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Antalya tourism is expected to break a new record in 2023

ATSO President Bahar: "We expect Antalya tourism to break a new record next year"

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 30.11.2022 09:26
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 10.12.2022 16:19
Kaynak: İHA
Antalya tourism is expected to break a new record in 2023

Antalya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ATSO) President Ali Bahar stated that tourism is approaching the 2019 level this year, and said, "This is an important success despite the disruption in Russian tourism. We expect Antalya tourism to break a new record next year."

Speaking at the ATSO Assembly, President Ali Bahar stated that they have left behind the process of approximately 1.5 months and that they have left behind the process of evaluating the work done or to be done in the room according to the situation. Noting that within the framework of 2023 budget preparation, both the work program and the budget will be determined next month, Bahar said, “I want every member of ATSO to share their thoughts and suggestions about Antalya and its sector. Each of our council members and committee members is important and valuable as the representative of their sector. Co-management means consultation with all ATSO members. ATSO is not an official institution like the tax office, but the common roof of the members, it should be seen as a city club. We want to move towards establishing a collective structure where each member will come and see what the chamber is doing and participate in training and project work.”
Bahar, who underlined that as a 140-year-old institution, they will advance by protecting the corporate principles and values ​​of ATSO, But you know that 90 percent of the data produced in the history of the world has been produced in the last two years. We live in an era of data and information explosion. The global economy, the global trading system is changing. In such a period, we will be in a constant state of renewal, continuous improvement and change. We can only achieve this by working together. I sincerely ask each of you to take responsibility.”


“We expect Antalya tourism to break a new record next year”
Pointing out that tourism is approaching the 2019 level this year, Bahar said, "Despite the disruption in tourism in Russia, this is an important success. We expect Antalya tourism to break a new record next year. We will also work to make tourism better and to get a higher share of our sectors from tourism."

“We want credit for production, export and investment”
Stating that there has been a good recovery thanks to the revival in tourism and the influx of foreigners to Antalya, Bahar continued his speech as follows:
“We receive complaints about loans from all sectors such as exporters, industrialists and vehicle rentals.
Average annual increase in producer costs is 157 percent, average annual increase in producer costs in agriculture is 138 percent. Despite these cost increases and inflation, the 9-month loan increase in Antalya is only 25 percent. In some sectors, the increase in credit is even lower than this. KGF is clearly visible. Although export credits are free, we have companies that cannot get credit because they are stuck in the legislation. Companies that export indirectly, that is, exporting goods registered for export, cannot get credit even though they fulfill the credit conditions. We want the Central Bank, the BRSA, the Ministry of Treasury and Finance and our banks to look into these issues in detail.”


“Our trucks have been in serious trouble at the Bulgarian gate for 2 weeks”
Bahar stated that they have handled the complaints that the trucks of the companies that export agriculture are kept at the Bulgarian gate, and said, "There has been a serious problem for two weeks since there is no alternative when the laboratory at the Bulgarian crossing is closed. Our Exporters' Associations and related institutions are interested in the issue. We are also trying to solve the problem. A permanent solution to this issue is to have our trucks inspected by EU authorities in Antalya and not to wait at the border gates. In addition, new routes should be created via Greece and Romania. We are following this issue,” he said.

“Annual increase in housing prices and rents is close to 250 percent”
Referring to the housing and rent increases in Antalya, Bahar said:
“Antalya is the first province in terms of housing price increase, rent increase and even sales increase. The annual increase in house prices and rents is close to 250 percent. On the one hand, we have members who have gained the vitality of foreign interest in Antalya, on the other hand, we are faced with the accommodation problem of the employees. While the annual housing need in our country is between 800 thousand and 1 million, the annual production is around 500 thousand on average in recent years. In order to overcome the housing deficit arising from this, more serious measures are needed, apart from lowering the loan interest rate. Environmentalist mass housing plans close to factories and hotels should be addressed quickly. We are ready to work with public institutions and municipalities on this issue.”

“Rent and child education support should be implemented quickly”
Reminding that the rate of increase in the minimum wage will be determined in December, Bahar said, “Unfortunately, high inflation is eroding both our capital and wages. Fear of wage increases is growing in sectors that cannot increase their prices due to the contraction in the market despite high costs. On the other hand, we also know that the living conditions of the workers are deteriorating. The solution to this problem is to reduce the tax burden on employees and to increase social assistance to the low-wage segment. In provinces such as Antalya where there are high rent increases, assistance such as rent and child education support should be implemented quickly. Now is the time to put such solutions into practice.”

Kaynak: İHA

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