Hava Durumu

Record in tourism revenues in the first 6 months

Minister of Culture and Tourism Mehmet Nuri Ersoy stated, "A record tourism revenue of 23.7 billion dollars was achieved in the first 6 months. These records will continue in the third and fourth quarters as well. Our year-end goal is to reach 60 billion dollars. Tourism revenues are progressing in line with our targets."

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 01.08.2024 13:28
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 01.08.2024 13:28
Kaynak: İHA
Record in tourism revenues in the first 6 months

Minister of Culture and Tourism Mehmet Nuri Ersoy announced the tourism data for the first 6 months of 2024 at a meeting held at the Atatürk Cultural Center. Minister Ersoy reported a record tourism revenue of 23.7 billion dollars in the first half of the year. Highlighting that the records in tourism revenues will continue in the subsequent quarters, Ersoy said, "We might exceed our year-end target of 60 billion dollars."

Minister Ersoy noted that the average spending per night per foreign visitor increased from 103 dollars in the first half of last year to 109 dollars this year. For all visitors, the average spending per night was 98 dollars in the first 6 months. Ersoy stated, “Considering our year-end target of 103 dollars for all visitors, we can say that we are progressing in line with our goal. The average length of stay in the first half of 2024 was 10.1 days. Our year-end target is 9.7 days. We foresee that we will likely exceed our target of 9.7 days average stay."

Providing information on visitor numbers, Minister Ersoy stated, "In the first quarter, the number of foreign visitors increased by 13.9% compared to the same period last year, reaching 26 million 137 thousand." He added that Russia ranked first with 2.7 million visitors, followed by Germany with 2.5 million visitors and the United Kingdom with 1.8 million visitors.

Minister Ersoy emphasized that visitor numbers have been rising month by month since the pandemic, saying, "When we look at visitor numbers on a monthly basis, we compare the years 2019, 2022, 2023, and 2024. The record number of 21 million 152 thousand during the pandemic had decreased, but it has risen again. This year, we reached a record level with 26 million 137 thousand visitors in the first 6 months. We continue to grow in line with our year-end targets."

"EURO 2024 and Olympic events impacted visitor numbers"

Minister Ersoy pointed out a slowdown in the growth rate of visitor numbers in June, indicating that this slowdown will continue in July and August. He cited the European Championship and the Paris Summer Olympics as reasons, stating, "Due to the impact of these tournaments, the slowdown in June will continue in July and August. We will see an increase in growth rates again starting from September. We might exceed our year-end target of 60 million visitors."

“Local administrations approached tourism projects politically in Çeşme and Bodrum” Minister Ersoy attributed the recent low occupancy rates in Bodrum and Çeşme primarily to the inability to extend the tourism season to 12 months and catering only to Turkish visitors.

Minister Ersoy said, “The fact that the Greek islands offer visas at the door might have had an effect. Turkish visitors may have stayed for shorter periods compared to last year. However, the core issue is that the Çeşme and Bodrum regions have not been able to extend the season to 12 months and have focused predominantly on a single market. A sector focused on the Turkish market has been created."

“Direct flights from İzmir and Bodrum to many destinations worldwide were planned”

Reminding that after taking office in 2018, they developed the Aegean Tourism Centers and Çeşme Project, along with Didim projects, to develop Aegean tourism centers and extend the season to 12 months, Ersoy said, "These projects were designed to extend the season to 12 months in the Aegean tourism regions. There would be accommodation options appealing to everyone with sports activities, cultural and art centers, and high-quality bed capacity. With this project, İzmir and Bodrum would be connected to many points worldwide, especially Europe, with direct flights. However, local administrations approached the project politically, and many legal processes were initiated. It is progressing slowly. If this process had not been blocked, the process we started in 2018 would have been implemented."

“Touristic visits to Kariye Mosque will cost 20 euros”

Minister Ersoy shared a new regulation regarding the Kariye Mosque, which was reopened for worship on May 6. He announced that Kariye Mosque will be managed with a visitor management plan in line with UNESCO rules. Ersoy said, “It will be open only for worship to local and foreign visitors on Fridays. On other days, it will be open for both visits and worship. As of August 19, touristic visits will cost 20 euros per person. All revenue will go to the General Directorate of Foundations.”

“Over 40,000 houses will serve tourism purposes”

Sharing results related to tourism housing, Ersoy stated, “So far, certificates have been issued for 32,904 houses. The procedures for 29,789 of them have been completed. Procedures for 2,364 facilities are ongoing. There are 8,476 facilities under review. If we can start working with document scans and on-site determinations, it appears that over 40,000 houses will be ready to serve tourism purposes.”

Kaynak: İHA

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