Hava Durumu

Our quality is far above Greece

TÜROB President Müberra Eresin, who stated that prices at accommodation facilities have not increased for a year, said, “Hotel and service quality in Turkey is at the highest level in the world. It should not be compared with Greece.”

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 05.08.2024 11:42
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 05.08.2024 11:42
Kaynak: İHA
Our quality is far above Greece

Prices at Accommodation Facilities Haven't Increased in a Year

Müberra Eresin, President of the Turkish Hoteliers Association (TÜROB), stated that prices at accommodation facilities in Turkey have not increased for a year. Regarding hotel accommodation prices, Eresin said, “The contracts we currently have with foreigners (prices) are the same as those we made last year. The tourism and accommodation sector in Turkey is operating at last year's prices.

However, as you know, there has been no increase in exchange rates. Therefore, this puts us in a bit of a tight spot. In an inflationary environment, it seems as if your earnings have remained the same. You cannot change the contract with foreigners. The current issue faced by hoteliers is that prices remain the same as last year.”

“Please go to the hotels and have a meal”

Eresin pointed out that the prices of tourism-certified facilities in Turkey are approved a year in advance and said, “Then you cannot increase that price.” She noted that the fact that hotel prices are at the same level as last year is evidenced by reports from international organizations. “It is evident there too. Our average room prices are the same in both foreign currency and TL. My advice is this: Please go to the hotels and have a meal. You will see the prices at the hotels,” she said.

Addressing the topic of some Turkish citizens going to Greece for vacations, Eresin stated that Turkey and Greece are not comparable countries and continued:

“The service you get in Greece, the hotel you stay in, people know what they will find when they go there, and they accept it and go. However, if you offered that service or had such hotels in Turkey, which you don’t, really… As Turkey, we rank high in the world in terms of hotel quality and service quality. When those guests come to Turkey, they would not accept the service they see there because their expectations are different. In Greece, food, drink, and sea standards are different, but in Turkey, you feel very good. You enter a different building. It's not like that in Greece.”

Tourism Sector Mid-Year Results

Evaluating the first half-year results in the tourism sector, Eresin said they expected higher figures but noted that despite all the global events, there was no decline in the number of arrivals to Turkey.

Increase Expected After the Tournament

Eresin pointed out that the period after the Olympics should not be considered the end of the season. She noted that September, October, and up to November 15 are the most important months of the year in terms of occupancy, with high-priced business during these months. “It has been sold in advance. Those guests are world travelers.

Tourists with higher income levels travel until mid-November. Therefore, an increase after the tournament is certain,” she said. Regarding the expected increase percentage, Eresin said, “We expect it to be above last year's levels. The figures show us that.”

Kaynak: İHA

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