Hava Durumu

Manisa, the new favorite of the Far East

Manisa, which is the last favorite of Catholic Christian tourists coming to the city from Far East countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia and South Korea

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 11.12.2022 14:49
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 11.12.2022 14:49
Kaynak: Haber Merkezi
Manisa, the new favorite of the Far East

Aegean Region is home to 7 churches known as the first churches of Christianity and mentioned in the Bible. Smyrna Church, Ephesus in Izmir, Bergama in Izmir, Laodicea in Denizli, Sardes in Manisa Salihli, St. Jean, Akhisar Thyateira Churches are known as the 7 churches to which revelation was sent.

Vahiy kitabında bahsedilen yedi kilise, Hristiyanlıkta simgesel bir öneme de sahip olmasıyla öne çıkıyor. İnanç turizmi açısından değerli olan bu alanlar, bulundukları bölgelerin turizmine de katkı sağlıyor. Özellikle 3 kilisenin Manisa'da olması inanç turizmi açısından kenti öne çıkarıyor.


From Faith Tour Stops
Those who want to visit the 3 churches in Manisa, which is an indispensable route for tourism companies that organize religious tours, start in Akhisar Thyateira Ancient City. The Roman-era columned street in the ancient city of Thyateira in the heart of Akhisar fascinates those who see it, intertwined with the modern city.

Tourists take lots of photos on tours with guides. Tourists, who also visit Akhisar City Museum, then proceed to Sardes Ancient City and Alaşehir. Sardis, known as the capital of the Lydian Kingdom and the place where the first gold coin was made, was also known as an important center for Christians in the past. Located in the ancient city of Sardes and BC. In addition to the Temple of Artemis, which is known to have been built in 546 BC, Sardes Church, one of the churches mentioned in the Bible, also attracts attention in faith tourism.

The only trace of the Christian past of the Ancient City of Philadelphia in Alaşehir stands out as the ruins of a Byzantine church. Visiting 7 churches, Christians say that they feel like they are living the Bible by visiting the places mentioned in their holy books while performing a kind of pilgrimage. Tourists from countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, the Philippines, and South Korea usually come to Manisa, which also stands out in religious tourism.


7 Has The Past To Visit The Church
Professional tourist guide Muhsin Kaya stated that in the past there was a large Christian population in the Aegean Region, "Catholic Christians believe that they became pilgrims by visiting 7 churches in the Aegean Region. Orthodox people believe that they became pilgrims by visiting 3 churches. In general, this is how many Catholics there are in the world. They don't have a chance to become a pilgrim without visiting 7 churches.There are a lot of people coming from Far East countries, mostly South Koreans.

Ama bunun yanında Çinliler, Malezyalılar, Endonezyalılar, Avrupalılar, Latin Amerikalılar bu turlara katılıyor. Ülkeler olarak değil de daha çok mezhepsel olarak düşünmek gerekiyor. Hristiyanlığı ilk kabul eden cemaatler olarak düşünmek gerekiyor. Dinleri açısından böyle bir önemi var" dedi. Turistlerin 7 kilisenin yanı sıra birçok alanı da ziyaret ettiğini kaydeden Muhsin Kaya, turizme ve ekonomiye olan katkısına dikkat çekti.

Source: Nermin Uçtu / Yeni Asır

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