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Social media ads increased the business of Adana kebab shops

With the use of the internet and social media, demand increased in Adana thanks to the operators who advertised well.

Haber Giriş Tarihi: 26.12.2022 12:35
Haber Güncellenme Tarihi: 26.12.2022 12:35
Kaynak: İHA
Social media ads increased the business of Adana kebab shops

With the development of technology, the use of the internet and social media, this number increased to 850 in the city, where 550 sheep and goats were slaughtered daily when the demand increased thanks to the operators who explained themselves well in Adana, the capital of kebab. It has been stated that the door to kebab tourism has been opened in the city, where people from all over Turkey and even from abroad come to eat kebab.

With the development of technology, the increase in the use of the internet and the spread of social media, the meat sector has been positively affected as in all sectors. While this process accelerated with the pandemic, it went to another dimension after the pandemic and when businesses became able to advertise themselves thanks to social media, people started to come to Adana, the capital of kebab, from outside the province and even from abroad.

Saruhan Yağmur, Deputy Chairman of Turkey Butchers, Livestock, Meat and Meat Products, Tradesmen and Craftsmen Federation, stated that meat consumption increased by around 35 percent and said, “While 500-550 sheep were slaughtered before the pandemic, 800-850 sheep are slaughtered now. In cattle, 150 cattle were slaughtered before the pandemic, but now 250 cattle are slaughtered. This was due to the development of technology and the increase in the use of the internet, and people's access to meat more quickly.

"There was a 40 percent increase in kebab sales"
Reminding that everyone is closed to their homes with the pandemic and kebab makers have started to provide take-out services to their homes, kebab master İsmail Çalıkran said, “With this process, citizens started to use technology, internet and social media more. This has increased the use of internet and social media in restaurants. In this way, we ensured that the citizens first appealed to their eyes and then tasted them. Thus, while reaching more people, we also helped those people turn to kebab. In this way, there has been an increase in kebab sales by 40 percent compared to previous years.”
Kebab master Metin Dura, on the other hand, stated that kebab tourism started in Adana with the development of technology and the increase in the use of internet and social media. For this reason, there are people who come to eat kebab not only from Adana but also from other provinces and even abroad. Tours are organized from provinces to Adana. This has increased our business," he said.
Dura also mentioned that they make people want their lives by making a good visual of the kebab on social media.

Kaynak: İHA

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