Hava Durumu

10 thousand Iranian tourists spent the Ramadan Feast in Van

About 10 thousand Iranian tourists, who spent the 3-day Ramadan Feast in Van, put a smile on the face of tradesmen in all sectors from 7 to 70.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 28.04.2023 12:44
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 28.04.2023 12:44
Kaynak: Haber Merkezi
10 thousand Iranian tourists spent the Ramadan Feast in Van

Iranian tourists, who take advantage of every holiday opportunity, come to Van and make a serious contribution to Van's economy.

Iranian tourists who came to Van taking advantage of the three-day Ramadan Feast, shopped during the day and had fun at the entertainment centers in the evening. The shopkeepers of Van, who are smiling because of the visits of Iranian tourists, are doing all the necessary work to spread this to 12 months.

Emphasizing that the three-day Ramadan Feast is important for the shopkeepers of Van, Van Chambers of Artisans Union President Isa Berge said, “We can say that the Ramadan Feast was like a double holiday for Van. Especially our Iranian guests flocked to Van for three days. There was a circulation of about 10 thousand people in one day. Of course, the Kapıköy Border Gate's 24-hour service has added value to our country. Our accommodation facilities and service areas were more intense than we thought. Hopefully, the future processes will continue like this. Van is a city that has achieved its economic volume, offering added value to tourism. Especially when we look at the presence of domestic and foreign tourists, the Van Basin has created the style of the economy as a region. In this sense, we especially request from the local tradesmen, let's show our hospitality to the guests and pay attention to our price policy so that a sustainable economy will be formed from now on."

Oktay Aksoy, General Manager of Elite World Van Hotel, stated that the three-day holiday made a positive contribution to the economy of Van and said, “The three-day Ramadan Feast holiday has enabled both hotels and other tradesmen to make significant profits. After a low season, we achieved an economic gain with the three-day holiday and guests from Iran. When we look at the hotels, there was not a serious density in the last three months, but with the month of April and Ramadan Feast, an occupancy rate of 80-90 percent was achieved in all hotels. 

Emphasizing that their aim is to ensure that local and foreign tourists come to Van not only during certain periods of the year, but also for 12 months, Aksoy said, "As VANOTED, our aim is to provide good service to both our local and Iranian guests who come to our city and to contribute to Van's tourism in this regard. Our work will be in this direction."

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