
Iranian tourists stimulate the economy

In Van, where the longest border line with the neighboring country is located, thousands of Iranians who want to spend their holidays in Van have recently increased economic activity in the city.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 11.06.2023 17:28
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 11.06.2023 17:28
Kaynak: Haber Merkezi
Iranian tourists stimulate the economy

The opening of the Kapıköy Border Gate, which is located in the Saray district of Van and connects Turkey to Iran, contributed to the revival of urban tourism.

Iranian tourists, who came to Van during the official holidays in their countries, preferred Van for their vacation in the summer period.

The occupancy of the hotels reached 100 percent, with the density of tourists coming in groups or with their own vehicles, and the activity in the bazaar increased.

"Van is a star for Iranians, we want to shine this star"

Emphasizing that the tourists coming from the neighboring country are of vital importance for the Van economy, Çeliktaş noted that they attach importance to welcoming the guests who want to spend their holidays in the city in the best possible way and to ensure that they return to their country happily.

Pointing out that the density has increased as the border gate provides services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Çeliktaş said:

"With the elimination of time problems, they flocked to our city. There was no room in the hotels. The people of Van hosted many tourists in their homes. This year, we hosted 137 thousand Iranian tourists in the first 5 months. Our goal is to host more than 1 million tourists. Accordingly, investments are made. New accommodation places are constantly opened in our city.
In this sense, we are hopeful. It is a very rich city in terms of tourism. We want to evaluate this. We are working towards this. Van is a star for Iranians, we want to shine this star."

Noting that the tourists contribute to many sectors such as accommodation, textile and food in the city, Çeliktaş stated that tourism income is widespread and its reflections are rapid.

"They bring vitality to every sector"

Stating that he has been working as a tradesman in the city for 8 years, Tradesman Yusuf Acar said, "Iranians contribute to the entire city of Van. They bring vitality to every sector, whether it is clothing, food and beverage industry. As tradesmen, we need to appreciate the Iranians. We need to welcome them here."

Stating that Iranian tourists increase the vitality of the city, tradesman Fikret Yonten said, "Iranians contribute to Van. The biggest hope of tradesmen is the arrival of Iranians. They touch all sectors. We must use this well."

Iranian Parisa Zarei said, "My friends and I come to Van all the time. We like Van very much. We have a good time here."

Expressing that she likes Van very much, Laya Şokri said, "People are very nice. We shop here. We visit places. It is a beautiful city. We love it."

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