslan for his support to the project, Ankara University Rector Prof. Dr. He thanked Necdet Ünüvar and General Manager of Cultural Heritage and Museums Gökhan Yazgı.

Kaynak: İHA

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