
The health tourism sector has increased its target

Tevfik Yazan, President of the Turkish Federation of Health Tourism Associations (TURSAF), said that they expect an increase of 25-30 percent in the number of patients and income in health tourism in 2023.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 24.03.2023 12:51
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 24.03.2023 12:51
Kaynak: Haber Merkezi
The health tourism sector has increased its target

Tevfik Yazan, President of the Turkish Federation of Health Tourism Associations (TURSAF), told Anadolu Agency (AA) that health tourism is a very important alternative to extending the tourism of the country and the Mediterranean Region to 12 months, and that despite the adversities in the world, there has been an increase in the number of guests hosted for health purposes in Turkey.

Noting that the foreign exchange inflow from health tourism has also increased in recent years, Yazan said that while 1.7 billion dollars of foreign currency inflow was provided with 670 thousand tourists in 2021, this increased to 1 million 280 thousand tourists and 2 billion dollars in 2022.

Expressing that Turkey deserves more, Yazan noted that they have increased their targets and that they can get more shares from health tourism through branding.

Yazan emphasized that Turkey is on a stable path in health tourism despite adversities such as economic turmoil and natural disasters, and stated that this is due to the fact that those seeking treatment in Turkey want reliability as well as being economical.

Yazan stated that Turkey has become one of the top 3-4 countries in the world in surgical branches, infertility, IVF treatments, oncological treatments, cosmetic operations, eye and dental treatment and hair transplantation. Yazan said, "The reliability and more economical health service provided at high standards has brought this success. Our country carries with it positive advantages in health care. For example, people and their relatives engage in additional tourism activities during the treatment process. Sea, sun, history, cultural structure and culinary richness are just a few of these additional advantages of our country." 

Pointing out that they are in demand from European countries, especially Germany, England, the Netherlands, and the Middle East in health tourism, Yazan said, "These are mostly coming for hair transplantation, dental and eye treatment and cosmetic surgeries. When we take into account our advantages regarding the sub-branches of tourism, we expect an increase of at least 25-30% in 2023 compared to the previous year in terms of the number of patients and income.”

"We're good at this, and we show that we are"

Turkish Hoteliers Federation (TÜROFED) Board Member and Alanya Touristic Operators Association (ALTID) President Burhan Sili said that they made a promotion about health at the ITB Berlin International Tourism Fair this year as part of their efforts to diversify products in tourism.

Stating that Turkey receives serious demand from countries close to its flight distance in terms of health tourism, Sili said, "England, Russia and the Middle East are some of these markets. It is in question to get tourists with high added value and to diversify our product, as well as to extend the season. Because tourists who come to this area do not need to come in the summer period."

Stating that Istanbul and Antalya are among the cities in demand in the field of health, Sili emphasized that hospitals and clinics in Antalya and Alanya are in a serious structuring.

Noting that people who come here, can meet their health-related and cosmetic demands, dental and hair transplantation, and also have a vacation. Sili said:

"Our country will continue the process by developing in health tourism. There is a difference of 1 to 20 in terms of added value between those who come for sea, sand and sun and those who come for health tourism. This is important for the country's economy and for us. Both medical professionals, entrepreneurs and tourism professionals are good at this, and we show that we are good."

Sili stated that tourism, which is stuck in 5-6 months with the introduction of culture, sports and other products, will spread to 8-9 months, adding that this will positively affect other dynamics in the city.

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